Undergraduate Program Index

The undergraduate Colleges and Schools offer over 150 programs of study leading to baccalaureate degrees. Undeclared students begin their college career in the Division of General Studies before transferring to a degree program.

Degree Programs (emphasis) School/College Undergraduate
Accountancy BUS BS
Accountancy + Data Science BUS BS
Actuarial Science LAS BSLAS
Adult Development ACES Minor
Advertising MDIA BS, Minor
Aerospace Engineering ENGR BS, BS-MS,
African American Studies LAS BALAS, Minor
African Studies LAS Minor
Aging AHS Minor
Agri-Accounting ACES CONC
Agribusiness Markets & Management ACES CONC
Agricultural & Biological Engineering ENGR BS
Agricultural & Biological Engineering Sciences ACES BS
Agricultural & Consumer Economics ACES BS
Agricultural Communications ACES CONC
Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications ACES BS
Agricultural Production & Processing ACES CONC
Agroecology ACES CONC
Agronomy ACES BS
American Indian Studies LAS Minor
Animal Sciences ACES BS, Minor
Anthropology LAS BALAS, Minor
Applied Mathematics LAS CONC
Arabic Studies LAS Minor
Archaeology LAS CONC
Architectural Studies FAA BS, Minor
Art & Design FAA BFA, Minor
Art Education FAA BFA, Minor
Art History LAS FAA BALAS, BFA, Minor
Art Undeclared FAA NONE
Arts & Entertainment Technology FAA CONC
Asian American Studies LAS BALAS, Minor
Astronomy LAS BSLAS, Minor
Astronomy + Data Science LAS BSLAS
Astrophysics LAS BSLAS
Atmospheric Sciences LAS BSLAS, Minor
Audiology AHS CONC
Biochemistry LAS BS
Bioengineering ENGR BS, Minor
Biomolecular Engineering LAS CONC, Minor
Business BUS Minor
Business + Data Science BUS BS
Business Undeclared BUS NONE
Chemical Engineering ENGR, LAS BS, CONC
Chemical Engineering + Data Science LAS BS
Chemistry LAS BSLAS, BS, Minor
Child Health & Well-being ACES Minor
Choral Music FAA CONC
Cinema Studies MDIA Minor
Civic Leadership LAS Minor
Civil Engineering ENGR BS
Classical Civilizations LAS CONC, Minor
Classical Languages LAS CONC, Minor
Classics LAS BALAS
Communication LAS BALAS, Minor
Community Based Art Education FAA Minor
Community Health AHS BS
Companion Animal & Equine Science ACES CONC
Comparative & World Literature LAS CONC
Comparative Literature LAS BALAS
Computational Science & Engineering ENGR Minor
Computer Engineering ENGR BS, BS-MENG
Computer Science ENGR BS, Minor, BS-MS, BS-MCS
Computer Science + Advertising MDIA BS
Computer Science + Animal Science ACES BS, BS-MANSC
Computer Science + Anthropology LAS BSLAS
Computer Science + Astronomy LAS BSLAS
Computer Science + Bioengineering ENGR BS
Computer Science + Chemistry LAS BSLAS
Computer Science + Crop Sciences ACES BS, BS-MS
Computer Science + Economics LAS BSLAS
Computer Science + Education EDUC BS
Computer Science + Geography & Geographic Information Science LAS BSLAS
Computer Science + Linguistics LAS BSLAS
Computer Science + Music FAA BS
Computer Science + Philosophy LAS BSLAS
Computer Science + Physics ENGR BS
Construction Management CONC
Consumer Economics & Finance ACES CONC
Costume Design & Technology FAA CONC
Creative Lyric Theatre FAA CONC
Creative Writing LAS BALAS, Minor
Criminology, Law, & Society LAS Minor
Critical Film Production MDIA Minor
Crop & Soil Management ACES Minor
Crop Agribusiness ACES CONC
Crop Sciences ACES BS
Cultural-Linguistic Diversity AHS CONC
Czech Studies LAS CONC
Dance FAA BFA, BA, BA/BS, Minor
Data Optimization LAS CONC
Data Science LAS Minor
Dietetics ACES BS
Digital & Precision Agriculture ACES CONC
Disability Studies AHS Minor
Early Childhood Education EDUC BS, CONC, CONC
Earth & Environmental Science LAS CONC
Earth Science Teaching LAS CONC
Earth, Society, & Environmental Sustainability LAS BSLAS
East Asian Languages & Cultures LAS BALAS, Minor
East Asian Languages Teaching LAS CONC
Ecology & Conservation Biology LAS Minor
Econometrics & Quantitative Economics LAS BSLAS
Economics LAS BALAS, Minor
Ecosystem Stewardship & Restoration Ecology ACES CONC
Educational Equality & Cultural Understanding EDUC CONC
Educational Technology EDUC CONC
Electrical & Computer Engineering ENGR Minor
Electrical Engineering ENGR BS, BS-MENG
Electronic Materials ENGR CONC
Elementary Education EDUC BS
Energy & the Environment ACES CONC
Engineering Mechanics ENGR BS
Engineering Physics ENGR BS
Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems ACES BS, Minor
English LAS BALAS, Minor
English Teaching LAS EDUC CONC
English as a Second Language LAS Minor, Minor
Environmental Chemistry LAS CONC
Environmental Economics & Law ACES Minor
Environmental Economics & Policy ACES CONC
Environmental Engineering ENGR BS
Environmental Geology LAS CONC
Environmental Social Sciences ACES CONC
Environmental Stewardship & Management ACES CONC
Farm Management ACES CONC
Fashion FAA CONC
Finance BUS BS
Finance + Data Science BUS BS
Finance in Agribusiness ACES CONC
Financial Planning ACES CONC
Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology ACES CONC
Food & Agribusiness Management ACES Minor
Food & Environmental Systems ACES Minor
Food Animal Production & Management CONC
Food Science ACES BS, Minor
French LAS BALAS, Minor
French Studies LAS CONC
French Teaching LAS BA
Game Studies & Design IS Minor
Gender & Women's Studies LAS BALAS, Minor
General Geography LAS CONC
Geographic Information Science LAS CONC
Geography & Geographic Information Science LAS BALAS, BSLAS, CONC, CONC, Minor
Geology LAS BSLAS, BS, Minor
Geology & Geophysics LAS CONC
Geophysics LAS CONC
German LAS Minor
German Business & Commercial Studies LAS CONC, Minor
German Teaching LAS BA
Germanic Studies LAS BALAS, CONC
Global Labor Studies LER Minor
Global Markets & Society LAS Minor
Global Studies LAS BALAS, Minor
Graduate Preparatory (Math) LAS CONC
Graphic Design FAA BFA
Health & Aging AHS CONC
Health Administration AHS Minor
Health Behavior Change AHS CONC
Health Diversity AHS CONC
Health Education AHS CONC
Health Planning & Administration AHS CONC
Health Technology AHS CONC, Minor
Hindi Studies LAS Minor
History LAS BALAS, Minor
Horticultural Food Systems ACES CONC
Horticulture ACES Minor
Hospitality Management ACES BS, MINOR
Human Development & Family Studies ACES BS
Human Geography Concentration LAS CONC
Illustration FAA CONC
Individual Plans of Study LAS BALAS, BSLAS
Industrial Design FAA BFA
Industrial Engineering ENGR BS,
Industrial and Agricultural Safety & Health ACES Minor
Informatics Info Minor
Information Sciences IS BS
Information Sciences + Data Science IS BS
Information Systems BUS BS
Innovation, Leadership, & Engineering Entrepreneurship ENGR BS
Instrumental Music FAA CONC
Integrative Biology LAS BSLAS, Minor
Integrative Biology Honors LAS BSLAS
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences AHS BS
Interdisciplinary Practice FAA CONC
Interdisciplinary Studies LAS BALAS
International Business BUS Minor
International Development Economics ACES Minor
International Minor in ACES ACES Minor
International Minor in Engineering ENGR Minor
Islamic World, Study of the LAS Minor
Italian LAS BALAS, Minor
Japanese Arts and Aesthetics FAA Minor
Jazz Performance FAA BM
Jewish Studies LAS CONC, Minor
Journalism MDIA BS, Minor
Kinesiology AHS BS
LGBT/Queer Studies LAS Minor
Landscape Architecture FAA BLA, BS-MS
Landscape Studies FAA Minor
Language Studies (German) LAS CONC
Latin American Studies LAS BALAS, Minor
Latina/Latino Studies LAS BALAS, Minor
Leadership Studies ACES Minor
Learning & Education Studies EDUC BS
Learning Sciences EDUC CONC
Legal Studies LAW minor
Lighting Design FAA CONC
Linguistics LAS BALAS, Minor
Linguistics and Teaching English as a Second Language, BALAS (TESL) LAS BALAS
Literacy EDUC CONC
Lyric Theatre FAA BMA
Management BUS BS
Marketing BUS BS
Materials Science & Engineering ENGR BS, Minor, BS-MS, BS-MENG
Math Doctoral Preparation LAS CONC
Mathematics LAS BSLAS, Minor
Mathematics & Computer Science LAS BSLAS
Mathematics Teaching EDUC CONC
Mathematics Teaching LAS CONC
Mechanical Engineering ENGR BS
Media & Cinema Studies MDIA BS, Minor
Medieval Studies LAS CONC
Middle Grades Education EDUC BS
Minoritarian Aesthetics FAA Minor
Molecular & Cellular Biology LAS BSLAS, Minor
Molecular & Cellular Biology Honors LAS CONC
Music FAA BA, Minor, CONC
Music Composition FAA BMUS
Music Education FAA BME
Music Education: Technology FAA CONC
Musical Theatre FAA Minor
Musicology FAA BMUS
Natural Resource Conservation ACES Minor
Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences ACES BS
Neural Engineering ENGR BS
Neuroscience LAS BSLAS
Neuroscience of Communication AHS CONC
New Media FAA CONC
Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering ENGR BS
Nutrition ACES BS, Minor
Open Studies FAA BMUS
Operations Management BUS BS
Organizational & Community Leadership ACES CONC
Painting FAA CONC
Performance Concentration FAA CONC
Philosophy LAS BALAS, Minor
Photography FAA CONC
Physical Geography LAS CONC
Physics ENGR BS, BS-MENG, Minor
Plant Biotechnology ACES BS
Policy, International Trade & Development ACES CONC
Polish Studies Concentration LAS CONC
Political Science LAS BALAS, Minor
Portuguese LAS BALAS, Minor
Printmaking FAA CONC
Psychology LAS BSLAS, Minor
Public Health AHS Minor
Public Policy & Law ACES CONC
Public Relations Media Minor
Recreation Management AHS CONC
Recreation, Sport & Tourism AHS BS, Minor
Rehabilitation Studies AHS CONC
Religion LAS BALAS, Minor
Russian & East European Studies LAS BALAS, Minor
Russian Language & Literature LAS CONC, Minor
Scandinavian Studies LAS CONC, Minor
Scenic Design FAA CONC
Scenic Technology FAA CONC
Science of the Earth System LAS CONC
Science, Pre-Veterinary and Medical ACES CONC
Sculpture FAA CONC
Secondary Education EDUC BS, CONC
Secondary School Teaching EDUC Minor
Semiconductor Engineering ENGR Minor
Slavic Language, Literature & Culture LAS Minor
Slavic Studies LAS BALAS
Social Science EDUC CONC
Social Science: History Teaching LAS CONC
Social Work SOCW BSW, Minor
Society & the Environment LAS CONC
Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology LAS CONC
Sociology LAS BALAS, Minor
Sound Design & Technology FAA CONC
South Asian Studies LAS Minor
South Slavic Studies LAS CONC
Spanish LAS BALAS, Minor
Spanish Teaching LAS BA
Spatial & Quantitative Methods in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences ACES Minor
Special Education EDUC BS
Speech & Hearing Science AHS BS, Minor
Speech-Language Pathology AHS CONC
Sport Management AHS CONC
Stage Management FAA CONC
Statistics LAS BSLAS, Minor
Statistics & Computer Science LAS BSLAS
Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship BS
Sub-Saharan African Languages LAS Minor
Supply Chain Management BUS BS
Sustainability in Food & Environmental Systems ACES BS
Sustainability, Energy, and Environment PROVOST Minor
Sustainable Design FAA BS, BS+MFA, BS+MUP
Systems Engineering & Design ENGR BS
Technology & Management BUS ENGR Minor
Theatre FAA BFA, Minor
Tourism Management AHS CONC
Ukrainian Studies LAS CONC
Urban Planning FAA BA, BA+MUP, BS + MFA, BS+MUP
Urban Studies Planning FAA BA, BA+MUP
Voice Performance FAA CONC
Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation ACES Minor
Workplace Training & Development EDUC CONC
World Literatures LAS CONC



ACES College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
AHS College of Applied Health Sciences
BUS College of Business
EDUC College of Education
ENGR College of Engineering
FAA College of Fine and Applied Arts
IS School of Information Science
LAS College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
LAW College of Law
LER School of Labor and Employment Relations
MDIA College of Media
SOCW School of Social Work


BA Bachelor of Arts
BALAS Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
BFASA Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art
BLA Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
BMUS Bachelor of Music
BME Bachelor of Music Education
BS Bachelor of Science
BSLAS Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences
BSW Bachelor of Social Work
CONC Undergraduate Concentration
Minor Undergraduate Minor