Courses of Instruction
- AAS - Asian American Studies
- ABE - Agricultural and Biological Eng
- ACCY - Accountancy
- ACE - Agr & Consumer Economics
- ACES - Agr, Consumer, & Env Sciences
- ADV - Advertising
- AE - Aerospace Engineering
- AFAS - Air Force Aerospace Studies
- AFRO - African American Studies
- AFST - African Studies
- AGCM - Agricultural Communications
- AGED - Agricultural Education
- AHS - Applied Health Sci Courses
- AIS - American Indian Studies
- ALEC - Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications Program
- ANSC - Animal Sciences
- ANTH - Anthropology
- ARAB - Arabic
- ARCH - Architecture
- ART - Art
- ARTD - Art--Design
- ARTE - Art--Education
- ARTF - Art--Foundation
- ARTH - Art--History
- ARTJ - Japanese Arts and Aesthetics
- ARTS - Art--Studio
- ASRM - Actuarial Science & Risk Management
- ASST - Asian Studies
- ASTR - Astronomy
- ATMS - Atmospheric Sciences
- BADM - Business Administration
- BASQ - Basque
- BCOG - Brain and Cognitive Science
- BCS - Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian
- BDI - Business Data & Innovation
- BIOC - Biochemistry
- BIOE - Bioengineering
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOP - Biophysics
- BSE - Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
- BTW - Business and Technical Writing
- BULG - Bulgarian
- BUS - Business
- CAS - Center for Advanced Study
- CATL - Catalan
- CB - Comparative Biosciences
- CDB - Cell and Developmental Biology
- CEE - Civil and Environ Engineering
- CHBE - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CHIN - Chinese
- CHLH - Community Health
- CHP - Campus Honors Program
- CIC - Committee on Inst Cooperation
- CI - Curriculum and Instruction
- CLCV - Classical Civilization
- CLE - Clinical Sciences and Engineering
- CMN - Communication
- CPSC - Crop Sciences
- CS - Computer Science
- CSE - Computational Science and Engineering
- CW - Creative Writing
- CWL - Comparative & World Literature
- CZCH - Czech
- EALC - East Asian Languages & Cultures
- ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECON - Economics
- EDPR - Educational Practice
- EDUC - Education
- EEB - Evolution, Ecology, & Behavior
- EIL - English as an Intl Language
- ENG - Engineering
- ENGL - English
- ENSU - Environmental Sustainability
- ENT - Entomology
- ENVS - Environmental Studies
- EOL - Educ Organization & Leadership
- EPOL - Ed Policy, Org & Ldership
- EPS - Educational Policy Studies
- EPSY - Educational Psychology
- ERAM - Education Research and Methods
- ESE - Earth, Society, & Environment
- ESL - English as a Second Language
- ETMA- Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems
- EURO - European Union Studies
- FAA - Fine and Applied Arts
- FIN - Finance
- FLTE - Foreign Language Teacher Education
- FR - French
- FSHN - Food Science & Human Nutrition
- GC - Graduate College
- GEOL - Geology
- GER - German
- GGIS - Geography & Geographic Information Science
- GLBL - Global Studies
- GMC - Germanic
- GRK - Greek
- GRKM - Modern Greek
- GSD - Game Studies and Design
- GS - General Studies
- GWS - Gender and Women's Studies
- HDFS - Human Dev and Family Studies
- HEBR - Hebrew, Modern and Classical
- HIST - History
- HK - Health and Kinesiology
- HNDI - Hindi
- HORT - Horticulture
- HRD - Human Resource Development
- HT - Health Technology
- HUM - Humanities Courses
- IB - Integrative Biology
- IE - Industrial Engineering
- IHLT - I-Health
- INFO - Informatics
- IS - Information Sciences
- ITAL - Italian
- LA - Landscape Architecture
- LAS - Liberal Arts and Sciences
- LAST - Latin American & Caribbean St
- LAT - Latin
- LAW - Law
- LCTL - Less Commonly Taught Languages
- LEAD - Organizational & Community Leadership
- LER - Labor and Employment Relations
- LGLA - Lingala
- LING - Linguistics
- LLS - Latina/Latino Studies
- MACS - Media and Cinema Studies
- MATH - Mathematics
- MBA - MBA Program
- MCB - Molecular and Cell Biology
- MDIA - Media
- MDVL - Medieval Studies
- ME - Mechanical Engineering
- MICR - Microbiology
- MILS - Military Science
- MIP - Moleculr & Integrative Physiology
- MSE - Materials Science & Engineering
- MUSC - Music Lessons and Ensembles
- MUSE - Museum Studies
- MUS - Music
- NE - Neural Engineering
- NEUR - Neuroscience
- NPRE - Nuclear, Plasma, Radiological Engineering
- NRES - Natural Resources & Environ Sc
- NS - Naval Science
- NUTR - Nutritional Sciences
- PATH - Pathobiology
- PBIO - Plant Biology
- PERS - Persian
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHYS - Physics
- PLPA - Plant Pathology
- POL - Polish
- PORT - Portuguese
- PSM - Professional Science Master
- PS - Political Science
- PSYC - Psychology
- REES - Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
- REHB - Rehabilitation Counseling
- REL - Religion
- RHET - Rhetoric and Composition
- RMLG - Romance Linguistics
- RST - Recreation, Sport, and Tourism
- RUSS - Russian
- SAME - South Asian & Middle Eastern
- SBC - Strategic Brand Communication
- SCAN - Scandinavian
- SE - Systems Engineering and Design
- SHS - Speech and Hearing Science
- SLAV - Slavic
- SLCL - Literatures Cultures Linguistics
- SNSK - Sanskrit
- SOC - Sociology
- SOCW - Social Work
- SPAN - Spanish
- SPED - Special Education
- STAT - Statistics
- SWAH - Swahili
- TAM - Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- TE - Technology Entrepreneurship
- THEA - Theatre
- TMGT - Technology and Management
- TRST - Translation Studies
- TURK - Turkish