BUS - Business

BUS Class Schedule


BUS 101   Professional Responsibility and Business   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces business students to professional responsibility. Develops the concept of professional responsibility within a personal and interpersonal context. Continues by expanding the concept to encompass the firm and explore the global corporate context. Introduces business majors and career paths and provides an understanding of ethical decision-making. Encourages the development of a professional identity and skills, preparing students to represent the College and the University with integrity and confidence in their careers. Prerequisite: First Semester Freshman, Intercollegiate and Off-Campus Transfer Students.

BUS 115   First-Year Gies Honors Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Introduction to business and an overview of the role of the Gies College of Business and the University of Illinois in providing opportunities for undergraduates to prepare to become business leaders. Introduction to the Gies Honors Program, a leadership program for incoming first-year students in Gies Honors in Gies College of Business. Students will begin to work as a team to use leadership in service to all undergraduates in Gies College of Business. Prerequisite: First-year student in the Gies Honors Program.

BUS 116   Intercultural Learning in Business   credit: 2 Hours.

Introduction to global learning in business to prepare undergraduate Gies Scholar students to become global business leaders. Restricted to first-year students in the Gies Scholars Program, a leadership program for selected students in the Gies College of Business. Students will work with teams from global universities to solve business problems and when possible, will participate in a short-term study abroad immersion trip. Prerequisite: Restricted to first-year students in the Gies Scholars Program.

BUS 199   Undergraduate Open Seminar   credit: 0 to 5 Hours.

Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

BUS 201   Business Dynamics   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces College of Business sophomores to the primary functional areas of business and how each functional area relates to comprise a business system. Students will engage in a dynamic simulation to develop an understanding of the interdependencies between the functional areas. The course will also highlight and continue to develop the teamwork and leadership skills required of successful managers. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing; BUS 101.

BUS 215   Sophomore Gies Scholar Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Required for all Gies Scholar sophomores. The course structure is divided into four focused learning modules: Negotiations, Intercultural Communications, Disruption, and Project Management. Prerequisite: Second-year student in the Gies Scholar Program.

BUS 299   BUS Internship   credit: 0 Hours.

Accommodates students who must be registered for a course at the University while completing an internship, either because the internship is unpaid and the company requires registration, or because of visa requirements. Only internships in the College of Business will be considered. Approved for S/U grading only.

BUS 301   Business in Action   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces students to the complexities of business by working on a real organizational problem with an actual client. Students will work with a client to identify, analyze, and present recommendations to solve an organizational problem. Requires students to apply problem-solving skills to uncertain situations as well as build and manage a professional team. Prerequisite: BUS 201-Business Dynamics.

BUS 302   Principles of Professional Responsibility   credit: 1 Hour.

Examines in depth a number of the multi-dimensional attributes required to advance understanding of professional responsibility in the context of an ever-changing business environment, focusing on principles for addressing dilemmas that regularly arise in professional life in the work of business. Explores connections between academic integrity while in school and professional responsibility in later work life. Builds on BUS 101 and provides a breadth and depth of that body of knowledge that will enable highly successful students in BUS 302 to be considered for the role of section leaders in BUS 101. Aspiring section leaders in BUS 101 must have excelled in BUS to be considered for the position. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours if there are significant curriculum changes to BUS 101. Prerequisite: BUS 101; by application and interview. Restricted to section leaders of BUS 101.

BUS 315   Junior Gies Scholar Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Focuses on expanding students' knowledge about higher education and the academy through the depth and breadth of University of Illinois faculty expertise. Each week, an invited faculty member will give a brief presentation on their research or area of expertise and lead an interactive discussion session with the students. Prerequisite: Third-year student in the Gies Scholar Program.

BUS 399   Business Study Abroad   credit: 0 to 18 Hours.

Upon prior written approval of the College of Business' Office of Undergraduate Affairs, a student may earn up to 18 credit hours per term undertaking a study and/or research project in international business at accredited foreign institutions or approved overseas programs. Final determination of appropriate credit will be made upon completion of the work done abroad. While absent from the Urbana-Champaign campus, the student must continue to pay all fees required by the University of Illinois to retain continuity of enrollment and to allow the time spent away from this campus to count toward residency. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 hours per term and 36 hours total. Prerequisite: One academic year, or one semester in the case of transfer students, in residence at UIUC, good academic standing, completion of at least thirty semester hours toward the bachelor's degree, and prior approval of course work by the College of Business' Office of Undergraduate Affairs. Some programs have additional requirements.

BUS 401   Crafting Your Purpose in Business   credit: 3 Hours.

This culminating Gies Business course enables seniors to develop the mindset and skills to lead purpose-centered lives. Students articulate their purpose, assess their skills for enacting it, and carry out self-directed projects related to skills-development and service. Supporting these activities are interactive lectures, speakers, and engagement with their peers. Through these collective experiences, students build practices and relationships that they can leverage for ongoing success as purpose-driven Gies alumni. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: BUS 301.

BUS 402   Project Management in Action   credit: 3 Hours.

Complementary course to the Gies core course BUS 301. In this course, students learn principles of leadership, mentorship and project management and put them in practice in real-time as they oversee multiple student teams each working on client-based projects in BUS 301. Students lead and mentor the team leaders for each of their teams and guide the teams through project scoping, client management, research & analysis and final recommendation formation. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated up to 6 undergraduate hours. Prerequisite: BUS 301 or experience with IBC or similar project focused organizations.

BUS 415   Senior Gies Scholar Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

A capstone leadership course for the Senior Gies Scholar class. It is meant to provide tangible leadership lessons through a variety of medium, including: (1) speeches and discussions by successful professionals in the business world and academia; (2) review and discussion amongst the class members on specifically-identified leadership topics; and (3) self-reflection on these topics and an assessment of how the student will plan to incorporate the learnings into their own leadership style. 1 undergraduate hour. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Fourth-year student in the Gies Scholar Program.