ARTE - Art--Education
ARTE 101 Art, Design, and Society credit: 2 Hours.
This course provides an introductory forum for beginning artists, designers, art historians, and art educators to think through the motivation(s) behind their/our creative work(s), research, and practices. Through topical examinations of contemporary art, craft, design, art history scholarship, art education scholarship, and interdisciplinary projects, developing artists will sift through pertinent issues around sustainability, ethics, ecologies, pedagogies, and civic engagement in order to inform our own burgeoning motivations and creative practices. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: For Art+Design majors only.
ARTE 201 Foundations of Art Education credit: 3 Hours.
Provides students with philosophical foundations for teaching art including in public schools. The primary emphasis will be on understanding recent and contemporary orientations through readings and practical activities. Particular emphasis will be placed on emerging trends in Art Education, especially the use of technology and the value of visual culture in student lives. It is envisaged that this course will provide the primary theoretical foundation for further practical and pre-service teaching courses in Art Education. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule.
ARTE 202 Facilitating the Art Experience credit: 3 Hours.
Students will learn how individuals can facilitate the art experience for others. Through mutual exploration, research, and invention, students in this course will develop personal methods for teaching art and guiding others through experiences with art. There is a strong emphasis made in this course on how teaching practice(s) are related to art making practice(s) and therefore how teaching is a means through which meaning is made for the self and the public. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: Completion of the First-Year Curriculum in Art & Design.
ARTE 260 Museums in Action credit: 3 Hours.
Considers how scholarly discourse in museum interpretation and educational program development are translated into practices that engage culturally diverse audiences. Readings, research, and professional activities provide students with opportunities for examination of museum interpretive practices, programming decisions, and public engagement activities, along with analysis of Krannert Art Museum's presence on the university campus, in the larger community, and on the World Wide Web. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule.
ARTE 299 Spec Topics in Art Education credit: 3 Hours.
Topics and subject matter to be published in course listings. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 12 hours but no more than 6 hours in any one term. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing in Art and Design.
ARTE 301 Curriculum, Assessment, and Art Education credit: 3 Hours.
With a focus on problem-based learning, students will design lesson plans and curriculum around a complex human issue. Students will have hands-on experiences teaching in actual classrooms as these lessons will be taught in local schools. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: ARTE 202. Art education majors only.
ARTE 303 Everyday Arts Lab credit: 3 Hours.
Prepares undergraduate students to teach art to young people in schools and community settings. Students explore their identities as artists, educators, and activists. The course emphasizes a narrative, reflective, and idea-based approach to art education. This class provides students the opportunity to research and to conduct community arts projects with young people. The course welcomes all students; no prior teaching or community-based education experience necessary. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ARTE 304 is required for Art Education majors.
ARTE 304 Practicum Teaching Experience credit: 2 Hours.
Provides undergraduate and graduates seeking certification in Art Education structured and supervised teaching experience in the Everyday Arts Lab program, held 2 afternoons per week during the second half of the semester. Professional development in lesson planning, instruction, and assessment will comprise the goals of the course. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: ARTE 202. Concurrent enrollment in ARTE 303 is required.
ARTE 355 Creative Dance for Children credit: 3 Hours.
Same as CI 355, DANC 355, HDFS 355, and MUS 355. See DANC 355.
ARTE 391 Independent Study credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Directed independent research or creative activity. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing in art and design; and consent of instructor, advisor, and associate director of the School.
ARTE 393 Teachers as Researchers credit: 3 Hours.
An undergraduate level course dedicated to providing an overview for informed understanding of the research process, including: definitions and examples of research; common issues such as the IRB, copyright and plagiarism; and exploring two qualitative methodologies used in teaching, specifically Case Study and [Participatory] Action Research. Students will complete 20 Early Field Experience [EFE] hours in this course by observing/teaching with elementary and/or secondary (art) teachers in the local Champaign-Urbana school districts. A substantial research project will complete the course. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: Restricted to Art Education majors accepted into a teacher certification program.
ARTE 400 Art-Centered Learning at the Secondary Level credit: 3 Hours.
Focusing on contemporary art education concepts and concerns, preservice students will design lesson plans, projects, and curriculum for secondary students while also learning about classroom management. Observations and teaching of lessons will occur in local junior/high school art rooms. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: ARTE 301, ARTE 303, and ARTE 304. Restricted to Art Education majors.
ARTE 401 Teaching Seminar credit: 4 Hours.
Examines responsibilities, methods, and techniques specific to teaching art in elementary and secondary schools; includes the psychology of the exceptional child in conjunction with methods of instruction and student teaching experience. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ARTE 302; concurrent registration in EDPR 438 and EDPR 442, art education sections only.
ARTE 475 Art Exhibition Practices credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Explores issues pertaining to the preparation, installation and conservation of visual art. Students will learn how to organize, design, spot and install an exhibition; develop exhibition graphics; address conservation issues; handle works of art; and learn the business of art. Field trips and guest lectures by conservators, preparators, curators and exhibition designers will add further depth to the class. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 undergraduate hours or 8 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing in Art and Design.
ARTE 480 Popular Visual Culture credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Focuses primarily on contemporary popular culture, but also draws upon fine art, folk art, and indigenous art from both the past and the present. Considers the often troubled relationships between the pleasures of visual culture and its ideologies. Students examine the literature of visual culture studies and develop research skills by examining a specific site of visual culture of their own choosing in terms of aesthetic pleasures and ideology including but not limited to sexism, class, ethnicity, religion, homophobia, and xenophobia. Theories of the body, consumerism, and globalization, among others will be considered. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 undergraduate or 8 graduate hours.
ARTE 501 Issues in Art Education credit: 4 Hours.
A range of topical issues are explored, which may vary from semester to semester, but may include children's artistic development, visual culture and curriculum, the philosophy of art, and cultural studies. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. May be repeated in the same or separate terms, if topics vary, to a maximum of 16 hours.
ARTE 502 Curriculum Development in Art credit: 4 Hours.
Analysis of curriculum organization in the visual arts; particular emphasis given to a range of curriculum positions in education and general research related to curriculum design. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
ARTE 505 Foundations of Art Education credit: 4 Hours.
Designed for master's level students. Readings and discussions introduce the theories upon which classroom practices are based, and follow the historical sequence of three major movements within art education over the past 100 years: self-expression in art education, discipline-based art education, and the recent shift toward visual culture in art education. Primary emphasis will be on understanding recent and contemporary orientations. Designed to provide a basis for more in-depth study of curriculum and instruction, child development, multiculturalism, visual culture, and other areas germane to art education. Students compare and contrast the literature in terms of the theories offered, or assumed, of children, art, pedagogy, and society. In addition, students will be introduced to academic standards of writing.
ARTE 506 Theories of Art Education credit: 4 Hours.
Designed for doctoral level students. Readings and discussions introduce the theories upon which classroom practices are based, and follow the historical sequence of three major movements within art education over the past 100 years: self-expression in art education, discipline-based art education, and the recent shift toward visual culture in art education. Primary emphasis will be on understanding recent and contemporary orientations. Designed to provide a basis for more in-depth study of curriculum and instruction, child development, multiculturalism, visual culture, and other areas germane to art education. Students compare and contrast the literature in terms of the theories offered, or assumed, of children, art, pedagogy, and society. In addition, students will be introduced to academic standards of writing.
ARTE 591 Independent Graduate Studies credit: 1 to 8 Hours.
Individual direction in research and in creative activity; thesis. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule.
ARTE 593 Survey: Qualitative Methodologies credit: 4 Hours.
An asynchronous online graduate level course dedicated to providing an overview and foundation [survey course] for informed understanding of the research process, including: definitions and examples of research; common issues such as the IRB, copyright and plagiarism; formulating a personal research guide book; and exploring various qualitative methodologies such as Case Study; Content Analysis; Historical Study; [Participatory] Action Research; Arts-based; A/r/t/ography; [Auto] Ethnography; Queer; Feminism; and Psychoanalysis. Substantive reading and writing is required. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: For graduate students only.
ARTE 599 Thesis Research credit: 0 to 16 Hours.
Guidance in research and writing theses for advanced degrees. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in art education.