College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
The College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences plays a key role in national and international research initiatives in biological, physical, social, and economic sciences. The scope of the College has broadened dramatically since its founding in 1867, while its purpose remains focused on advancing scientific knowledge that makes life better, healthier, safer, and more profitable for people in Illinois and around the globe.
The ACES College enrolls more than 2,700 undergraduate students, leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. Students can select from majors and concentrations that direct the focus of study to their specific interests.
Teaching, research, and outreach opportunities are supported by excellent resources. The College of ACES Library and Information Center houses the college's collection of educational resources, computing facility and the College of ACES career development and placement office, which assists students in personal and career development through internships and placement after graduation. The Family Resiliency Center, Institute for Genomic Biology, Child Development Laboratory and extensive research centers in Champaign-Urbana and across the state are other examples of unique and excellent college resources. For instance, the Morrow Plots, a national historic landmark established in 1876, are the oldest agronomic research plots in the United States. The Morrow Plots are located on campus next to the undergraduate library.
The ACES James Scholar Honors Program and the Jonathan Baldwin Turner Undergraduate Research Program offer excellent opportunities for students to be involved in cutting edge research and solving contemporary challenges. Research is conducted in the broad areas of consumer behavior, biotechnology, environmental quality and protection, financial planning, food science, human nutrition, natural resource systems, and individual and family well-being.
Increasing the international knowledge and experience of students and faculty helps meet the growing demand for graduates who are internationally literate and able to work effectively in different countries, in different languages and with people of different cultures. The academic programs office provides initiative and focus to College international study abroad programs as well as integrating an international dimension to the educational experience.
The distinguished faculty, innovative programs, and pioneering achievements in teaching, research, and outreach activities, together with an enthusiastic and competitive student body, place the College of ACES among the top institutions in the country in a survey of peers.
Departments and Curricula
The Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering offers two majors: Agricultural & Biological Engineering/Agricultural Engineering Sciences and Engineering Technology and Management for Agricultural Systems. Students in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering major earn that degree from the College of Engineering and have the option of a second degree in Agricultural Engineering Sciences. This major is designed to produce graduates who have a basic engineering education for careers of engineering service to the agricultural, environmental, and biofuels industries. The intent of the program is to provide a combination of engineering theory and applications courses to permit students to pursue goals in academia, government or industry. The graduates are expected to provide engineering solutions in agricultural production, bioprocesses and product utilization, natural resources conservation, and are exposed to current social and cultural concepts and ideas. The Engineering Technology and Management for Agricultural Systems major is designed to prepare students for careers requiring the application, management, and marketing of engineering technologies. Students study technological systems, business and economics (including organization, operations, management, marketing, and sales), and oral and written communications. Graduates of the ETMAS program accept positions of employment at highly competitive salaries.
The Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics offers programs designed to prepare students for business- or policy-related fields with special emphasis on agriculture, consumers, and environmental protection. Students' study is concentrated in one of the following areas: agri-accounting; finance in agribusiness; agribusiness markets and management; consumer economics and finance; environmental economics and policy; farm management; financial planning; policy, international trade and development; and public policy and law.
The Department of Animal Sciences has two majors of Animal Sciences with three concentrations of pre-vet medicine, companion animal and nutrition and food animal production & management and Computer Science + Animal Science. This department offers undergraduate students unique opportunities to conduct research projects with faculty. In addition, many students gain animal experience by working part-time at the U of I Farms. Internships and field study trips are additional avenues of gaining knowledge and experience. Study Abroad experiences are also strongly encouraged. Areas of concentration are companion animal and equine science; science, pre-veterinary and medical; and food animal production and management.
The Department of Crop Sciences offers a major in Computer Science and Crop Sciences, Plant Biotechnology, Agronomy, and a major in Crop Sciences with concentrations of study in crop agribusiness, agroecology, horticultural food systems, and crops. In each of these majors, students receive a strong grounding in science and can apply that knowledge through internship experiences with a wide range of agricultural employers. Each area of study can lead to employment immediately after completion of the B.S. degree, or to graduate or professional study.
The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition offers majors of study in dietetics and nutrition, food science, hospitality management, and nutrition and health. Courses in the department include the applications of biology, engineering, chemistry, physics, and microbiology to the processing, formulation, packaging, and distribution of food.
The Department of Human Development and Family Studies' major prepares students for graduate education or employment in areas such as child care services, family life education, social work, human services, marriage and family counseling, pediatric services in hospitals, cooperative extension work or business activities related to children and families. Students select course work according to their interests in human development, such as infancy, early childhood or adolescence, or family studies, such as the marital relationship, parent-child interaction, family change or conflict and conflict management in the family. Basic courses in these areas are linked to practical experiences in educational and community settings, and most courses emphasize issues related to cultural diversity and gender.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences provides students the opportunity to study ecosystem stewardship & restoration ecology, environmental science & management, environmental social sciences, and fish, wildlife & conservation biology. NRES is an interdisciplinary program that brings biological, physical, and social scientists together to teach and discover techniques to improve the health and integrity of urban and natural ecosystems.
Bachelor’s of Science in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications which can be tailored to fit each student’s individual interests by selecting one of our degree concentrations in either Agricultural Communications, Agricultural Education or Organizational and Community Leadership.
Sustainability Food & Environmental Systems major is focused on feeding the world’s future population in a fashion that sustainably promotes environmental and human health is the most pressing problem facing the planet and its inhabitants. In response to this challenge, local food systems have become a fast emerging sector of agricultural and food science in major urban areas with entrepreneurship, investment, and an increasing job market following the movement.
The College also offers a program for undeclared students which allows them to explore the many areas of ACES, working with a college advisor to find the right major for their specific interests.
Admission Requirements
Freshman applicants must meet general course pattern admission requirements of the University. Detailed information on the admission process may be obtained from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Transfer applicants are evaluated on the basis of their transfer grade point averages and completion of core course requisites. Transfer applicants to the Dietetics and Human Nutrition major must have a grade point average of at least 3.0 (A = 4.0); applicants to Agricultural and Consumer Economics and Agricultural Science Education need a minimum GPA of 2.75, and all other curricula require at least a grade point average of 2.5. Applicants are encouraged to consult the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for specific course requirements.
Graduation Requirements
The minimum number of hours required for graduation varies between 126 for all curricula within the college. Included in the total must be all courses prescribed in the given curriculum and a sufficient number of electives to obtain the total number.
Each candidate for graduation must have a grade point average of not less than 2.0 (A = 4.0), including grades in courses transferred from other institutions, and a grade point average of not less than 2.0 in all courses taken at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Scholarship Information
A number of scholarships for undergraduate students enrolled in the College of ACES are made available through the generous support of alumni and friends of the College. Incoming and currently enrolled ACES students are eligible for consideration for merit-based awards that are awarded annually by the College. Additional information on scholarships for ACES students can be found on our Financial Aid & Scholarships page.
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics
- Animal Sciences
- Crop Sciences
- Food Science & Human Nutrition
- Human Development & Family Studies
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
- ACES Undeclared
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering, BS
- Bioprocess Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology Concentration
- Off-Highway Vehicle and Equipment Engineering Concentration
- Renewable Energy Systems Engineering Concentration
- Soil and Water Resources Engineering Concentration
- Sustainable Ecological and Environmental Systems Engineering Concentration
- Synthetic Biological Engineering Concentration
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering, BS and Agricultural & Biological Engineering, BSAG (Dual Degree Program)
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Agri-Accounting, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Agribusiness Markets & Management, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Consumer Economics & Finance, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Environmental Economics & Policy, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Farm Management, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Finance in Agribusiness, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Financial Planning, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Policy, International Trade & Development, BS
- Agricultural & Consumer Economics: Public Policy & Law, BS
- Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications, BS
- Agronomy, BS
- Animal Sciences, BS
- Animal Sciences BS-MANSC
- Computer Science + Animal Sciences, BS
- Computer Science + Animal Sciences, BS & Animal Science, MANSC
- Computer Science + Crop Sciences, BS
- Computer Science + Crop Sciences, BS & Crop Sciences, MS
- Crop Sciences, BS
- Crop Sciences, BS-MS
- Dietetics and Nutrition, BS
- Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems, BS
- Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems: Agricultural Production & Processing, BS
- Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems: Construction Management, BS
- Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems: Digital & Precision Agriculture, BS
- Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems: Energy & the Environment, BS
- Food Science, BS
- Hospitality Management, BS
- Human Development & Family Studies, BS
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, BS
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences: Ecosystem Stewardship & Restoration Ecology, BS
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science & Management, BS
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences: Environmental Social Sciences, BS
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences: Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology, BS
- Nutrition and Health, BS
- Plant Biotechnology, BS
- Sustainability in Food & Environmental Systems, BS
- Adult Development
- Agricultural, Consumer, & Environmental Sciences
- Animal Sciences
- Child Health and Well-being
- Crop & Soil Management
- Engineering Technology and Management for Agricultural Systems
- Environmental Economics & Law
- Food & Agribusiness Management
- Food & Environmental Systems
- Food Science
- Horticulture
- Hospitality Management
- Industrial and Agricultural Safety and Health
- International Development Economics
- Leadership Studies
- Natural Resource Conservation
- Nutrition
- Spatial & Quantitative Methods in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
- Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation
Graduate Degree Programs
- Agricultural & Applied Economics, MAAE
- Agricultural & Applied Economics, MS
- Agricultural & Applied Economics, PhD
- Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications, MS
- Animal Sciences, MANSC
- Animal Sciences, MS
- Animal Sciences, PhD
- Bioinformatics: Animal Sciences, MS
- Bioinformatics: Crop Sciences, MS
- Bioprocessing & Bioenergy, MS - Professional Science Master's
Crop Sciences, MS- Crop Sciences, PhD
- Engineering Technology and Management for Agricultural Systems, MS
- Engineering Technology and Management for Agricultural Systems, MS-PSM
- Food Science & Human Nutrition, MS
- Food Science & Human Nutrition, MS - Professional Science Master's
- Food Science & Human Nutrition, PhD
- Human Development & Family Studies, MS
- Human Development & Family Studies, PhD
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, MS
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, MS and Law, JD
- Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, PhD
- Nutritional Sciences, MS
- Nutritional Sciences, PhD
- Nutritional Sciences, PhD and Public Health, MPH
- Professional Science Master's
- Technical Systems Management, MS
- Technical Systems Management, MS - Professional Science Master's
Graduate Certificates
College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
Mumford Hall, MC 710
1301 W Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
General inquiries:
College Website
Office of Academic Programs
128 Mumford Hall
1301 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
ACES Undergraduate Admissions
University of Illinois Undergrad Admissions