Graduate Concentrations
A graduate concentration constitutes a coherent program of study requiring additional breadth or considerable depth of knowledge. A concentration may refer to a subfield within a discipline, or to an interdepartmental and/or interdisciplinary area of knowledge. Concentrations appear on academic transcripts.
Some concentrations (major-based) are only open to a student majoring in the offering department. Other concentrations (floating) are open to students in a broad range of majors. Both types are listed here, with the eligible programs listed below each concentration.
- Accountancy
- Accountancy Analytics
- Acting
- Actuarial Science and Risk Analytics
- Advanced Analytics in Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering
- Advanced Clinical Practice
- Aerospace Systems Engineering
- African American Studies
- African Studies, MA
- Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, MA
- Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, PhD
- Educational Psychology, EdM
- Educational Psychology, MA
- Educational Psychology, MS
- Educational Psychology, PhD
- History, MA
- History, PhD
- Political Science, MA
- Political Science, PhD
- Sociology, MA
- Sociology, PhD
- Analytics
- Animal Science
- Applied Statistics
- Automated Trading Practices
- Autonomy & Robotics
- Bilingual-Bicultural Education
- Curriculum and Instruction, CAS
- Curriculum and Instruction, EdD
- Curriculum and Instruction, EdM
- Curriculum and Instruction, MA
- Curriculum and Instruction, MS
- Early Childhood Education, EdM
- Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, EdD
- Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, EdM
- Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, MA
- Educational Psychology, EdM
- Educational Psychology, MA
- Educational Psychology, MS
- Elementary Education, EdM
- Secondary Education, EdM
- Special Education, EdM
- Bioinstrumentation
- Brazilian Studies
- Building Performance
- Business Data Analytics
- Chemical Engineering Leadership
- Choral Music
- Choral Music
- Civic Leadership
- Clinical & Community Nutrition
- Computational Science and Engineering
- Actuarial Science, MS
- Aerospace Engineering, MS
- Aerospace Engineering, PhD
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering, MS
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering, PhD
- Applied Mathematics, MS
- Astronomy, PhD
- Atmospheric Sciences, MS
- Atmospheric Sciences, PhD
- Bioengineering, PhD
- Biology: Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution, MS
- Biology: Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution, PhD
- Biophysics & Quantitative Biology, PhD
- Chemical Engineering, PhD
- Chemistry, PhD
- Civil Engineering, MS
- Civil Engineering, PhD
- Computer Science, MCS
- Computer Science, MS
- Computer Science, PhD
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, MS
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, PhD
- Environmental Engineering in Civil Engineering, MS
- Environmental Engineering in Civil Engineering, PhD
- Entomology, MS
- Entomology, PhD
- Financial Engineering, MS
- Geography, MS
- Geography, PhD
- Industrial Engineering, MS
- Materials Science & Engineering, MS
- Materials Science & Engineering, PhD
- Mathematics, MS
- Mathematics, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering, MS
- Mechanical Engineering, PhD
- Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering, MS
- Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering, PhD
- Physics, PhD
- Plant Biology, MS
- Plant Biology, PhD
- Statistics, PhD
- Systems & Entrepreneurial Engineering, MS
- Teaching of Mathematics MS
- Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, MS
- Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, PhD
- Computer Science
- Corporate Governance & International Business
- Corporate Law, Commercial Law, and Trade
- Criminal Law
- Crop Science
- Data Analytics in Accountancy
- Data Analytics in Finance
- Data Science & Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering, PhD
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering, PhD
- Astronomy, PhD
- Bioengineering, PhD
- Civil Engineering, PhD
- Computer Science, PhD
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, PhD
- Environmental Engineering in Civil Engineering, PhD
- Industrial Engineering, PhD
- Materials Science & Engineering, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering, PhD
- Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering, PhD
- Physics, PhD
- Statistics, PhD
- Systems & Entrepreneurial Engineering, PhD
- Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, PhD
- Design & Technology
- Design for Responsible Innovation
Design of Tall Buildings- Detail & Fabrication
- Developmental Psychopathology
- Digital Agriculture
- Digital Learning
- Curriculum and Instruction, EdD
- Curriculum and Instruction, EdM
- Curriculum and Instruction, MA
- Curriculum and Instruction, MS
- Curriculum and Instruction, PhD
- Early Childhood Education, EdM
- Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, EdD
- Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, EdM
- Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, MA
- Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, PhD
- Educational Psychology, EdM
- Educational Psychology, MA
- Educational Psychology, MS
- Educational Psychology, PhD
- Elementary Education, EdM
- Secondary Education, EdM
- Special Education, EdM
- Digital Marketing (online)
- Diversity & Equity in Education
- Ecological Community Psychology
- Educational Administration & Leadership
- Energy Systems
- English
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Aerospace Engineering, MS
- Aerospace Engineering, PhD
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering, MS
- Agricultural & Biological Engineering, PhD
- Bioengineering, MEng
- Bioengineering: Bioinstrumentation, MEng
- Bioengineering: General Bioengineering, MEng
- Bioengineering, MS
- Bioengineering, PhD
- Bioinformatics: Computer Science, MS
- Biomedical Image Computing, MS
- Chemical Engineering, MS
- Chemical Engineering, PhD
- Civil Engineering, MS
- Civil Engineering, PhD
- Computer Science, MCS
- Computer Science, MS
- Computer Science, PhD
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, MS
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, PhD
- Electrical & Computer Engineering, MEng
- Environmental Engineering in Civil Engineering, MS
- Environmental Engineering in Civil Engineering, PhD
- Engineering: Aerospace Systems Engineering, MEng
- Engineering: Plasma Engineering, MEng
- Industrial Engineering, MS
- Industrial Engineering, PhD
- Materials Science & Engineering, MS
- Materials Science & Engineering, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering, MEng
- Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering, MS
- Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering, PhD
- Physics, MS
- Physics, PhD
- Systems & Entrepreneurial Engineering, MS
- Systems & Entrepreneurial Engineering, PhD
- Teaching of Physics, MS
- Entrepreneurship & Strategic Innovation
- General Bioengineering
- Geographic Information Science
- Global Challenges in Business
- Global Studies in Education
- Greek
- Industrial Design
- Information Sciences
- Information Technology and Control
- Instructional Design, Technology, & Organization
- Instrumental Conducting (Band)
- Instrumental Conducting (Orch)
- Instrumental Conducting (Orch)
- Instrumental Conducting (Wind Band)
- Instrumentation and Applied Physics
- Intellectual Property & Technology Law
- International & Comparative Law
- Mathematics
- Medieval Studies
- Anthropology, MA
- Anthropology, PhD
- Architecture, MARCH
- Architecture, PhD
- Art History, MA
- Art History, PhD
- Classical Philology, PhD
- Classics, MA
- Classics, MA with Greek concentration
- Classics, MA with Latin concentration
- Comparative Literature, MA
- Comparative Literature, PhD
- East Asian Languages & Cultures, PhD
- English, MA
- English, PhD
- French, MA
- French, PhD
- German, MA
- German, PhD
- History, MA
- History, PhD
- Italian, MA
- Italian, PhD
- Landscape Architecture, MLA
- Landscape Architecture, PhD
- Musicology, PhD
- Philosophy, MA
- Philosophy, PhD
- Portuguese, MA
- Portuguese, PhD
- Slavic Languages & Literatures, MA
- Slavic Languages & Literatures, PhD
- Spanish, MA
- Spanish, PhD
- Music Composition
- Music Composition
- Musicology
- Performance & Literature
- Performance & Literature
- Philosophy of Education
- Piano Pedagogy
- Plasma Engineering
- Policy Economics
- Professional Science Master's
- Sciences
- Second Language Acquisition & Teacher Education
- Anthropology, PhD
- Communication, PhD
- Curriculum & Instruction, PhD
- East Asian Languages and Cultures, PhD
- Educational Policy, Organization & Leadership, PhD
- Educational Psychology, PhD
- French, PhD
- German, PhD
- Italian, PhD
- Linguistics, PhD
- Portuguese, PhD
- Psychology, PhD
- Spanish, PhD
- Speech and Hearing Science, PhD
- Social Sciences & Education Policy
- Social Studies
- Spanish Linguistics
- Spanish Literatures & Cultures
- Structures
- Supply Chain Management