Art & Design, MFA
for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Art and Design
The degree of Master of Fine Arts in Art and Design is designed to prepare qualified individuals for distinctive achievement in the professional area of their choice. Fields of concentration include Design for Responsible Innovation, Industrial Design and an interdisciplinary Studio which includes concentrations in Painting, Sculpture, Photography and specialization in New Media. The Industrial Design program is not accepting applications for academic year 2024-2025 but is currently expected to reopen for applicants for Fall 2025 admission.
A minimum of 64 hours of graduate credit is required for the M.F.A. degree. Individual studio space and specialized resources essential to the acquisition of a high-quality professional education are available to students in all areas of study. The interdisciplinary Studio which includes Painting, Sculpture, Photography and New Media programs require a graduation exhibition of creative work and a written thesis approved by a thesis committee for deposit in the School of Art and Design's graduate office. The Industrial Design and Design for Responsible Innovation programs require a graduation exhibition, a written thesis approved by a thesis committee and a thesis deposit in the Graduate College Thesis Office. Admission for all programs is determined by a faculty review of a portfolio of the applicant's creative work, records of previous education and experience, letters of recommendation, and other significant achievements that may be viewed as predictors for success in the program.
Applications are considered for Fall Semester admissions only. For international applicants a recent English Proficiency test score of 96 (TOEFL) or 6.5 (IELTS) (or an exemption) is needed for admissions.
Graduate Teaching Experience
Although teaching is not a general Graduate College requirement, experience in teaching is considered an important part of the graduate experience for master and doctoral students.
Facilities and Resources
Resources for graduate students in art and design include the Krannert Art Museum’s excellent permanent collections and changing exhibitions; the Ricker Library of Art and Architecture, one of the largest art and architecture libraries in the nation; the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts; School of Art and Design facilities, which include extensive computer laboratories, digital photography and video editing equipment, wireless networking, ink-printing facilities, ceramic, woodworking, and metal shops, rapid prototyping and laser cutting, black/white and color darkrooms, shooting studios, and a wide selection of production and presentation equipment via reservation and checkout facility. A variety of lectures, symposia, musical programs, dramatic productions, and other cultural events associated with a large and progressive university complement the Art and Design Facilities.
Financial Aid
Fellowships, assistantships, and tuition and service fee waivers are awarded each year on a competitive basis, with consideration given to the applicant’s grade point average and, in the case of applicants for the M.F.A. programs, quality of creative work.
for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Art and Design
School of Art & Design
School of Art & Design
Art & Design faculty
School Director: Alan Mette
Director of Graduate Studies: Terri Weissman
138 Art and Design Building, 408 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820
Graduate Office: (217) 333-0642
Graduate Studies Advisors:
MA; PhD in Art History: David O'Brien
MA; EdM; PhD in Art Education: Laura Hetrick
MFA in Studio: Ryan Griffis and Emmy Lingscheit
MFA in Industrial Design: David Weightman
MFA in Design for Responsible Innovation: Stacey Robinson
College of Fine & Applied Arts
College of Fine & Applied Arts
Ellen de Waard
Graduate College Admissions Requirements