SOCW - Social Work
SOCW 101 SOCW Orientation Seminar credit: 2 Hours.
Informational orientation seminar for Social Work majors to enhance their understanding of college life and social work as a profession.
SOCW 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.
SOCW 200 Introduction to Social Work credit: 3 Hours.
Broad survey of the field of social work; introduction to social services, social welfare organizations, major social problems and target population groups, and the methods used in working with individuals, groups, and communities; includes the range of personnel and skills in social work agencies, and the means of education and training for social work professionals.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
SOCW 220 Technology and Social Issues credit: 3 Hours.
Equips you to evaluate whether technology is good, bad, or neutral. Using case studies and real-world examples, we will apply social and racial justice lenses and ethical frameworks to answer these critical questions. You will learn how to assess, advocate for, or oppose technology for social good. This will equip you as friction-creators to amplify empathy and advocate that technologies be transparent, ethical, and safe.
SOCW 225 Social Work Statistics credit: 3 Hours.
Introduction of basic concepts in statistics with emphasis on the application of statistical methods in social work research. Topics include: descriptive statistics, probability theory and distributions, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, central tendency, variability, independence, contrasts, correlation and regression, non-parametrics, concepts of levels of measurements, and statistical vs. practical significance. Priority will be given to Social Work majors. Credit is not given for SOCW 225 if credit for a college level introductory statistics course has already been earned.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Quantitative Reasoning I
SOCW 235 The Science of Youth Violence Prevention credit: 3 Hours.
Introduction to the scientific research and practices of preventing youth violence. Topics include conceptual and theoretical models of violence, principles of prevention science and evaluation methods, and the assessments, data, programs, and research across forms of youth violence (bullying, dating violence/intimate partner violence, sexual violence, community violence). Students will learn how to critically evaluate research and evidence-based practices to assess the development and impact of violence prevention efforts. Prerequisite: Any Quantitative Reasoning I course.
SOCW 240 Death & Dying credit: 3 Hours.
This course will focus on various aspects of death and dying. Content will examine different types of death, impact of death throughout the lifespan, cultural beliefs and practices regarding death and dying, grief, healing after loss, legal and ethical issues related to death, and the roll of social workers at the end of life. Students will be encouraged to examine their own thoughts, values, feeling, and beliefs about death and dying.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
SOCW 245 Doing Good through the Nonprofit Sector credit: 3 Hours.
Study of the nonprofit sector theory, activity and structures in the US and abroad. Challenges students to think critically about the role and value of the nonprofit/voluntary sector in society, to understand ethical principles and values that guide nonprofit work, and to assess research evidence about effectiveness and impact. Helps inform students' thinking about future career choices and/or volunteer activities in the "third sector".
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
SOCW 297 Asian Families in America credit: 3 Hours.
Offers a comparative analysis of Asian families as they cope and adapt to American society. Examines: 1) how families from four major Asian-American groups (Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Korean) function in American society; 2) how these families compare to families in their country of origin; and 3) how these families are similar to or different from the 'typical American' family. Includes visits to Asian cultural institutions and with Asian families. Same as AAS 297 and HDFS 221.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
Cultural Studies - US Minority
SOCW 298 Social Work Experiential Learning Fees credit: 0 Hours.
This is a shell course to assess fees to support the cost of providing student learning experiences in social work practice settings. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: The SOCW Admissions and Records Officer will manually add this course to student schedules.
SOCW 299 Study Abroad credit: 0 to 18 Hours.
Lectures, seminars, and practical work in an approved study-abroad program in Social Work appropriate to the student's course of study. Approved for Letter and S/U grading.
SOCW 300 Diversity: Identities & Issues credit: 3 Hours.
This introductory course explores multiple dimensions of diversity in a pluralistic and increasingly globalized society. Using a social work strengths perspective as well as historical, constructivist, and critical conceptual frameworks; the course examines issues of identity, culture, privilege stigma, prejudice, and discrimination. The social construction and implications of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other dimensions of difference is examined at individual, interpersonal, and systems levels. Students are expected to use the course material to explore their personal values, biases, family backgrounds, culture, and formative experiences in order to deepen their self-awareness and develop interpersonal skills in bridging differences. Finally, students apply learning from the course to identify characteristics of effective social work and other health and human service provision among people culturally different themselves; and to identify opportunities for change contributing to prejudice reduction and cross-cultural acceptance at home, work and in society.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Advanced Composition
Cultural Studies - US Minority
SOCW 310 UG Research Assistance credit: 0 to 3 Hours.
Assist departmental faculty in on-going research. Topics and nature of assistance vary. Capstone paper required. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in separate terms up to 12 hours. Prerequisite: Evidence of adequate preparation for such study; consent of faculty member supervising the work; and approval of the department head.
SOCW 315 Social Work Services for Older Adults credit: 3 Hours.
Focus on the aging process, special needs of older adults, and the role of social work in addressing these needs. All levels of social work intervention are considered, direct practice with older persons and their families, service delivery systems in local communities, and state and national policies. Special attention is given to the needs of caregivers, person-centered care, diverse vulnerable populations and resources for older adults to age in place.
SOCW 321 Social Entre & Social Change credit: 3 Hours.
Intended for undergraduates who have an interest in creating programs and products that have social values for communities. Features social entrepreneurship as an approach to social development and will consider its application and related change strategies to a wide array of social problems. Social entrepreneurship has emerged as a change approach that features the application of entrepreneurial practices to social ventures. Social entrepreneurship is similar to business entrepreneurship in its emphasis on selected program development and management principles and processes, but social entrepreneurs have the primary goal of creating social value in communities rather than personal or shareholder wealth. The initial part of the class will emphasize instructing students in broad concepts and principles related to entrepreneurship, while the latter portion of the course will feature students working on teams to design social projects.
SOCW 322 Sexual Health and Social Work credit: 3 Hours.
Examination of sexuality topics from social work perspectives, embracing sexuality as a human right using the reproductive justice framework. We will learn how to incorporate a sex positive and strengths-based perspective with a focus on the application of social work skills, theories, and values to integrate sexuality into the practice of social work. Prerequisite: SOCW 200 is recommended.
SOCW 325 International Development with Grassroots Organizations credit: 3 Hours.
This course engages students to think critically about international aid and development by cultivating an awareness of moral and ethical dilemmas that often go unconsidered by young professionals. It intends to help students develop greater cultural awareness and humility by recognizing differences in equity and global social, economic, and political structures. The course is a second eight-week offering and uses a blended learning approach with asynchronous online content combined with in-person classroom educational activities. Students apply the knowledge learned through the course by working directly with an international grassroots social organization during a 4-8 week immersion experience abroad. Course is an 8 week pre-departure training is required. Students complete a service learning placement in summer with an international grassroots organization.
SOCW 330 International Perspectives credit: 3 to 6 Hours.
This course provides cross-cultural learning experiences within the context of international community-based service learning. Students will explore human service delivery through direct involvement with international social service institutions. This cultural immersion course is a collaborative partnership between the University of Illinois School of Social Work and selected international universities. Countries visited, varies by semester. May be repeated in separate terms up to 12 undergrad hours if topics vary.
SOCW 360 Social Work and the Military credit: 3 Hours.
This course provides an overview of military social work practice including: military culture, issues and needs of soldiers and their families, ethical considerations, and the roll of social workers. Prerequisite: For majors only.
SOCW 370 Social Work and Disability Studies credit: 3 Hours.
This course provides a foundation for generalist practice and promotes social justice, inclusion, and ability when working with all people. Skills and knowledge will be gained to help empower individuals with disabilities and to intervene in various systems to ameliorate bias. The course examines key policies, historic legislation, service delivery, education, and social issues that impact individuals with disabilities. Through projects and assignments completed in-class and in the community, students will learn about the varying abilities and strengths of people with a variety of different needs. Applications of social work values and ethics are stressed in relation to working with people with disabilities.
SOCW 380 Current Topics in Social Work credit: 3 to 6 Hours.
Presents and analyzes special topics related to current social work practice, policy and research. Topics vary; see Class Schedule for current offering. May be repeated in the same or separate terms.
SOCW 400 Generalist SW Practice Methods credit: 4 Hours.
Foundation methods course that is a prerequisite for all advanced methods courses. Overview of generalist social work practice and intervention with individuals, groups, organizations and communities; introduction to core concepts, value base and ethical principles of the profession. Emphasis is given to the bio-ecological framework, person-in-environment and systems theory. Skills in developing beginning professional relationships are addressed via a skills lab component. Students begin the process of professional self-awareness to begin to identify how the personal values and beliefs they hold impact upon their interactions. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to MSW program.
SOCW 401 Practice I credit: 4 Hours.
Overview of generalist social work practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Designed to introduce core concepts, values, and ethical principles of the profession as well as to provide basic skills, and knowledge related to generalist social work practice with a broad array of client systems. Emphasis is give to the biological-psychological-social-spiritual framework, person-in-environment, strengths perspective, and system theory. Skills in developing beginning professional relationships, which are characterized by mutuality, collaboration, empowerment, and client self determination within the problem-solving process are addressed. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: SOCW 200.
SOCW 402 Practice II credit: 3 Hours.
Provides students with culturally responsive, micro-level skills development for working with and on behalf of individuals, families, and groups. Builds on the basic helping skills learned in SOCW 401 and offers further practice on interviewing skills, more emphasis on ethical decision-making, assessment, and intervention, evaluation applied to individuals, families, and groups. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: SOCW 401.
SOCW 403 Practice III credit: 3 Hours.
Provides knowledge and skills about the theory and practice of planned change in communities and organizations using a generalist model of social work practice. Builds on the foundation knowledge and skills gained in SOCW 401 with emphasis on assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation skills for macro-level practice. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: SOCW 401.
SOCW 404 Social Work Case Management Practice credit: 3 Hours.
This course builds upon and extends generalist social work theories, knowledge and clinical skills required for case management practice. Content focuses on inter-professional collaborative team-based approaches for patient/client assessment, care planning, service delivery coordination, and evaluating outcomes. Emphasis is on organizational context, theoretical models, social work roles, culturally sensitive approaches, biopsychosocial assessments, triage, advocacy, interdisciplinary and inter-organizational collaboration and record keeping. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: SOCW 401. Restricted to Social Work majors only.
SOCW 410 Social Welfare Pol and Svcs credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Examination of social welfare within a historical context, addressing the economic, political, social and ideological influences that have shaped the social welfare system and programs. Critical study of the income maintenance system in the United States as a response to the problems of inequality of opportunity and income, poverty, and income security; consideration of alternative approaches with discussion of the social worker's role in the system. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
SOCW 412 Social Work with Latine credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Students will gain cross-cultural knowledge and awareness of the diversity of cultures within the Latine population, as well as the issues that impact these communities, including historical patterns of immigration and oppression, socioeconomic disparities, documented status, and complex racial and ethnic identities. Students will also learn about models and theoretical principles of social work practice with Latine and explore the challenges and opportunities in providing social services to Latine individuals, families, and communities. For graduate credit, students must participate in a community service-learning project, supporting a community organization that serves Latine clients to gain hands-on experience and contribute to community betterment. Same as LLS 412. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Restricted to Sophomore standing or higher.
SOCW 416 Child Welfare Issues & Trends credit: 4 Hours.
This course examines theoretical and programmatic aspects for child welfare practice. Emphasis is placed on the roles and functions of child welfare workers, including engagement, assessment, intervention and permanency planning. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: SOCW major. For majors only.
SOCW 417 Dementia Care for Older Adults credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
This course will equip students with a body of knowledge to supervise, participate in, and facilitate care for persons with dementia throughout the lifespan. Upon completion of the course, students will be eligible for certification as approved dementia trained practitioners. The course will introduce and develop social work practice skills on all levels and choices of dementia care interventions and assessments. Special attention is given to practice skills for working with vulnerable populations and their caregivers through service learning site opportunities and assignments. The course uses an integrated health and person-center care approach with special attention to multi-cultural backgrounds and new family lifestyles related to dementia care. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Prior completion of SOCW 315 or other Introduction to Aging course is strongly recommended. BSW majors and MSW students only.
SOCW 418 Independent Study credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Independent study of a topic of special interest in the field of social work. 1 to 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated only by undergraduates in separate terms up to 12 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
SOCW 420 Subst Use in Social Context credit: 3 Hours.
Introduces students to the problem of substance use and its impact on society. Examines the physiological, psychological, social, and cultural aspects of substance use. At the individual and familial levels, the course examines the causes, development, prevention, and treatment of substance use disorders. At the societal level, the course examines public policy efforts to regular and control substance use disorders from both historical and contemporary perspective. Implications for social and economic justice are also examined. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit.
SOCW 425 Queer Visibility credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
This seminar examines a broad scope of key LGBTQ topics from a social science perspective, and addresses such themes as identity development, critical social movements, community characteristics, sub -cultures, public policy, resilience, and health disparities within queer communities. The course applies a social justice, sex - positive, and health promotion lens to the topics addressed. This course also explores issues related to intersectional identities (i.e., the overlap of multiple [often marginalized] group membership, such as race/ethnicity, gender identity, age, ability, sexual orientation, etc.) within this population. Students will learn the ways in which the helping professions (e.g. social work, public health, etc.) engage with the LGBTQ community using both research and practice, in order to promote the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ persons. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given towards graduation for SOCW 425 and SOCW 210.
SOCW 427 Social Work Research Methods credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Basic principles of social science research and importance for social work practice: overview of research principles including the stages of a research project, design of research; quantitative and qualitative methodologies, design of questionnaires, methods of data collection and preparation of reports. Introduction to various research designs such as the survey, program evaluation, single subject design, quasi-experiments, and experimental design. Enrollment preference given to students in the MSW program. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
SOCW 436 Intl SW & Development credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
This online course introduces students to policy and practice issues associated with international social work. It emphasizes ethical dilemmas, with the goal of sensitizing students to the importance of culturally sensitive practice for marginalized populations in global contexts. Weekly online discussion sessions use the Blackboard Online Platform. Students must have high speed internet connection and headset with microphone for course interaction. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
SOCW 445 Social Enterprise Lab credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Enables students to launch and scale social ventures—firms, nonprofits, programs, or products that address social problems. It couples structure with deliverables particular to each venture's needs. Topics include: incorporation and corporate forms; financing; business planning; organizational governance; monitoring and evaluation; liability and risk management; and marketing, branding, and identity. Alongside the structured modules and deliverables, students discuss and troubleshoot their startup challenges and opportunities. The course develops entrepreneurial skill sets and broader understanding of social issues through deep engagement with entrepreneurial action. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given toward graduation for SOC 445 and SOCW 375. Prerequisite: SOCW 321 recommended.
SOCW 451 HBSE I: Human Development credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Examination of the major theories that inform social work's understanding of human behavior in a variety of social contexts. A bio-ecological systems framework, together with a developmental approach in understanding the ways in which individuals, families, groups, organizations, institutions, and communities interact, is presented. Issues of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability and sexual orientation are introduced so students can gain understanding of how these components affect and influence development across the lifespan. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
SOCW 455 Social Work with Women credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Focuses on women and now cultural belief systems related to gender are instantiated through the differential treatment of females and males in our education, mental health, social welfare and health care systems; and the consequences of such practices through the lifespan. Includes consideration of policies and practices that support women emphasizing issues of special concern to women of color, lesbians, older women, impoverished women and disabled women. Same as GWS 454. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
SOCW 456 Philanthropy & Social Justice credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Explores the important dimensions of human service organization fundraising, grant writing, and philanthropy relevant to social work leadership and critically examines these topics in relation to social change, power, privilege, and social movements. Students will practice the skills and approaches necessary to fulfill the fundraising responsibilities of a nonprofit leader or services provider, including grant writing, data mining, storytelling, donor cultivation, and legal requirements and ethical considerations. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: SOCW 321 for undergraduate students. Restricted to Social Work, BSW or Social Work, MSW students or by consent of instructor.
SOCW 461 Professional Practice Seminar I credit: 4 Hours.
The goal of this course is to begin the process of integrating all the foundation knowledge of generalist social work that students have learned and begin applying it to real life situations. Students will complete a portfolio and a service learning experience that will help them being to make the connection between the core competencies, theories and applications to real life experiences. During this course students will begin the process of being matched with the agency where they will serve their internship during the last semester of their senior year. 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: SOCW 401.
SOCW 470 Field Practicum & Professional Seminar II credit: 7 to 15 Hours.
A supervised field practice experience and seminar where students apply knowledge and skills in social work engagement, assessment, planning and interventions to individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities. Students are expected to promote sustainable social change through planned problem solving and empowerment to enhance the well-being of others. 7 to 15 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 15 undergraduate hours. Prerequisite: SOCW 461. Instructor approval required for repeating. SOCW majors only.
SOCW 475 Undergraduate Research Abroad credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Students assist in research under faculty supervision at a location outside of the United States. Topics and type of assistance vary. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated in separate terms up to 6 hours. Prerequisite: Evidence of adequate preparation for such study; consent of faculty member supervising the work (who will have examined the proposed research plan); and approval of department. Not available to freshman.
SOCW 480 UG Research Project credit: 0 to 3 Hours.
Conduct research study under the supervision of a departmental faculty member. Topics and nature of assistance vary. Capstone paper required. 0 to 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in separate terms up to 6 hours. Prerequisite: Evidence of adequate preparation for such study; consent of faculty member supervising the work; and approval of the department head. Majors only. Not available to freshman and sophomores.
SOCW 500 SW Practice with Indiv and Fam credit: 4 Hours.
Systematically and critically examines the theory, procedures, and techniques of selected practice models within four main approaches to social work: cognitive-behavioral, systemic (family and ecological systems; crisis intervention), task-centered, and radical-structural (structural; feminist). Uses selected criteria to analyze and assess those models, examines outcome research, and identifies current practice issues. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 501 SW Practice with Groups credit: 4 Hours.
Social work practice theory in social group work through comparative study of various practice approaches and research about those approaches, including the use of group work method in contemporary social work practice, practice principles, and the use of group process as applied in the student's area of specialization. Looks at group work for children, adolescents, and adults considering developmental and environmental issues; also includes investigation of practice strategies and models of group therapy and task group leadership across diverse populations. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 502 Brief Motivational Interventions for Substance Use credit: 4 Hours.
This course prepares social workers to deliver brief interventions that build motivation for change among individuals that use substances. Students participate in hands-on skill development activities for two empirically supported treatments, Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) and Motivational Interviewing. Students are expected to reach beginning competency in delivering these two clinical models. Prerequisite: SOCW 400. MSW: Social Work - UIUC.
SOCW 503 Trauma Informed Social Work with Children and Adolescents credit: 4 Hours.
This course uses a case study and inquiry based approach to foster student learning of the core concepts of trauma (theory and foundational knowledge) and evidence-based practice interventions effective in treating children, youth, and families that experience trauma. Cases discussed include children, youth, and families exposed to traumatic events (i.e. abuse, neglect, domestic violence, community violence and natural disasters). Strength-based practice interventions that build on existing child and family strengths that enhance growth and resiliency after trauma are studied. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 504 SUD Treatment in S W credit: 4 Hours.
Introduces selected counseling approaches for substance use disorders. Begins with an overview of the causes of substance use disorders, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Focuses on treatment theories and techniques applied to counseling substance abusers. Selected theories include 12 Step approaches, cognitive and behavioral theories, family systems theory, harm reduction, and motivational interviewing. Special attention is devoted to apply substance abuse treatment models with diverse populations. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 505 Behav and Cogn Methods for SW credit: 4 Hours.
Students are introduced to brief behavioral and cognitive methods for treating a wide range of human problems, crises, and mental disorders. Content includes: (1) conceptualizing and assessing client problems; (2) identifying appropriate treatment goals; (3) developing comprehensive and differential treatment plans; (4) conducting brief interventions; and (5) evaluating client outcomes using research, consultation, and supervision. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 506 SW Practice with Child/Adol credit: 4 Hours.
Examination and critical evaluation of selected methods/approaches of intervention; research on their effectiveness and application to specific problems of children and adolescents that come to the attention of social workers and other helping professionals; attention given to remediation and prevention. The course provides opportunities for students to develop skills through participation in a service learning project. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 507 School Social Work Practice credit: 4 Hours.
Examination of the design and delivery of school social work interventions with special emphasis given to students with physical/mental disabilities and vulnerable populations. Course content provides a foundation for the development of a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of an ecological systems approach to social work practice based upon a foundation of professional values and ethics. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 508 Family Therapy Seminar credit: 4 Hours.
Advanced seminar providing in-depth exposure to the principles, values, ethics, issues and practice of family therapy in social work. Focuses on family therapy process, the practitioner role, issues in assessment, intervention and evaluation; how discrimination and oppression impact intervention strategies; skills that advance social and economic justice; presentation of cases; use of supervision and consultation, and family therapy with diverse populations. Combines lecture/discussion with taped observations of noted family therapists and participation in a family therapy practicum. Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 509 Adv Clin Assess & Interviewing credit: 4 Hours.
Advanced practice class designed to enhance students' understanding of clinical assessment and interviewing methods. Includes methods for therapeutically intervening with clients who are highly distressed, angry or agitated, resistant or involuntarily mandated for treatment, experiencing severe symptoms, or who have unique and complex problems. Clinical interviewing skills taught in this class will build upon knowledge and skills acquired in previous direct practice classes. Prerequisite: SOCW 400 and SOCW 552.
SOCW 510 Theories of Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change credit: 4 Hours.
Explores important dimensions of social justice and social change relevant to social work leadership. The first phase of the course focuses on theories of diversity, social identity and social justice. The second phase focuses on theories of social change and stasis. Students will develop their own working models of these theories. They will also understand how issues of diversity and social justice should inform social work practice at micro, meso and macro-social work levels. Implications for social work leadership will also be explored. Same as RST 583. Prerequisite: Restricted to Social Work MSW students.
SOCW 513 Delivery of Health Care credit: 4 Hours.
Delivery of health care in the United States is examined from a multidisciplinary perspective including social, cultural, political, economic, ethical and legal issues. Health care services are described in relation to various definitions of health, health status and access to care. Current problems and issues in health care including government responsibility and source of authority, policy development and analysis, proposals for reforms, and financing and cost containment are discussed and analyzed. Prerequisite: Admission to MSW program or consent of instructor.
SOCW 514 Mental Health Pol and Svcs credit: 4 Hours.
Examination of comprehensive community mental health services as they evolve from definitions of the problems and changes in federal and state social policy; the concept of normalization and its criteria for program evaluation; and changing roles of mental health professionals, paraprofessionals, and consumers in policy making and service delivery. Presents the history of mental health policy and services in the U.S.; current policies and activities of the mental health delivery system are critically analyzed. Prerequisite: SOCW 410.
SOCW 515 Integrated Health Care Policy and Services credit: 4 Hours.
Integrated Health Care Policy and Services is examined from a multidisciplinary perspective including social, cultural, political, economic, ethical and legal issues. Integrated health care services are described in relation to various definitions of health and mental health conditions and access to care. Current problems and issues in integrated health care including government responsibility and source of authority, policy development and analysis, proposals for reforms, and financing and cost containment are discussed and analyzed. Prerequisite: Admission to MSW program or consent of instructor. Restricted to those in the MSW and iMSW program.
SOCW 516 Child, Youth and Family Svcs credit: 4 Hours.
Examines a range of direct service and public policy issues that social workers encounter when working with vulnerable children, adolescents, and families. Focuses particular attention on the families involved with child protection. Addresses the following questions: What factors help explain the etiology of violence and neglect in the family home? Once vulnerable families are identified and become involved with social service agencies, what interventions are most effective with regard to decreasing risks and strengthening protective factors? How can social service systems best prepare vulnerable adolescent for the transition to adulthood? Prerequisite: SOCW 410.
SOCW 519 Public School Policy/Services credit: 4 Hours.
Presents content on children with physical and mental disabilities, educational policies related to vulnerable populations, and federal and state legislation, with particular emphasis given to the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The following topics are highlighted: eligibility requirements, general characteristics of the disabling conditions, education as a continuum from early childhood to adulthood, school finance, and current educational issues. Content is presented pertaining to meeting the needs of exceptional children, students with other special needs, and their families in public schools and the community. Prerequisite: SOCW 410.
SOCW 520 Social Welfare Planning credit: 4 Hours.
Introduces students to the theory and practice of social welfare planning. The course is designed to help students apply concepts and methods to their specific social work fields of interest. Content includes a review of policy analysis, needs assessment, establishing goals and objectives, program design, budgeting, management information systems, and program evaluation. Prerequisite: Admission to MSW program or consent of instructor.
SOCW 521 Leadership and Social Change credit: 4 Hours.
Introduces MSW students to a broad range of strategies for creating social change. Several overarching concepts that are useful in undertaking a wide range of social change efforts are introduced. These concepts are applied to different change strategies. This includes attention to the role of leadership in social change, as the quality of leadership is critical to the success of most social change efforts. The importance of policy or social entrepreneurs in creating social change will also be examined. These entrepreneurs play critical roles by both identifying and implementing new ideas and by diffusing them on a wider scale after initial experimentation. Finally, social workers often tend to be uninformed about sound business practices as they engage in social change efforts, yet knowledge of basic business concepts can be critical to the success or failure of a social venture. Therefore, the course addresses issues such as opportunity recognition and risk assessment, sustainability and scalability of projects, and attention to both fiscal management and outcome accountability. Prerequisite: SOCW 400 or by consent of instructor for non Social Work majors.
SOCW 522 SW Practice with Communities credit: 4 Hours.
Examines principles and methods that characterize identifiable approaches used in community organization practice at neighborhood, community, state, and other levels. This course is an in-depth study of how citizens can organize. Questions discussed include: What institutions aid communities in their organizing and self-improvement efforts? What circumstances encourage the erosion of civil society, civic involvement, and community institutions? What role should the social worker and the human service or social service agency play in organizing communities? Prerequisite: SOCW 400.
SOCW 525 Supervision/Staff Development credit: 4 Hours.
Course focuses on the acquisition of the essential knowledge and skills needed to work with people to achieve desired client outcomes. Includes management and organizational theories, and research and theory regarding the practice of supervision. Addresses understanding of the agency context and purposes, interpersonal insights and skills, the importance of procedural and technical expertise, communication skills, mastery of the functions of management and leadership ability. Examines supervisory process in terms of interpersonal sensitivity and interaction skills including influence techniques. Prerequisite: Admission to MSW program or consent of instructor.
SOCW 526 Managing Human Service Orgs credit: 4 Hours.
Focus on the design, administration and management of social programs from a social work perspective. Content includes: principles and process of administration and management, history of social welfare administration and how this relates to the design of current programs, review of administration Organizational and leadership theories, policy formulation, agency structure, staff organization, budgeting and evaluation of management practice. Prerequisite: SOCW 400 or by consent of instructor for non Social Work majors.
SOCW 531 Field Practicum and Integrative Seminar I credit: 8 to 12 Hours.
This course is comprised of a field practicum and integrative seminar. The field practicum is educationally directed and supervised by an approved field instructor. The seminar component assists students with the integration of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of social work practice acquired in the classroom with the hands-on practice experience in the field practicum setting. Learning experiences emphasize the application of knowledge and practice in the areas of ethical and professional behavior, diversity and difference, human rights and social, economic and environmental justice, research informed practice, policy practice, and engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. May be repeated in separate terms.
SOCW 532 Field Practicum and Integrative Seminar II credit: 8 to 12 Hours.
This course builds on the learning of SOCW 531 and is comprised of a field practicum and integrative seminar. Learning is directed at the development and demonstration of advanced competency skills. The field practicum is educationally directed and supervised by an approved field instructor. The seminar component assists students with the integration of advanced knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of social work practice acquired in the classroom with the hands-on practice experience in the field practicum setting. The advanced learning experiences emphasize the application of knowledge and practice in the areas of ethical and professional behavior, diversity and difference, human rights and social, economic and environmental justice, research informed practice, policy practice, and engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. May be repeated in separate terms. Prerequisite: Successful Completion of SOCW 531.
SOCW 533 Field Practicum III credit: 2 to 6 Hours.
Learning is directed at the development and demonstration of advanced competency skills. The part-time field practicum is educationally directed and supervised by an approved field instructor. The advanced learning experiences emphasize the application of knowledge and practice in the areas of ethical and professional behavior; diversity and difference; human rights; social, economic and environmental justice; research informed practice; policy practice; and engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in separate terms up to 6 hours. Prerequisite: Successful completion of SOCW 532. Restricted to Master of Social Work students.
SOCW 541 Clinical Research Seminar credit: 4 Hours.
Develops skills for assessing effectiveness of social work interventions using research methods. The course assumes students have had prior courses in research methods and statistical analysis. Building on these courses, this course will focus on the use of research methods in examining important aspects of social work interventions. Students will also develop skills necessary to evaluate social work research practice and practice evidence, as well as skills in grant writing and data analysis. Prerequisite: SOCW 427 or equivalent.
SOCW 542 Program Evaluation credit: 4 Hours.
An advanced research course that develops skills for evaluating social service programs. The course assumes students have had prior courses in research methods and statistical analysis. This course provides an understanding of theoretical concepts, techniques, and research findings for evaluating a specific program, its implementation, and its effectiveness. It systematically analyzes program evaluation models and critically examines application of these models in the context of social work practice and social welfare policy. Prerequisite: SOCW 427 and a college level statistics course.
SOCW 552 HBSE II: Mental Disorders credit: 4 Hours.
Interrelationship of biological, emotional, learning and social aspects of mental disorders, and implications for the patient/client, family, and community. Focus on diagnostic assessment and biopsychosocial treatment methods including psychosocial treatment methods, medications, and social work interventions. Students also learn to recognize the potential for bias that can result when assessments are applied across cultural, ethnic, racial, socioeconomic, gender and other groups. Prerequisite: SOCW 451.
SOCW 553 Integrated Behavorial Health & Health Care credit: 4 Hours.
Students will learn therapeutic approaches, brief interventions and bioethical frameworks to help patients/family navigate illness, disability, and healthcare systems and promote health and wellness. Students will learn roles and functions of clinical social workers in healthcare settings with special attention to Integrated Care models and roles of the behavioral health consultant/provider and medical social worker on healthcare teams. Holistic biopsychosocial models that are patient/family centered, team-based, collaborative, and that integrate physical and behavioral health care to address social determinants of health and health equity will be emphasized. Common chronic and acute health conditions and medical terminology are discussed as well as evidence-based psychosocial interventions in hospital, primary care, and other outpatient settings. Prerequisite: Admission to MSW program.
SOCW 554 Inequalities In A Diverse Society credit: 4 Hours.
In contemporary American society, not all inequality leads to inequity. In this course, we will explore structural and cultural disparities that proceed from race, ethnicity, and class. Such critical inquiry enables students to understand the factors that contribute to the creation and implementation of public policy and guide the delivery of social goods such as adequate housing, safe communities, efficient transportation, affordable health care, quality education, and other public services. Therefore, we emphasize processes of analysis and the application of social entrepreneurial principles as important tools to generate policies and interventions that lead to a more equitable society. Same as HDFS 541 and LLS 554. Prerequisite: SOCW 451 or consent of instructor for non Social Work majors.
SOCW 561 Special Studies in Soc Work I credit: 1 to 8 Hours.
Independent or group study in areas of special interest; application of social work principles to special problems or settings. May be repeated in the same or subsequent terms as topics vary. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
SOCW 562 Special Studies in Soc Work II credit: 2 to 8 Hours.
Independent or group study in areas of special interest; application of social work principles to special problems or settings. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
SOCW 575 Social Work Teaching Seminar credit: 4 Hours.
Doctoral seminar on social work education and the pedagogy of college teaching. Topics include history of social work education, competencies for social work education, course development, principles of active learning, use of diverse instructional methods for teaching and assessing learning, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. The course has a required practicum component where students receive structured mentoring in some aspect of teaching in a social work class.
SOCW 576 Teaching Practicum credit: 2 Hours.
This course is designed to provide doctoral students with supervised, hands-on teaching training and experience with a faculty member after they complete the required Social Work Teaching Seminar. The primary objective of the teaching practicum is to strengthen the students' teaching ability and experiences for their entry into the job market. The purpose is for students to be involved in as many aspects of the teaching process as possible (e.g. syllabus development, class preparation, classroom time, office hours, assignment review/grading, meetings with faculty supervisor and any other relevant activities). Approved for S/U grading only.Prerequisite: SOCW 575.
SOCW 579 Social Work Practice Theories credit: 4 Hours.
Presents theories for social work interventions with individuals, families, groups, and communities and organizations; critically analyzes different theoretical frameworks for such interventions; and examines the conceptual links between theory, process, outcome, and evaluations. This course is intended for students in the Ph.D. program in Social Work.
SOCW 580 Advanced Child Welfare credit: 4 Hours.
Examines laws, scientific concepts, ethical dilemmas, and new practice directions with respect to protecting children, preserving families, regulating foster care, achieving family permanency, and assisting foster youth in transitioning to independence. Review of legislative, court, and administrative frameworks for promoting these outcomes at the city, state, and federal levels. The course analyzes and critiques historical and contemporary social science, public policy, community organization, and legal advocacy perspectives on child protection and child welfare. Contemporary topics and issues are discussed and debated. Prerequisite: SOCW 516 or consent of instructor.
SOCW 584 Policy Practice and Advocacy credit: 4 Hours.
Examines approaches for analyzing social policy development, implementation and advocacy in the United States; and development of skills to become effective policy practitioners. Involves ability to formulate viable policy options as well as skills in advocating for adoption of desired policies. Content includes knowledge about the political processes associated with policy development, the technologies needed to develop policies, communication skills need for policy advocacy, and knowledge in a specialized area. Course builds on policy material presented in SOCW 410. Prerequisite: SOCW 410 or consent of MSW Program Director.
SOCW 585 National Social Welfare Policy credit: 4 Hours.
This seminar focuses on social policy development, implementation, evaluation, and research. The class will analyze theories of governmental policy intervention, both from substantive and procedural standpoints. Because the social policy arena is heavily politicized, political factors affecting policy development and implementation will be stressed. In addition, policy implementation discussions will attend both to program administration and intergovernmental relations issues. The growing importance of globalization in social policy development also will receive attention, as will selected issues in the evaluation of social policy interventions. 4 graduate hours. No professional hours.
SOCW 589 Social Work and the Law credit: 4 Hours.
Legal procedures and issues of special relevance to social work practice; includes legal provisions related to poverty, family development and crises, racial and ethnic minorities, institutionalized persons, crime and delinquency, legal authority of social agencies, and regulation of the profession. Prerequisite: Admission to the MSW program or consent of instructor.
SOCW 593 Applied Qualitative Research credit: 4 Hours.
Provides a doctoral level overview of contemporary qualitative research with an emphasis on applications. Through readings, discussions, and assignments students will be introduced to: the history and philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research; research designs, methods and analysis used in qualitative research; criteria for rigor in qualitative research; the application of qualitative research to addressing contemporary social issues; technical and professional issues including the use of computer programs in qualitative research and grant writing. Students will begin to elaborate their own research interests through critical reading, discussion and various applied and written assignments. Prerequisite: Admission to Ph.D. program.
SOCW 594 Individual Research credit: 4 Hours.
Course is designed to enhance the research skills of Doctoral students in social work through research collaboration with a faculty member. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: SOCW 593.
SOCW 595 Quantitative Research Designs credit: 4 Hours.
Provides a doctoral level overview of quantitative designs and conceptual issues in social work research. It presents a framework for structuring the statistical analysis and systematic evaluation of the efficacy and effectiveness of social interventions in achieving desired outcomes for diverse populations. Although the purpose is not to emphasize statistical training, the course will reinforce the learning of basic concepts, mathematical foundations, and assumptions underlying advanced applications of statistical description and causal inference. Prerequisite: Admission to the Ph.D. program.
SOCW 599 Dissertation Research credit: 0 to 16 Hours.
Research and writing of doctoral thesis in social work. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same term or in separate terms.