MUSE - Museum Studies
MUSE 200 Introduction to Museums credit: 3 Hours.
A broad introduction to the museum world, focusing on what a museum is, what differentiates various types of museums, and how museums function. Examines museums in terms of education, curation, exhibition, public relations, research, administration, ethical and legal obligations, funding and knowledge. Prerequisite: One year of college coursework.
MUSE 250 The World Through Museums credit: 3 Hours.
Examination of contemporary museums around the world, evaluating their roles as social institutions and communicators of heritage in increasingly global contexts. The first half of the course develops a framework for museum literacy (how to read museums) that incorporates anthropological, globalization, media and critical theories. The second half of the course is a virtual tour and evaluates museums using this analytical skill set. Same as ANTH 250.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
Cultural Studies - Western
MUSE 389 Seminar in Museum Studies credit: 3 Hours.
Study of special themes, selected topics or current issues in museum studies for undergraduate students with backgrounds in museology. Course may be in seminar or lecture format. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: MUSE 200 and ANTH 462.
MUSE 390 Museum Internship credit: 3 Hours.
Supervised field experience in museums, both on and off-campus, designed to introduce students to professional practice. Builds on museum studies coursework, and provides opportunities for applying academic knowledge and analyzing personal development. Students work part-time (150 hours) in a program-approved museum under the guidance of an instructional team. Requires an internship contract before the term, regular reporting and documentation during the term, and compilation of a project portfolio at the end of the term. May be repeated in same and separate terms to a maximum of six hours. Prerequisite: Three courses (nine hours) within the undergraduate minor in Museum Studies. Requires approval of the Museum Studies program advisor.
MUSE 500 Core Prob Museum Theory & Prac credit: 4 Hours.
A critical examination of both historical and current theoretical issues in museum practice. Addresses the development of museums within varied social, cultural and intellectual contexts, and the conceptualizations and criticisms of museums in terms of paradigmatic, institutional, symbolic and other theories. In addition to surveying the broad range of theoretical frameworks adopted in contemporary museum scholarship, students will examine and evaluate curatorial and institutional strategies for responding to the myriad external pressure (including multiple constituencies, standards and best practices) currently placed on museums. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
MUSE 589 Special Topics Museum Studies credit: 2 or 4 Hours.
Intensive study of selected topics and problems of special interest in Museum Studies. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
MUSE 590 Museum Studies Capstone credit: 0 to 4 Hours.
Supervised individual study involving a museum-based internship, museum-related project or museum-related research paper and fulfilling the capstone requirement for the Graduate Minor in Museum Studies. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Approval of the Museum Studies Program Coordinator.