LAS - Liberal Arts and Sciences
LAS 100 Success in LAS for International Students credit: 2 Hours.
Prepares international students for their transition to campus by examining expectations and focusing on the purpose and value of the higher education experience from a US perspective. Introduces critical concepts to know about academic programs, and engages students in planning their program of study as well as their personal and professional development. Serves as a complement to LAS 101/LAS 102/LAS 122 for students new to the US education system.
LAS 101 Design Your First Year Experience credit: 1 Hour.
Design Your First Year Experience orients students to the academic environment at Illinois and establishes a useful framework for engaging in learning both inside and outside the classroom and articulating a purpose for their education. Using design-thinking, students explore campus resources, set goals for their academic, personal and professional development during their first year and make multiple (engagement) maps for reaching those goals. Prerequisite: Restricted to first-year students in LAS.
LAS 102 Transfer Advantage credit: 1 Hour.
Introduction for first-term transfer students to the college and campus. Familiarizes transfer student with the resources available to them and helps them connect with other students and form a bond with the college. Prerequisite: For first-term LAS transfer students only.
LAS 112 First Year College Success credit: 1 Hour.
Builds on the skills and information obtained in LAS 101 to create the toolbox needed to effectively explore academic possibilities. Enables students to successfully declare a major, as well as achieve and maintain academic excellence at Illinois and beyond. Prerequisite: Restricted to LAS AAP - Undeclared.
LAS 122 Leadership and Society credit: 1 Hour.
Engages first-year LAS honors students in the realms of citizenship, stewardship and leadership for the 21st century. En route to becoming competent and agile learners, first-year honors students experience an orientation to Illinois that fosters greater awareness and knowledge of campus resources and an examination of scholarly and personal leadership, global issues, and civic engagement. The course serves as a means for students to enhance their independence, cultural awareness and connection to community. Students work with a small cohort of peer scholars in a one-hour weekly graded session led by an upper-level LAS James Scholar peer mentor. Students are expected to work together and individually on projects involving community partners and campus groups. Assignments will incorporate the concept of service in connection with civic engagement.
LAS 195 Social Innovations for Global Challenges credit: 3 Hours.
Real-world practice in problem-solving, cross-cultural communication, and organizational support. Applying a human-centered design framework, students, guided by professional mentors, develop innovative solutions to social challenges posed by local and global organizations. Students provide research and professional support to organizations and, in turn, develop the critical skills necessary to be impactful leaders in the global society and workforce. May be repeated in separate semesters to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: LAS first-year students accepted into the Global Leaders Program.
LAS 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar credit: 0 to 5 Hours.
Topics will vary. See class schedule. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.
LAS 205 International Collaborations for Global impact credit: 3 Hours.
An experiential course designed to provide domestic and international students with real-world practice in problem-solving, cross-cultural communication, and organizational support. Applying a Human-Centered Design framework, students are trained to develop innovative solutions to social challenges that impact our world by collaborating with international organizations and partners. May be repeated in separate semesters to a maximum of 6 hours. Enrollment in LAS 205 for both the Fall and consecutive Spring term is a requirement for active participation in the LAS Global Leaders Program. Prerequisite: Restricted to LAS second-year students who have completed LAS 195 and are accepted into the Global Leaders Program.
LAS 220 Leadership and Social Change credit: 3 Hours.
An examination of leadership from historical, political, and sociological perspectives through a study of how a natural disaster impacted a community within the United States. Participation in a community service trip during spring break may be required. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Restricted to LAS James Scholars Honors program students.
LAS 279 Writing Job Applications credit: 1 Hour.
Same as BTW 279. See EALC 279.
LAS 289 Internship Experience credit: 0 Hours.
Students follow a program of study and research through an approved internship. Written work report required. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in separate semesters. Prerequisite: Consent of course instructor required. Restricted to students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
LAS 291 Global Perspectives for Intercultural Learning credit: 1 Hour.
Prepares students who are going abroad for a semester or academic year for their transition through a) examining expectations, b) focusing on the purpose and value of the abroad experience, c) preparing students culturally and logistically, d) addressing issues of culture shock, e) helping students with articulating their experience for future personal and professional goals, f) enhancing intercultural communication and global understanding, and g) assisting with re-entry planning. May be repeated in separate terms.
LAS 292 Global Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Contexts credit: 2 Hours.
Provides an opportunity for students studying abroad to consider how their journey might be articulated as a global learning experience. Requires students to discuss what they are learning, reflect upon it, and discern ways to apply the knowledge gained through their experiences. May be repeated in separate terms. Prerequisite: LAS 291.
LAS 299 LAS Study Abroad credit: 0 to 18 Hours.
Provides credit toward the undergraduate degree for study at accredited foreign institutions or approved overseas programs. Final determination of credit is made upon the student's completion of the work. (Summer session, 0 to 8 hours). Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 36 term hours per academic year or to a total of 44 term hours, all of which must be earned within one calendar year. Prerequisite: One year of residence at UIUC, good academic standing, and prior approval of the major department and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
LAS 302 Internships and Professional Experiences credit: 1 to 3 Hours.
Develops career readiness competencies as students engage in professional experiences, such as internships, service learning, volunteer opportunities, or a part-time job. Students connect these professional experiences to both their academic journeys and next steps after graduation. Career development theories are demonstrated and applied, helping students develop lifelong career management competencies. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours. Duration of commitment to professional experience and level of academic involvement are reflected in the number of credit hours enrolled. Prerequisite: Instructor approval required. Restricted to students enrolled in a bachelor's degree program in the College of LAS. Students must be concurrently enrolled in some professional experience.
LAS 399 Leadership & Professional Development credit: 1 to 3 Hours.
Leadership and professional development seminar for student interns. Interns will learn teaching, mentoring, leadership and professional skills that will enable them to lead a section of an LAS transition course or experience and share their successful academic experiences with undergraduate students who are new to the University. Interns will help their students develop the skills necessary to succeed at the U of I. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Instructor approval required.
LAS 494 Senior Project credit: 2 or 4 Hours.
For students seeking graduation with distinction in IPS. 2 or 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 undergraduate hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and IPS Advisory Committee; open only to students whose major is IPS and who have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25.