JOUR - Journalism
JOUR 101 Interactive Media & You credit: 3 Hours.
Introduces students to research and theory surrounding new media and technology. We will examine the impacts of interactive media (e.g., social media, video games) on society and, ultimately, our everyday lives. We will look beyond "good/bad" classifications of new media in favor of seeking a more balanced understanding of the significance of these evolving technologies. A goal of the course is to reflect on the role interactive media technologies play in our increasingly digital society/lives and how we can leverage them for positive purposes while minimizing the potential for negative consequences.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Beh Sci
JOUR 102 Navigating Social Media credit: 3 Hours.
Provides a broad understanding of the role that big tech companies and their platforms play in everyday life. Through seminars and guided workshops, students will gain both the practical skills to explore social media data and the critical criteria to reflect on issues such as digital activism, digital surveillance, algorithmic inequality, privacy, digital property rights, monopoly and antitrust, changes in the news industry, and mis/disinformation. Credit not given for JOUR 102 if credit already received for JOUR 199 section "Social Media".
JOUR 150 Introduction to Mobile Journalism credit: 2 Hours.
Smart phones have changed the way we consume news, and how we report it. Mobile Journalism will look at how journalists around the world are using smart phones skillfully and how they are molding their content for different platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok. Students will learn the basics of gathering high quality video and audio, editing using apps, skills for being in front of the camera and how to use effects to improve storytelling.
JOUR 161 Introduction to Sports Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Examines the relationship between sports and journalism, with a focus on how sports reporting influences spectators, fans, news media and regions. The course examines how the relationship has developed through history and introduces significant work of current sports journalists.
JOUR 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar credit: 1 to 3 Hours.
A changing array of courses focusing on special topics in journalism. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours, if topics vary.
JOUR 200 Introduction to Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Discussion of the history, freedom, technologies, ethics, and functions of the news media. Training in clear, descriptive writing techniques, using journalistic models.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Advanced Composition
JOUR 205 History of American Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Surveys the history of the field of journalism since pre-colonial times. Includes the evolution of the media in the United States and the evolution of cultural concepts concerning the media, including rights granted under the First Amendment.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Humanities - Hist & Phil
JOUR 210 Newsgathering Across Platforms credit: 4 Hours.
Fundamentals of journalistic reporting and writing across print, broadcast and digital platforms. Credit is not given for JOUR 210 if credit for JOUR 400 has been earned. Prerequisite: JOUR 200.
JOUR 215 Multimedia Reporting credit: 4 Hours.
Designed to acquaint students with the fundamentals of digital photography, video, audio and multimedia as it applies to journalism. Instruction will include conceptual frameworks and techniques to create multimedia journalism content; the conception, planning and creation of multimedia projects; coverage of events with audio, video and photographs; the technical and creative aspects of digital photography, video, and multimedia; delivery platforms for multimedia content including the Web and evolving communication technologies. Credit is not given for JOUR 215 if credit for JOUR 410 has been earned. Prerequisite: JOUR 210 or consent of Journalism Department.
JOUR 217 Content Producing for UI7 credit: 3 Hours.
Students will learn videography, editing, writing, and producing video content for student programs Good Morning Illini and Illini Sports Night. Class will also include studio production jobs for Good Morning Illini’s live Friday broadcasts and taped studio segments for Illini Sports Night. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours in separate semesters. JOUR 217 cannot substitute for JOUR 340 as a prerequisite for JOUR 445. Prerequisite: Students may not be concurrently enrolled in JOUR 340 or JOUR 445.
JOUR 220 News Editing credit: 4 Hours.
Editing and headline writing, news judgment, ethics and leadership. Credit is not given for JOUR 220 if credit for JOUR 320 has been given.
JOUR 240 Introduction to Documentary Storytelling & Production credit: 3 Hours.
For students who like documentaries, this course provides a chance to learn beginning video production techniques as well as the ethical issues associated with this genre. Students may create a short video OR make a presentation analyzing documentary films for a final project.
JOUR 250 Journalism Ethics & Diversity credit: 3 Hours.
Focuses on media decision-making and news judgment, specifically ethics and diversity in newsgathering with regard to scope, privacy, bias, economic concerns, and accountability. Examines real-life news decisions and the thoughts of journalists who lived through famous and infamous ethics situations. Key provisions in the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics regarding use of diverse voices will be discussed and applied in practical ways, and both students and the instructor will find current examples of ethics issues to present to the class. Diversity education is part of the required standard for achieving journalism accreditation from the discipline's national accrediting body.
JOUR 280 Specialized Skills and Practices credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
A changing array of courses addressing specialty writing, reporting, audio, video and multimedia skills, topics and projects. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated up to 8 hours in the same semester and up to 12 hours in separate semesters, if topics vary.
JOUR 293 Digital Photography for Everyone credit: 3 Hours.
Foundations of digital photography, techniques to produce photographs; the conception and planning of pictures; the pictorial coverage of locations, events and human interest situations; and the planning and execution of photos in print, on the web and other electronic media are the focus of this hands-on course. You will develop a practical understanding of the potentials and realities of photographic communication to better use them for full expression of your vision. Approved for Letter and S/U grading.
JOUR 310 Media Law in Historical Context credit: 3 Hours.
This course surveys how the press and First Amendment freedoms have played a key role in developing and sustaining the world's first constitutional democracy, the United States of America. The course examines how a selection of key court cases, legal actions, and regulations in the wake of the First Amendment have shaped the U.S. media landscape. These legal events serve as pivot points to study the journalism of the era in which they took place, providing an exploration into how law, journalism, and the news have evolved Credit is not given toward graduation for JOUR 310 and JOUR 311. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class standing.
JOUR 311 Media Law credit: 3 Hours.
Detailed analysis of the theories of freedom of expression, the legal doctrines of greatest concern to mass communicators, and contemporary issues related to free speech and press, including libel, copyright, and news-gathering in a digital age. Credit is not given for JOUR 311 if credit for JOUR 411 has been earned.
JOUR 313 Writing for Television & Streaming News credit: 3 Hours.
Introduces the fundamentals of writing for broadcast, cable and streaming newscasts. Teaches students how to write anchor copy, news reads, taped packages and breaking news on deadline.
JOUR 315 Adv Public Affairs Reporting credit: 4 Hours.
Study and extensive practice of in-depth public affairs reporting - its concepts, techniques, traditions, ethics, and social obligations. Credit is not given for JOUR 315 if credit for JOUR 415 has been earned. Prerequisite: JOUR 210.
JOUR 317 On-Camera Performance for UI7 credit: 3 Hours.
Students who have successfully completed JOUR 217 or JOUR 340 will learn advanced videography, editing and reporting skills to be on-air reporters for the Good Morning Illini show. Class will also include on-camera talent lab for Good Morning Illini's live broadcast on Fridays. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours in separate semesters. Prerequisite: JOUR 217 or JOUR 340. May be taken concurrently with JOUR 340 or JOUR 445.
JOUR 318 Social Media Content Producing credit: 3 Hours.
In this introductory course, learn the skills of becoming a content producer for social media. Students will learn videography, editing, writing, and producing video content to be published on UI7 Newsroom’s Instagram account. The course focuses on creating content with your phone for digital distribution. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours in separate semesters. Prerequisite: Students may not be concurrently enrolled in JOUR 340, 400 or 445. Restricted to students with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class standing.
JOUR 335 Audio Journalism credit: 4 Hours.
Reporting and writing news for audio programs and websites. Prerequisite: JOUR 210 and JOUR 215.
JOUR 340 Video Reporting & Storytelling credit: 4 Hours.
An introduction to video storytelling techniques. Covers field reporting, writing, editing and studio production for news stories. Students learn to create video for broadcast and online and how to use social media to engage the viewer. Prerequisite: JOUR 215. Concurrent enrollment with JOUR 317 is allowed. May not be taken concurrently with JOUR 217.
JOUR 356 Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture credit: 3 Hours.
Our images of journalists are shaped and formed by the popular culture and mythologies surrounding news that we see reflected in Hollywood, on the big screen and on the little screen. This class aims to offer a comprehensive look at how news is portrayed in popular culture, balancing what we see in the movies and learn from books with the actual history of news at that time. From this class, you will get a wide-ranging view of the history of journalism. You will see the developments of the news production process from giant machines to the speed of the web, and you will learn about some of the ethical dilemmas facing journalists.
JOUR 360 Working with the Press credit: 3 Hours.
Surveys contemporary public relations to distinguish publicity, advertising, branding, press agentry, public affairs, issues management, lobbying, investor relations and development. The core issue of working with the media will encompass guidelines for good media relations, guidelines for working with the press, and understanding the ethical dimensions of the relationships that form. The course will employ real and hypothetical case studies.
JOUR 361 Classics of Sports Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Students in this course will read, view, analyze and discuss long-form sports journalism. Some of the books, articles and documentaries are considered classics of the form; others may be fairly recent but on their way to classic status. All will represent varied approaches to sports journalism across media platforms.
JOUR 400 Newsroom Experience credit: 0 to 4 Hours.
In this experiential learning course, students work as journalists for a local news outlet under the supervision of Journalism faculty. Those outlets include Illinois Public Media, UI-7, and CU-CitizenAccess and may include newsroom experiences at editorially independent student publications with faculty coaching and critiquing of work. Depending on the section, students might report, write and edit for the web, television or radio; work on data and investigative journalism projects; create podcasts, multimedia graphics, data visualizations. The course is repeatable, allowing students to gain experience in different roles and at more than one outlet and to progress toward more independent work. Standards for all sections will be established by the department. 0 to 4 undergraduate hours. 0 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Credit is not given for JOUR 400 if credit for JOUR 495 is given for the same work experience. Prerequisite: Vary according to section. See section notes.
JOUR 410 Data Storytelling for Journalists credit: 4 Hours.
Data has become an invaluable resource for journalists to expose stories hidden in the numbers and produce great stories. Introduces students to the development process and ethical guidelines for creating data stories, including acquiring, cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing data using various tools of data journalism. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given if credit has already been earned for JOUR 460 (Sections DS and DJ). Prerequisite: STAT 100 or instructor approval. Restricted to students with Junior, Senior or Graduate standing.
JOUR 417 Producing for UI7 Programming credit: 4 Hours.
Students in this class will take leadership roles in producing live and live to tape programming to be aired on UI7 and master skills in pre-production, production and post-production. Students will oversee one of two UI7 programs: a live production of Good Morning Illini or a live-to-tape production of Illini Sports Night. Registration by instructor permission. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Meets with JOUR 217 and JOUR 317. Prerequisite: Either JOUR 317 or JOUR 340. May not be taken concurrently with JOUR 445. Registration by instructor permission. Prospective students will submit a resume and writing sample. Finalists will be selected for interviews.
JOUR 421 Editing for Publication credit: 3 Hours.
Principles and practice of editing across disciplines. Content includes style, grammar, punctuation, word usage, clarity and brevity. Both print and digital environments are considered. Students will edit text and display copy such as headlines and photo captions. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both JOUR 421 and JOUR 320. Journalism majors should enroll in JOUR 320. Prerequisite: Advanced Composition.
JOUR 425 Multimedia Editing and Design credit: 4 Hours.
Principles of visual design and editing; seeks to instill application-level competency in a wide array of non-linear storytelling techniques across various media, including page layout, graphic design, data visualization, and web publishing. Students will create original multimedia news content by diving into the basics of Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Excel, HTML/CSS, etc. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: JOUR 215.
JOUR 427 Broadcast Meteorology credit: 3 Hours.
Introduction to the fundamentals of preparing and presenting radio and television weather broadcasts. Emphasis is placed on the gathering of meteorological information, preparing weather forecasts for broadcast, explaining various meteorological phenomena, preparing professional weather graphics, and developing presentation skills. Special topics include science/environmental reporting and severe weather coverage. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Restricted to Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate students.
JOUR 430 Augmented and Virtual Reality credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Examines the importance and application of immersive technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. Students will learn about the history of these technologies, research regarding their effectiveness, and how to apply them to solve real-world problems and convey non-fiction narrative experiences. Students will also receive an introduction to designing content for these technologies (a formal design background is NOT required). This course will be tailored to students interested in the application of these emerging technologies in fields such as journalism, advertising, and media studies. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for JOUR 430 if credit for JOUR 460 (section - Ext Reality and Immersive Tech) or JOUR 460 (section - Immersive Technologies) has been given. Prerequisite: Junior, senior or graduate standing.
JOUR 440 Advanced Documentary Storytelling & Production credit: 4 Hours.
For students interested in cinema, journalism, or video storytelling, this class offers a chance to expand their production skills by creating a documentary. This class is open to students who have some experience with videography and editing. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit not given if credit for JOUR 480 (Advanced Documentary Production) already given. Prerequisite: JOUR 215 or JOUR 240 or JOUR 340 or MACS 150 or MACS 260 or instructor consent.
JOUR 445 Advanced Television Reporting credit: 4 Hours.
Build on your reporting skills learned in other classes. Advanced techniques for television reporting, writing, shooting and editing video news stories. Learn how to find, research better video stories for air. Then present stories on air for UI7 Newsroom programming. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: JOUR 340. May not be taken concurrently with JOUR 400-UI7 Newsroom classes.
JOUR 450 Media and Public Opinion credit: 3 Hours.
Theory of public opinion and communications; relation of communication systems to public opinion, social systems, and the political order. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Completion of Quantitative Reasoning I.
JOUR 451 Research Methods in Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Introduction to social science principles of measurement, sampling, statistical inferences and logic of research design in collection, analysis and interpretation of information used in journalism and mass media. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Completion of Quantitative Reasoning I requirement.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Quantitative Reasoning II
JOUR 452 Great Books of Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Books written by journalists have had great impact on U.S. public policy and understanding, covering such topics as corporate power, political corruption, rural poverty, the atomic bombing of Japan, Watergate, and a soldiers-eye view of war. From hard-edged investigations to nonfiction literature, the readings broaden and deepen understanding of the power and purpose of journalism beyond breaking news and celebrities. Readings from eight groundbreaking books, assessment of social and professional impact, ethical issues, reporting and writing approaches, and extensive class discussion. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Humanities - Lit & Arts
JOUR 453 Crisis Communications credit: 3 Hours.
Students will take on the role of a public relations/public affairs officer to learn how to deal with the media when managing a crisis for a client, whether a multinational corporation or a professional athlete. Students will use case studies of actual events to examine how the media dealt with the crisis. Students will get a look at the inner workings of a major PR firm devoted to telling the truth while managing the message. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.
JOUR 454 Propaganda & the News Media credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
The course examines techniques and processes of propaganda in a democratic society. It draws from contemporary theories of influence and persuasion to identify propaganda in the context of modern journalism, to delinerate differences between propaganda and information, and to assess the impact of propaganda on democratic decision making in the digital age. Particular attention is given to the news media practices and consumption patterns that unwittingly facilitate strategies of modern propagandists. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Junior, Senior or Graduate standing.
JOUR 456 Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Journalism credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
Examines the role ethnic minorities and women have played in American journalism. Students are expected to cast a critical eye on the functioning of American journalism as an inclusive profession. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with Junior, Senior, or Graduate class standing.
JOUR 460 Special Topics credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
A changing array of special projects, research or reading in journalism. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated if topics vary.
JOUR 470 International Reporting credit: 3 Hours.
Role of international news in daily lives. Examines those who report it and those who pioneered it. Students monitor how U.S. and international media cover selected countries and learn how to write international news. In selected semesters, students may research issues and life in a foreign country in preparation for an international reporting trip. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.
JOUR 471 Science Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Students will explore media coverage of science. They will examine the interconnections of scientific advances and public understanding. Students will interview scientists and journalists, to discuss work, and to become science communicators. Subject matter of reporting projects will be determined by the background and interests of the students. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.
JOUR 472 Business Reporting credit: 3 Hours.
Learning to follow the money is a key part of covering corporate America, professional sports or Hollywood. No need to fear financial statements: This course shows you easy methods to pick them apart and turn them into smart stories. Students learn to report and write stories using the Wall Street Journal's feature methods. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: JOUR 210. Restricted to students with Junior, Senior, or Graduate class standing.
JOUR 473 Environmental Journalism credit: 3 Hours.
Preparing students to cover pressing environmental issues facing society. Students will gain experience identifying and interviewing experts, interpreting complex environmental topics, and explaining research. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.
JOUR 475 In-Depth Writing Styles credit: 3 Hours.
Explores and produces feature, literary and longform writing and alternative forms of journalistic narratives. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Enrollment limited to Juniors, Seniors and Graduate students.
JOUR 480 Advanced Reporting Topics credit: 3 Hours.
Advanced reporting projects or techniques, with separate sections for a varying array of topics such as investigative reporting, immersion journalism, literary journalism, business and financial journalism, online publishing, radio news features, sports writing, broadcast documentary production, digital journalism, and photo journalism. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. May be repeated in the same or subsequent semesters if topics vary. Prerequisite: JOUR 210.
JOUR 481 Literary Feature Writing credit: 3 Hours.
Course focuses on concept, reporting practice, and ethics of literary approaches to create evocative, story-like journalism articles. Students report and write a single in-depth story that will be re-reported and re-written three times. Includes extensive readings illustrating the finest literary journalism. The class includes extensive self, class and professor criticism and editing. Articles for this class have been published in the News-Gazette and other publications. An archive of published stories can be found at 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: JOUR 210. Journalism majors only.
JOUR 482 Immersion Journalism credit: 4 Hours.
Introduces you to the journalistic interview techniques of immersion journalism. The methodology examines contemporary social phenomena through the lives of individuals and families.The interview methodology students learn is seen as the best way to provide the ethnographer/writer/reporter with insight into social phenomena. The methodology can be used to examine living conditions, family history and attitudes of ethnic groups at any class level -- wealthy, affluent, middle class, poor or underclass. Students with insatiable curiosity about behavior will be able to extract from participants surprising revelations about their needs, desires and motivations. Students will learn how personalities, circumstances, and choices made by participants' parents and forebears affect the participant's life today. Same as AFRO 482. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Junior, senior or graduate standing required.
JOUR 483 Investigative Journalism credit: 4 Hours.
Integrates traditional and innovative methods of investigative reporting, including data analysis and text mining of documents and social media. Students will learn how to do deep research, organize complex material, and produce presentations that are easy for the public to understand. Students will delve deeply into one topic throughout the semester and have the opportunity to create and publish a multi-media project. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: It is recommended students complete JOUR 315 prior to taking JOUR 483. Restricted to junior, senior, and graduate students.
JOUR 490 Professional Project credit: 3 Hours.
Individual and team-produced advanced enterprise projects in specialized fields. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. May be repeated in the same or subsequent semesters if topics vary.
JOUR 494 Navigating the Job Market credit: 1 Hour.
Covers how to get noticed when you’re out searching for an internship or job, including how to produce a resume that attracts positive attention, how to write a cover letter designed for the job you’re applying to, how to present yourself in an interview, what employers are looking for in those interviews, and where to look to find internships and jobs. 1 undergraduate hour. 1 graduate hour. Approved for S/U grading only.
JOUR 495 Internship Seminar credit: 0 to 1 Hours.
Seminar based on internship experience. Offered for College of Media students who complete an approved professional, industry related internship. 0 to 1 undergraduate hours. 0 to 1 graduate hours. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same term to a maximum of 2 undergraduate hours or 2 graduate hours. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 3 undergraduate hours or 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
JOUR 500 Current Issues in Journalism credit: 4 Hours.
Seminar on issues of contemporary importance in journalism in their historical, multicultural contexts. Emphasis on ethical, legal, social, professional aspects of those issues. Aimed at helping students to develop their own journalism philosophies and high standards of conduct. Prerequisite: Consent of department.
JOUR 501 Multimedia Storytelling credit: 4 Hours.
The course is designed to equip graduate students who have little or no journalism experience to report in a multimedia environment. In the first part of the course, students learn where to find stories and how to develop story ideas, as well as basic research and interviewing techniques. Students will then be introduced to the various ways in which stories can be told using media platforms such as print, radio, television and the web. Prerequisite: Graduate students only.
JOUR 505 Journalism Proseminar credit: 4 Hours.
Introduction to scholarship and research in journalism and mass communication examining theoretical approaches to the meanings, uses, and effects of mass media in society; discussion of media freedom and accountability; humanistic and social scientific contributions to understanding mass communication. Prerequisite: Consent of department.
JOUR 515 Master's Project credit: 4 Hours.
A professional journalism project demonstrating development of analytical and critical thinking abilities appropriate to the profession and effective application of journalism methodology. May be repeated up to 8 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of department.
JOUR 590 Advanced Topics in Science and Technology Journalism credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Advanced special projects, research or reading in science and technology journalism at the master's and doctoral level. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated, if topics vary, to a maximum of 8 hours in the same term and 24 hours in separate terms.