CI - Curriculum and Instruction

CI Class Schedule


CI 199   Undergraduate Open Seminar   credit: 1 to 5 Hours.

Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

CI 205   Undergraduate Honors Research   credit: 1 Hour.

Course focuses on reading/understanding education research and working with a College of Education faculty mentor on a small research project. Student projects will be presented at the Spring Campus Undergraduate Research Symposium. Classes initially will be led by the instructor, but later will be conducted as a seminar with students leading discussions on the topic of their research. To the extent possible, students will select readings and research topics of personal interest. May be repeated in separate semesters if topics vary. Prerequisite: Restricted to College of Education James Scholar Program Students.

CI 210   Introduction to Digital Learning Environments   credit: 3 Hours.

Surveys the field of digital environments and their capacity to support teaching and learning. Examines theories of interactivity, immersion, learning with multi-media, and digital literacies to discuss and evaluate various digital environments. Students learn to critically assess digital environments and to create original prototypes that target a specific and important learning or teaching goal. Environments that will be discussed and experimented with in class include virtual worlds, social networks, digital classrooms, interactive exhibits, video games, and tangible technologies.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Beh Sci

CI 211   Introduction to Learning   credit: 3 Hours.

Two approaches to understanding what the field knows about learning will be explored. The course will follow classic theories and ask how the theories impact education. The course will also review current research on elements of learning and how each of them are evaluated and their implications for education. Together, these approaches will provide students with an understanding of classic and current theories of learning, and elements of emergent research.

CI 260   Serving Children in Schools and the Community   credit: 3 Hours.

This community engagement course is designed for students interested in working with children (defined as birth through high school), careers serving children, and/or parenthood. The focus for this course is tutoring and mentoring children (elementary through high school). A minimum of two hours per week of approved community service related to children is a requirement of the course. Placements with schools will be made through the course instructor. Class content focuses on relating to children, motivating and engaging children in learning, community institutions and agencies serving children, and social issues affecting the lives of American children today.

CI 312   Data Literacy   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces data literacy as a required key twenty-first century skill. Students will learn the nature of data across different domains and the concepts and skills of data visualization by understanding, questioning, and problematizing how data are generated, analyzed, and used. Students will be able to apply its concepts and skills to visualize your own data, interpret the findings, and examine the impacts of data-driven decisions.

CI 317   Learning in a technology saturated world   credit: 3 Hours.

As the range of technology increases in our world, more experiences are either mediated or interrupted by these technologies. Concerns about the effect of interruptions are coupled with enthusiasm for the potential of technology to radically alter the learning environment. We’ll look at research on what technology does to us and how being surrounded by technology impacts your attention to tasks and learning opportunities.

CI 380   History (and Futures) of Educational Technology   credit: 3 Hours.

Students will be introduced to the history of educational technology in this course: important developments, key trends, and the big debates that have driven policy and innovation. Through videos, demonstrations, and key readings the course will examine some of the most important breakthroughs in educational technology, and the most glorious failures. The course will also examine what this history means for the future of educational technology.

CI 382   Designing Interactive Learning Spaces   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces students to the state-of-the-field of learning spaces. This seminar-style course will focus on how features of physical environments interact with technology to create and shape learning experiences in both formal and informal learning spaces. A large focus of the course will be on methods for observing, collecting data about, and designing technology-infused learning spaces, through a human-centered design approach. Some class sessions will include visits to learning environments on campus (e.g., classroom spaces, museums).

CI 395   Independent Study   credit: 2 or 3 Hours.

Permits study of problems not considered in other courses; for students who excel in self-direction and intellectual curiosity. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing; minimum GPA of 3.5; completion of Advanced Composition requirement, and consent of adviser and staff member supervising the work.

CI 401   Introductory Teaching in a Diverse Society   credit: 3 Hours.

Orients the student to ways in which English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies or Computer Science is learned in school settings. Integrates an introduction to the use of technology as both a tool and a context for teaching and learning. As participants in a series of learning activities, students will reflect on the teaching and learning of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies or Computer Science from an inquiry oriented perspective. Coursework is integrated with a school field experience to connect theory with practice in an examination of research and current trends. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Secondary Teacher Education Program, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Computer Science licensure program or consent of the instructor/department.

CI 402   Teaching Diverse Middle Grade Students   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines the curriculum and philosophy of teaching students in the middle grades. Students will focus on a number of related topics including teaching a diverse middle school student population, including all students in instruction, using technology for teaching middle school English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies and alternative means of assessing students' learning. Seminar content will be integrated with coursework in adolescent development, and special education in middle school settings. Coursework is integrated with a middle grade field experience. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. May be repeated up to 9 credit hours. Prerequisite: CI 401, CI 405, or CI 410.

CI 403   Teaching a Diverse High School Student Population   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines the curriculum and philosophy of teaching students in high school grades. Students will focus on a number of related topics including teaching a diverse student population, including all students in instruction, using technology for teaching high school English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies and alternative means of assessing students' learning. Seminar content will be integrated with coursework in instructional technology, assessment, and special education with high school students. Coursework is integrated with a high school field experience. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 401. Requires concurrent enrollment in CI/EPSY 485 and SPED 405.

CI 404   Teaching and Assessing Secondary School Students   credit: 3 Hours.

Emphasizes the practical application of theory and recommended practices for developing curriculum, teaching, and assessing learning in the middle and senior high school years. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 402 or CI 403. Concurrent enrollment in EDPR 442 required.

CI 405   Introduction to Teaching Elementary Age Children   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines the contexts of elementary education in the public schools. Includes content on teaching as a profession and community/family contexts of education. Coursework is integrated with field experiences with elementary children. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 406   Theory Practice in Elementary School Teaching I   credit: 3 Hours.

Course examines teaching in the elementary grades. Students will focus on a number of related topics, including classroom management, instructional design, personal and professional attributes of effective teachers, and multicultural perspectives. Coursework is integrated with field assignments in public elementary schools. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 405; admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 407   Theory Practice in Elementary School Teaching II   credit: 3 Hours.

Course continues the examination of teaching in the elementary grades, begun in CI 405 and CI 406. In addition to continuing the study of some topics introduced in the previous courses, students will focus on the following topics as they complete student teaching: designing instruction for classes including special needs students, managing technology in the classroom, and working with parents. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 406; admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program. Requires concurrent enrollment in EDPR 432.

CI 410   Middle School Instruction, Philosophy and Structures   credit: 3 Hours.

This course will introduce middle school concept and philosophy; cover common instructional and assessment strategies aligned with this concept, with a specific focus on curriculum integration and the use of newer communication technologies; and will review middle school organizational structures, including teaming, advisory, alternative scheduling, exploratory classes, and parental involvement. Students will connect theory and practice by incorporating their concurrent field placement (in middle level setting) into assignments and discussions. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.

CI 415   Language Varieties, Cultures and Learning   credit: 3 Hours.

For students in the early childhood, elementary and middle grades licensure programs. Introduces students to issues related to first- and second-language development, cultural diversity, and language variation. Addresses the above issues in terms of teaching and learning and serves as a base for subsequent courses that will extend these issues in the content areas. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to a teacher preparation program.

CI 420   Foundations of Early Childhood Education   credit: 5 Hours.

Students will study of the role of the early childhood teacher in designing, organizing, and implementing educational programs for children in preschools, kindergartens, and the primary grades. This course includes the history, philosophy, and theory of early childhood education. Students will complete a morning field placement in a local elementary school. 5 undergraduate hours. 5 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program; EPSY 236; EPOL 201.

CI 421   Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education   credit: 3 Hours.

Studies the principles and practices of using play as an educational tool in early childhood education; reviews historical, philosophical, and psychological foundations of nursery-kindergarten methods; assesses techniques relating play to various aspects of instruction; surveys materials and equipment; and presents methods of classroom evaluation. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: CI 420; admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program. Concurrent enrollment in EDPR 420 and EDPR 438; credit or concurrent registration in EDPR 250, section EC.

CI 422   Families, Communities, Schools   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Principles and practices of building partnerships and collaboration among families, community agencies, and schools in a diverse society for early childhood professionals; covers strategies for building understanding, trust, and effective communication with all children and their families including those who have special needs, have cultural and linguistic differences, come from non-traditional family configurations, and who face poverty, health problems, and/or family dysfunction. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program or consent of the instructor.

CI 424   Child Development & Technology   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Theories of development will inform an analysis of current technologies marketed for pre-school children; issues related to technology and childhood will be explored. One class each week will focus on lectures and discussions about child development, the second class will focus on presentation of technology or technology genre and evaluation of their value for young children. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Approved for both letter and S/U grading.

CI 425   Early Childhood Education Instructional Planning, Assessment & Learning Environments   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines grade/age specific learning standards and how standards are deconstructed to inform and develop measurable, substantive instructional objectives. Also focuses on planning for instruction and assessment, guidance and management, and effective use of the learning environment. Analysis of assessment data to inform instructional decisions will also be included. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: For students in the Early Childhood Professional Education concentration.

CI 430   Teaching Children Mathematics   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines children's learning of mathematics and meaningful instructional methods, representations and materials. Emphasis given to number and operations (including both whole and rational numbers), number theory and statistics/probability. Includes laboratory experience with supervised problem solving. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CI 430 and CI 431. Prerequisite: MATH 103; admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 431   Teaching Elementary Mathematics   credit: 4 Hours.

Examines the organization, scope, and sequence of the mathematics program and the functional nature of mathematics; methods, techniques, experiences, and materials of value in teaching mathematics, and the role of the classroom teacher. Includes laboratory experience, with supervised problem solving. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CI 430 and CI 431. Prerequisite: MATH 103; admission to the Special Education Program.

CI 432   Investigative Approach to Elementary Mathematics Instruction   credit: 3 Hours.

Course will model and examine an investigative approach to elementary mathematics instruction, which is purposeful, inquiry-based, and meaningful mathematics instruction. Particular focus will be given to the teaching and learning of measurement, geometry and algebra/functions. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 430 or CI 431; admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 433   Foundations of Bilingual Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Analyzes historical, political, and educational influences on bilingual/ESL education in US. Theoretical foundation of bilingual and ESL programs are examined as well as the effectiveness of program models in promoting academic achievement. Meets standards and course requirements for the Illinois State Board of Education Teaching Approval and Endorsement for Bilingual and ESL teachers. Same as LLS 433. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 434   Teaching Secondary Mathematics   credit: 3 Hours.

This is a required course for students seeking a mathematics endorsement at the middle school level while earning or holding teacher certification in another subject area. It is also required for students completing the campus Teacher Education Minor in Mathematics for grades 9-12 and the Teacher Education Minor in Mathematics for grades 6-8. This methods course covers: a) The NCTM and Illinois Learning Standards for Mathematics, b) "Best practice" in mathematics pedagogy, c) Assessment in the mathematics classroom, d) technology in mathematics classrooms, and e) the design of unit and lesson plans in mathematics. Students will design and deliver lessons as part of their course work. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Although there are no stated prerequisites for this course, it is advised that most, if not all, of the mathematics content requirements be completed before taking this course.

CI 435   Technology Applications for Teachers   credit: 4 Hours.

In this course, students will dive in-depth into the opportunities and challenges of integrating technology into formal K-12 classrooms. Students will get a chance to critically examine a range of learning technologies, including examples of their use and approaches for assessing their efficacy. As an outcome of this course, each student will construct a lesson plan for integrating a chosen technology in their own classroom. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 436   Technology and Mathematics Education   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Examines the role of technology as a learning tool in the secondary school mathematics classroom; reviews curricular materials and develops sample classroom projects using available technologies; analyzes mathematical problems using technology methods including simulations, representations, and invented algorithms. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 437   Educational Game Design   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Examines the role that physical and digital games play in learning. Focuses on how people learn through play and how game structures support educational outcomes. Principles of game design are described and students apply them to the design of original games with a specified educational objective. Students learn to prototype, playtest, and evaluate the educational content of games. Surveys and samples games in the areas of serious games, persuasive games, games for impact, etc. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.

CI 438   Computer Programming and the Classroom   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

This course will introduces educators to the theoretical, pedagogical, and practical aspects of teaching computer programming in the K-12 setting. It will explore how computer science topics and concepts can impact learning, and offer practical strategies and resources to help teachers incorporate computer programming into their practice. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 441   Math Content for Early Childhood Education (PK-2)   credit: 3 Hours.

Supports current and future early childhood teachers in building conceptual understandings of early childhood mathematics and in exploring the ways that mathematical ideas are interconnected and develop over time for children from birth through second grade, and just beyond. In parallel, early childhood teachers will engage with mathematics themselves and investigate what mathematical engagement and thinking looks like for their young students. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in CI 443. For students in the Early Childhood Professional Education concentration.

CI 442   Math, Science, and Techniques in Early Childhood Education   credit: 5 Hours.

The principles, place and practice of science and mathematics education in early childhood education and in the lives of young children; stresses the functional nature of science and mathematics and their inter-relatedness; presents methods, techniques, experiences, and materials of value in teaching mathematics and science in early childhood education; and the role of the classroom teacher. Opportunity for experience in field and laboratory work. 5 undergraduate hours. 5 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 420, general education requirements in mathematics (MATH 103 or equivalent), 2 years of college science, admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program. Requires concurrent enrollment in EDPR 432.

CI 443   Mathematics in Early Childhood Education   credit: 3 Hours.

Focuses on the teaching of foundational mathematical concepts in prekindergarten, kindergarten, and the primary grades. Pre-service teachers will learn the value of "mathematizing" the worlds of children and creating authentic experiences through which children learn key mathematics concepts. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Completed or concurrent enrollment in general education requirements in mathematics or equivalent, admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program.

CI 444   ECE Social Studies Content and Methods   credit: 3 Hours.

Focuses on the content and instruction of social studies concepts for grades PreK – 2. Instructional strategies, planning and assessment through an inquiry model of instruction will be emphasized. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: For students in the Early Childhood Professional Education concentration.

CI 445   Science and Social Studies Inquiry   credit: 3 Hours.

This course is an exploration into the construct of inquiry as an essential human trait and methodological approach for teaching and learning. Through the disciplines of science and social studies we will inquire into elements and methods for building inclusive and critical communities of practice, designing curriculum for depth of understanding, and using documentation as democratic action. This course will encompass and revisit enduring understandings from the entire ECE professional program sequence, mediated by Danielson's Framework for Teaching. Cohort members will synthesize the above in the real context of student teaching placements, class meetings, online discussions, and course assignments. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 421. Concurrent enrollment in EDPR 432 is required.

CI 446   Culture in the Classroom   credit: 2 to 4 Hours.

Explores cultural, political, and social factors that affect learning and teaching. Introduces students to the fields of educational anthropology and multicultural education and to the application of cultural information to curriculum development and classroom practice. The 3-hour undergraduate version and 4-hour graduate version meet the Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching Limited-English-Proficient Students requirement for Bilingual and/or ESL Teaching Approval or Endorsement from the Illinois State Board of Education. 3 undergraduate hours. 2 or 4 graduate hours.

CI 447   Early Childhood Education Science Content & Methods   credit: 3 Hours.

Focuses on content and instruction of science concepts for grades PreK-2. The course will emphasize child and teacher inquiry into science, investigation, and problem solving. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: For students in the Early Childhood Professional Education concentration.

CI 448   Teaching Elementary Social Studies   credit: 3 Hours.

Course examines the nature and role of social studies in elementary schools, both in terms of the formal curriculum and of the impact of the school as a social system on children's social learning. Examines multiple approaches to what should be experienced and learned in social studies as well as the nature of social inquiry. Various instructional methods emphasizing direct experiences as well as reading are emphasized. Local, state, and national trends in curriculum and evaluation are addressed. Students engage in social inquiry, as well as develop, implement, and evaluate an action research project focusing in depth on a particular practice of social education. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 449   Issues in Latina/o Education   credit: 2 to 4 Hours.

Critiques and explores various theoretical frameworks used to explain Latina/Latino academic achievement. Examines curricular and instructional issues by investigating how different school systems have implemented schooling for Latina/Latino students. Develops critical understanding of the role of education within the Latina/Latino community. Same as LLS 449. 3 undergraduate hours. 2 or 4 graduate hours.

CI 450   Teaching Elementary Science I   credit: 3 Hours.

Course is the first of two, 3-hour science methods courses in the elementary education program, which will examine elementary science content, learning theory, and the teaching of science in the elementary school. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 451   Teaching Elementary Science II   credit: 3 Hours.

Course is the second of two 3-hour science methods courses in the elementary education program. Focus on in-depth understanding of inquiry science teaching. Coursework is integrated with field assignments in schools. Topics include curriculum materials; literacy instruction in science; children's "thinking" about science; differentiated instruction; assessment; incorporating technology. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 450; admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 452   Social Studies as Action and Inquiry   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

This course continues the application of methods and content knowledge from CI 448 and will use an inquiry approach to study classrooms and school communities. Students will learn about teacher action research and begin planning an implement classroom inquiry in their teaching, first as a small pilot project and then a more extensive study connected with EdTPA assignments. The continuing themes of active citizenship, diversity, equity, and professional practices will guide learning and action research planning. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.

CI 453   Professional Learning Community I   credit: 2 Hours.

This course, taken concurrently with early field placement, focuses on learning about and reflecting on issues that arise in field placements, observing/reflecting/responding to the work of children through the use of documentation, and using resources to support children and families. Students will reflect individually and with peers throughout this early placement, using the professional learning community to build deeper understandings of the complexities of day-to-day classroom work, and to support and learn from one another. 2 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDPR 410is required. For students in the Early Childhood Professional Education concentration.

CI 454   Professional Learning Community II   credit: 2 Hours.

This course, taken concurrently with student teaching, focuses on supporting all young children and their families in early childhood programs, through a highly interactive class that emphasizes skill development, brainstorming, and problem solving. Students will discuss issues raised and experiences encountered in student teaching, and how these relate to the broader experience of teaching young children. 2 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDPR 432 required. For students in the Early Childhood Professional Education concentration.

CI 455   Fundamentals of Trauma-Informed Education   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Examines the foundational information needed to understand and support individuals who are impacted by exposure to trauma and chronic stress and to interrupt systemic causes of trauma within our sphere of influence. The course will focus on the causes of trauma; the brain science that underlies trauma exposure; the potential manifestation of trauma in classrooms; equity-centered, trauma-informed practices; and self-care for educators. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. This course will be a blended online course with both asynchronous and synchronous components. Prerequisite: Restricted to students admitted to the EdM program in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Trauma-Informed Practices and Pedagogy or permission of the instructor.

CI 456   Classroom Structure   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Examines systemic organization of a classroom to best support all types of learners. Students will focus on related topics, including personal and professional attributes of effective teachers, practices and procedures for safe and inclusive classrooms, systemic structures for behavior support including a trauma-responsive approach supporting both educators and students. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. This course will be a blended online course with both asynchronous and synchronous components. Prerequisite: CI 455. Restricted to students in the EdM program in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Trauma-Informed Practices and Pedagogy or have permission from the instructor.

CI 465   Language Literacy in Early Childhood Education I   credit: 3 Hours.

Basic principles, techniques, and materials for the emergent literacy in infancy through preschool. Emphasizes linguistic and cultural factors in culturally diverse settings. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program.

CI 466   Language Literacy in Early Childhood Education II   credit: 3 Hours.

Emphasizes developmentally appropriate practices for the teaching of reading and writing in grades K-2. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 465.

CI 467   Principles in Teaching Literature to Children and Youth   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines literature written for children and youth and the uses of literature in the school curriculum. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both CI 467 and LIS 403. Prerequisite: One college course in literature; admission to a teacher educator preparation program.

CI 468   Children's Literature for Early Childhood Education   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines literature written for children ages birth-eight years; includes extensive reading and analysis of literature in all genres and formats and evaluation of literature in relation to cognitive and linguistic development, emergent literacy, linguistic and cultural diversity, and family and school literacy; reviews and applies theories about the functions and applications of literature. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: One college course in literature; admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program or the Early Childhood Professional Education concentration.

CI 471   Principles and Practices to Foster Independence in Reading   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Emphasizes reading comprehension and reading to learn in content fields in grades K-8. Includes focus on teaching reading to students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, including dialect speakers and English learners. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 472   Teaching Reading in Grades 4-12   credit: 2 or 4 Hours.

Examines current literacy practices beyond the primary grades including factors related to reading comprehension, vocabulary development, fluency, and motivation. Includes issues related to diversity and ESL related to teaching reading. 3 undergraduate hours. 2 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: EPSY 201; junior standing or consent of instructor.

CI 473   Disciplinary Literacy   credit: 2 or 3 Hours.

Provides teacher candidates with principles and practices of effective inquiry-based reading and writing instruction in their content areas, including approaches and methods to support linguistically diverse students and emerging bilinguals. 2 or 3 undergraduate hours. 2 or 3 graduate hours. Students in music and kinesiology education take for 2 credit hours; students in agriculture, art, mathematics, science, social studies, and English education take for 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: Admission to a teacher education program.

CI 474   Multiliteracies with Diverse Students   credit: 3 Hours.

Emphasizes that human beings develop multiple literacies throughout their lifetimes. These diverse literacies develop contextually in various discourse communities as novices are apprenticed in the genres and ways of communicating within particular communities. Therefore, this course supports preservice teachers in recognizing and embracing their students’ cultural backgrounds and varied, socio-culturally situated literate practices; supporting students’ multiliteracies development by engaging them with diverse, multimodal texts and composing practices; and developing culturally sustaining pedagogical practices that create opportunities for students to connect their literacy education and their out-of-school lives. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Middle Grades Education Graduate Certificate or consent of instructor.

CI 475   Teaching Elementary Reading and Language Arts I   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

First of a two-course sequence that examines the basic theories, issues, methods, and materials for a developmental 1-6 language arts program. Emphasizes the need to integrate the four language arts (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as tools for learning across the curriculum. Addresses cultural diversity in language arts instruction, with emphasis on linguistic diversity. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 467 and admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program. Elementary Education students register for 3 hours. Special Education students register for 4 hours.

CI 476   Teaching Elementary and Middle Grade Language Arts   credit: 3 Hours.

Second of a two-course sequence that examines the basic theories, issues, methods, and materials for a developmental K-8 language arts program. It continues to emphasize the need to integrate the four language arts (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as tools for learning across the curriculum. This second course, however, places a relatively greater emphasis on writing than on reading, speaking, and listening. Continues to address cultural diversity in language arts instruction, with emphasis on linguistic diversity. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 467 and CI 475 or CI 471; admission to the middle grades major, elementary major, or consent of instructor.

CI 477   Bilingual/ESL Methods & Materials   credit: 4 Hours.

Focuses on bilingual and English-as-a-second language (ESL) curriculum development and instruction for bilingual and second-language learners (K-12) in a variety of language and program settings. Emphasizes bilingual and ESL materials selection and development, bilingual and ESL literacy instruction, bilingual and ESL content area instruction, and sheltered English instruction. Issues related to second-language acquisition, cultural and linguistic diversity, and parental and community involvement are reviewed. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CI 433 or consent of instructor.

CI 478   Data-Informed Teaching and Design   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Educational practice has been increasingly informed by formal and informal data leading to datafication of teaching and learning. This centering of data has the potential to transform how we support learning to be relevant, responsive, and affirming for learners and communities. This course introduces a variety of different perspectives around the connections between data and learning, including learning analytics and responsive teaching, which draw on perspectives of educational data mining, teacher education, and improvement science. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 479   Designing Online Learning Environments   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

A comprehensive overview of the principles, theories, and practical strategies for designing and assessing online learning environments. Students will explore various instructional design models, discuss learning theories, interact with technological tools, and use sound pedagogy to create online learning communities and experiences. Students will have a thorough understanding of the interplay between human cognition, artificial intelligence, and online learning, and in turn be capable of designing engaging online learning environments for multiple contexts and disciplines. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 480   Introduction to Computer Science for CS Teachers   credit: 4 Hours.

This course introduces the core concepts of computer science and computer programming for students to gain experience creating programs using text-based programming languages. It also provides opportunities for students to reflect on how they experience learning those concepts and how this might impact teaching high school students. Students will learn about the fundamentals of how programs are executed and how to store and process data using computers. They will be introduced to the concepts of algorithms, algorithm execution time, and the core concepts of object-oriented programming. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Students are required to have successfully completed CI 438.

CI 482   Social Learning and Multimedia   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Learning in multimodal environments from a social and cultural perspective. Topics include the formation and expression of individual and group identity across multiple contexts, including social networking, online gaming, reality television programs, streamed video, and in online courses. Assignments include both analytic and project-based tasks, with an emphasis on implications for formal learning environments. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

CI 483   Computer Systems for CS Teachers   credit: 2 Hours.

This course teaches the fundamentals of how computers represent data and execute programs. It introduces assembly programming languages and how computers execute instructions. It discusses how computers manage inputs and outputs and how computers can communicate together via networks. It is designed to teach those concepts while addressing the needs to better understand how computers works when teaching high school computer programming courses. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Students are required to have successfully completed CI 480 or an equivalent introduction to computer science class.

CI 486   Teaching Methods for Computer Science   credit: 4 Hours.

Designed to help teachers put instructional theory, especially as it relates to computer science education, into practice. It will provide an integrated coverage of methods of computer science classroom instruction, management, and assessment. Includes lesson construction, practice teaching, in class exercises, discussion of readings, and micro-teaching. Students will leave with an understanding of applying computational thinking practices to the teaching process, addressing common barriers to CS with a focus on equity and diversity in CS classrooms, strategies to create a collaborative and inquiry-based learning environment, and best practices for assessment of computer science learning. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Students are required to have successfully completed CI 480 (Introduction to Computer Science for CS teachers) or an equivalent introduction to computer science class.

CI 487   Data Structures for Computer Science Teachers   credit: 4 Hours.

Teaches the fundamentals of data structures and provides opportunities for students to reflect on the importance of data structure knowledge when teaching computer science to high school students. Students will learn the fundamentals of how computers store collections of data, the advantages and disadvantages of different data structures and the importance of selecting the appropriate data representation when designing computer programs. Students will learn how to program various common data structures. Students will develop their computer programming abilities and learn computer programming concepts that are important when developing efficient and reusable data structures. Students will increase their knowledge of object-oriented programming through learning about inheritance and generic data types. Students will learn about dynamic memory management. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Students are required to have successfully completed CI 480.

CI 488   Capstone Project for Computer Science Teachers   credit: 4 Hours.

Designed as the capstone project course for the high school computer science endorsement program. As part of this course, students will further their knowledge of computer programming by learning about different applications of computer programming that can be implemented in high school classrooms. Topics will vary across semesters to ensure that they reflect topics that are current applications of computer science. Students will apply their programming knowledge to the creation of video games (game programming), the analysis of digital data (data science) and the programming of physical robots (robotics). Students will select a topic of their choice related to a unique application of computer programming and will work towards the design of lesson plans associated with this topic. Throughout the semester, they will design course material appropriate for high school classrooms. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Students are required to have successfully completed CI 486 (Methods for CS Teachers) and CI 487 (Data Structures for CS Teachers) or an equivalent data structure class.

CI 489   Educational Technology Capstone Course   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Project-based course focusing on creating Digital Environments for Learning, Teaching and Agency. Students work in teams to build technology-supported learning activities. This course provides a studio-based, hands-on and participatory approach to the development and research of technology tools and curriculum materials. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Required capstone project course for students enrolled in the LES Educational Technology concentration, others can register with instructor's consent.

CI 491   History of Mathematics   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Examines historical perspectives regarding the development of mathematical knowledge in various cultures and debates about the nature of mathematics, including ethnomathematical approaches and biographies. It ​will expose students to the history of mathematics as it occurred in different parts of the world and attend to how that history can play out in education to better engage students. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: MATH 115 (pre-calculus).

CI 492   Discrete Mathematics for CS Teachers   credit: 2 Hours.

Introduces fundamental mathematical concepts used for computations. It provides an overview of logic, mathematical proofs, number theory, counting, sets, relations, recursion, graphs and trees. It is designed to teach those concepts while addressing the needs to understand the mathematical formalism behind computation when teaching high school computer programming courses. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours.

CI 499   Issues and Development in Education   credit: 2 to 4 Hours.

Seminar course on topics not treated by regularly scheduled courses; requests for initiation may be made by students or faculty member. 2 to 4 undergraduate hours. 2 to 4 graduate hours. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

CI 501   Curriculum Development for the 21st Century   credit: 4 Hours.

Examines a variety of definitions of curriculum development, from past to present. Course activities use theories and research to frame discussions of substantive issues in the field: how learning is influenced by the stated goals of education; the cultural background of diverse learners; structure of the school setting; competencies of teachers; means of student assessment; and approaches to incorporating technology and 21st Century skills into classrooms.

CI 502   Introduction to Reading   credit: 2 or 4 Hours.

Provides an overview of reading in the US. Topics covered include the definition of reading and its importance, theoretical models and philosophies of reading and reading instruction, the history of reading instruction, the development of reading skill, current research-based reading instruction, Federal legislation affecting reading instruction, and professional and state standards related to reading instruction.

CI 503   Reading Instruction, K-5   credit: 4 Hours.

The first of two courses focusing on research-based reading instruction for students in grades K-12. This course focuses primarily on the development of literacy from birth to preschool and reading instruction for the elementary grades, K-5.

CI 504   Reading Instruction, 6-12   credit: 4 Hours.

The second of two courses focusing on research-based reading instruction for students in grades K-12. This course focuses primarily on reading instruction for middle and high school students, grades 6-12. Reading comprehension in the content areas is a particular emphasis. Prerequisite: CI 503.

CI 505   Reading for Diverse Students   credit: 4 Hours.

Reviews many of the linguistic, cultural, and social factors that affect students (K-12) reading instruction, assessment, and development. Drawing on socio-cognitive and socio-constructivist theories of literacy and culturally responsive pedagogy and social justice issues, the course involves the evaluation and design of instruction and assessments for students from diverse linguistic, cultural, and class backgrounds.

CI 506   Reading Coaching & Leadership   credit: 4 Hours.

The course consists of two 2-hour components (1 and 2). The first component introduces students to course readings and discussions that explore the various roles of the K-12 reading specialist, including leadership, assessment, and coaching. The second component involves completion of an internship with a reading coach or reading specialist in which students observe and take on the roles of the reading specialist in professional development, curriculum design, instruction, and the management of resources. Both of these components are completed within the same semester. Prerequisite: CI 503, CI 504.

CI 507   Problems & Trends in Special Fields   credit: 4 Hours.

Intensive examination of problems and trends in the subject fields. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 8 hours.

CI 508   Urban Schools and Schooling   credit: 4 Hours.

This course is for anyone interested in issues of education in urban settings. It provides an overview of sociopolitical perspectives on teaching and learning for Latina/o, African American, American Indian, English learners, and other marginalized youth. The course explores how issues of identity and power are negotiated by students, communities, and teachers. Participants in the course will develop an understanding on how racism, classism, and the politics of language operate within urban schools. An emphasis of the course is on solutions that address social justice.

CI 509   Curriculum Research   credit: 4 Hours.

Reviews the principal methodologies used in research on curriculum problems and guides students through the process of working with data in response to research questions; emphasizes qualitative data collection tools and techniques (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations) as well as various theoretical and methodological approaches (e.g., case study, grounded theory, ethnography); emphasizes conceptual and practical problems.

CI 511   Attention, Learning and Technology   credit: 4 Hours.

As the range and presence of technology increases in our world, more and more experiences are either mediated or interrupted by these technologies. Concerns about the effect of interruptions are coupled with enthusiasm for the potential of technology to radically alter the learning environment. In this class, we’ll look at the research on the relationship between attention and learning and the influence that using technology in classrooms has on students’ engagement and attention. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate students.

CI 512   Multicultural Education and Global Perspectives   credit: 4 Hours.

Examines important topics in the area of multicultural education in the United States and around the world. Engages students in the critical exploration of theories and literature that interrogate traditional views of multicultural education. Analyzes issues of race, class, gender, religion, nationality, xenophobia, homophobia, and ability in the contexts of classrooms and other educational settings. Course work focuses on an emancipatory curriculum and pedagogy for transformation and social justice education. Same as AFST 555.

CI 513   Collaborative Learning in Classrooms   credit: 4 Hours.

The focus on this course is on implementing collaborative learning in classrooms. The course will cover theory and practical elements of using collaborative learning in your teaching. The course will work through a series of assignments to support the application of the content being learned and result in a lesson plan for using collaborative learning in your teaching context. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate students.

CI 516   Culture and Cultural Context in Educational Evaluation   credit: 4 Hours.

This course provides students with an introduction to the role of culture and cultural context in program evaluation. Students will gain a basic historical perspective, introduction to selected major evaluation approaches (including culturally responsive/competent evaluation) and basic orientation to methods for designing program evaluations.

CI 517   Bilingual and English as a Second Language Assessment   credit: 4 Hours.

Explores the role of assessment in education of culturally and linguistically diverse students in K - 12 classrooms. Current trends in assessment in the United States will be analyzed as well as how assessments are used for the identification and placement of bilingual and ESL students. The use and scoring of language proficiency assessments will be examined along with various forms of classroom-based assessment. Meets ISBE assessment requirements for a bilingual and ESL teaching approval or endorsement. Same as LLS 517. Prerequisite: CI 433 and CI 477 or consent of instructor.

CI 518   Evaluation of Educational Programs   credit: 4 Hours.

Origins, assumptions, applications, and development of approaches to educational program evaluation in practice over the past twenty years; unobtrusive measures and noneducation evaluation systems; and practice in collecting evaluative data. Same as EPSY 572. Prerequisite: EPSY 480, one year of work with children or youth in an institutional setting, or consent of instructor.

CI 519   Methods of Child Study   credit: 4 Hours.

Focuses on the design of research with children, and issues that are specific to working with children, schools and teachers in research contexts. With an emphasis on qualitative methods, this course takes through the steps needed to design a study. Topics in newer methods such as Research Practitioner Partnerships and Design Based Implementation Research will be covered.

CI 520   History of Early Childhood Pedagogy and Programs   credit: 4 Hours.

This course is an overview of historical influences of contemporary early childhood pedagogy and programs. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Enlightenment Era educational reforms, German kindergartens, the Progressive Era, and the War on Poverty.

CI 521   Current Problems and Trends in Early Childhood Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Includes principles underlying education practices in day care centers, preschool/nursery and kindergarten settings derived from theory and research in developmental psychology, social psychology, anthropology, and other related disciplines.

CI 522   Arts in Early Childhood and Elementary: Curriculum in Context   credit: 4 Hours.

Role of dance, drama, music, literature, and the visual arts in early childhood and elementary education, focusing on production/performance, appreciation, history, and aesthetics. Interrelationships among curriculum, notions of child development, cultural contexts, and unique traditions of different arts disciplines. Current art education practices in the United States and other countries. Requires attendance at performances and visits to an art museum. Prerequisite: Graduate status.

CI 526   Capstone II: Completion   credit: 4 Hours.

Survey of research and best practices for producing instructional change within schools or programs, with an emphasis on the improvement of curriculum and instruction across grade levels. Students will analyze data collected from the current and previous semesters and write a report of their findings. Students will engage in professional learning communities to continue work in school contexts. Prerequisite: For students in the Advanced Instructional Design master’s program.

CI 530   Trends and Issues in Mathematics Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Addresses theories of learning, research studies, curriculum development projects, and other factors that have influenced elementary mathematics programs; also considers problems and issues in contemporary programs.

CI 532   Professional Development in Mathematics Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Considers research perspectives, policies and practices associated with the professional development of mathematics teachers. Specifically, students will examine what policymakers recommend for effective professional development, what research findings seem to suggest, how schools do professional development for successful mathematics teaching, and the implications of policy and real world practices for equality of opportunity for mathematics learning.

CI 533   Problem Solving in Mathematics Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Focuses on the role of problem solving in the learning and teaching of mathematics. Examines mathematical problem solving processes, as well as issues surrounding the use of problem solving in K-12 mathematics classrooms, including recent reform trends, equity issues, and distinctions among teaching "about", "for", and "through" problem solving.

CI 534   Teaching and Learning Geometry   credit: 4 Hours.

This course concentrates on the teaching and learning of geometry in middle school and high school by examining the history of school geometry, comparing curricular expectations and rationales for geometry instruction over time. The course provides an overview of theoretical models regarding the teaching and learning of geometry. At the same time, the course provides opportunities for discussing practical issues of teaching geometry with work on geometrical problems and laboratory sessions using dynamic geometry. Prerequisite: Acceptance into a graduate program.

CI 535   Teaching and Learning Algebra   credit: 4 Hours.

This course examines perspectives about the teaching and learning of algebra in middle school and high school. Topics include an examination of historical perspectives on algebra in the school curriculum, a study of the nature of algebra and algebraic thinking, an analysis of teaching strategies for teaching algebra, an examination of documents on algebraic reasoning, and explorations of the use of technological tools to support the teaching and learning of algebra. Prerequisite: Acceptance into a graduate program.

CI 536   Curriculum and Instruction Proseminar   credit: 2 or 4 Hours.

Provides an introduction to doctoral studies, research, and careers in education. Focus is on development of an identity as a researcher. Topics include a basic orientation to research in education, doctoral program navigation toward a research identity in a chosen field and career path, writing in academic genres, and education research funding. The course is designed for all CI doctoral students. Topics, readings, and assignments may vary. The course is designed for students at the beginning of their doctoral program. However, advanced students may take the course as they progress in their program. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours in separate semesters.

CI 537   Discourse in STEM Classrooms   credit: 4 Hours.

An overview of relevant literature regarding discourse in STEM classrooms with emphasis on teachers' perspectives, students' perspectives, and interactions between the teacher and the students. Discusses research methodologies for the study of discourse in STEM classrooms and implications of research for the education and the professional development of pre-service and in-service teachers. Prerequisite: Acceptance into a graduate program.

CI 538   Qualitative Analysis of Video Data   credit: 4 Hours.

Attends to the special affordances of video data and the key decision points and criteria to justify claims from video. Discussions will emphasize the relevant theoretical, methodological, and ethical considerations for each of those decision points. Students will analyze a selection of video data of their choosing to build and support a claim and justify their methodological choices. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. Prerequisite: A basic qualitative methods course (CI 509, CI 519, EPOL 585, EPSY 577, or EPSY 578), or equivalent graduate-level introductory qualitative methods course, or permission of instructor.

CI 539   Introduction to Educational Data Mining   credit: 4 Hours.

Throughout the semester, students will learn how data mining and machine learning approaches can be applied to educational data. Students will learn about the different types of data mining and machine learning techniques, reading about examples of how those techniques have applied to educational data and learning how to use tools to apply those techniques.

CI 540   Current Issues in Science Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Advanced seminar in science education for teachers, consultants, and administrators. Identifies major problems and issues; analyzes current trends and research; and develops a philosophical framework related to science education. Prerequisite: Teacher education course in science and two years of college science; or consent of instructor.

CI 541   Learning in Science   credit: 4 Hours.

Focuses on influential theories of student learning and their implications for science education. Examines the theoretical underpinnings of these learning theories as well as their implications for student learning, instruction, and assessment.

CI 542   Science Education and the Philosophy of Science   credit: 4 Hours.

Surveys issues in philosophy of science that are central to science education through an exploration of the works of twentieth century philosophers of science who were most influential in shaping thinking about science in the science education community. Relevant readings from science and history of science are also explored. Prerequisite: College level coursework in a science discipline or consent of instructor.

CI 543   Constructivism & STEM Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Intended for those interested in a perspective on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning and teaching called constructivism. Constructivism focuses on the processes of sense-making or meaning construction through experience and/or social discourse. Designed to help participants examine the implications of constructivism for learning and teaching in STEM. Prerequisite: A basic familiarity with mathematics, science, and/or technology.

CI 544   Education Reforms & Inquiry   credit: 4 Hours.

This course examines the history of educational reform efforts since the 1950s from the lens of inquiry, teaching and learning. The course examines developments in our understandings of inquiry as a pedagogical approach and set of instructional outcomes in middle and high school STEM education, as well as implications for instruction in classrooms.

CI 546   MST Proseminar II   credit: 2 Hours.

The course examines the process of double-blind review and the metrics associated with refereed research journals and researcher productivity in mathematics, science, and technology education. Students will be provided with practical experiences as journal 'referees' through reviewing manuscripts submitted for publication, and will develop thorough understandings of the entire process of publishing in refereed journals in the field of science, mathematics, and technology education. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours if topics vary.

CI 547   Sociopolitical Perspectives on Mathematics and Science Education   credit: 4 Hours.

This course is for anyone interested in equity-related issues in mathematics and science education. It provides an overview of sociopolitical perspectives on mathematics and science education, including how issues of identity, power, and equity play out in teachings, learning, and research. Students will develop an understanding of how racism, classism, and the politics of language operate within mathematics and science classroom and in the practice of mathematics and science in society at large. An emphasis of the course is on solutions that address social justice.

CI 548   Capstone Project   credit: 2 Hours.

Part I of the course focuses on the design on an action research project (capstone project), which integrates pedagogical and science content ideas addressed in the program courses. The project amounts to an empirical investigation of a student-generated research question around issues focused on science teaching and learning. Students are expected to collect date for their project, preferably in their own classrooms, in the period between Parts I and II of the course. Part II focuses on the analysis, interpretation, and discussion of the data collected, and the implications of the findings for classroom practice. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours.

CI 550   Methods of Educational Inquiry   credit: 4 Hours.

Offers a graduate-level introduction to research in education, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods designs and approaches. Key concepts include: identifying a research problem, reviewing the literature, design and analysis, communicating evidence, and the ethics of research. Students should gain the ability to effectively evaluate and critique design/methods sections of research publications; plan and design research studies; and organize a presentation of research to an audience of peers. Same as EPSY 550, ERAM 550, and SPED 550.

CI 552   Qualitative Writing   credit: 4 Hours.

Focuses on analysis of data and writing of qualitative/ethnographic research in educational contexts. Topics include the history of qualitative research practices; approaches to the analysis and interpretation of multiple forms of data, including coding, discourse analysis, text analysis, and structural/post-structural analysis; different styles of qualitative writing; social theory as a framing device; and writing for publication. Provides a theoretically informed but very practical, hands-on approach to qualitative writing for graduate researchers across the broad range of educational and social science contexts. One part of the course focuses on methods of analysis through application, while a second part is designed as a writer's workshop in which students "write up" the data from a study in three narrative styles. Assignments include weekly readings, three short writing assignments, and a more substantial writing project. Advanced graduate standing is useful but not required.

CI 553   Critiques of Educational Technology   credit: 4 Hours.

Students will critically examine the social, pedagogical, cognitive, and political impact of implementing technology in educational contexts. We will survey various perspectives critical of educational technology in an effort to clarify its actual and potential value. The course will review papers and other works skeptical of educational technology as a whole, as well as research questioning specific initiatives such as mass distribution of computers in schools, data analytics, MOOCs, intelligent tutors, virtual reality, generative AI, etc. Credit is not given toward graduation for CI 553 and CI 439.

CI 554   Advanced Instructional Approach   credit: 4 Hours.

An action research-based approach to implementing and evaluating a broad range of research-based instructional approaches across grade levels and content areas. Includes an action-research component. Prerequisite: For students in the Advanced Instructional Design master’s program.

CI 556   Learning and the Body   credit: 4 Hours.

This course explores how body movement and physical engagement with the environment is connected to how people learn. We will explore embodied cognition and related ideas from philosophy, cognitive science, the learning sciences, the arts, etc., and apply them to educational contexts. The course will examine the ways that body activity has been employed in curricula and other learning interventions, and we will discuss new technologies that can respond to gestures and other embodied actions.

CI 557   Using Theory in Teacher Education Research   credit: 4 Hours.

Students in this course will read a variety of theoretical viewpoints in order to frame and critically examine teacher education research. Students will be encouraged to use multiple theories to frame research questions and findings as a way to situate themselves as researchers and consider ways in which multiple theoretical perspectives can be used to examine and interpret different aspects of their research in teacher education.

CI 558   Programs in Teacher Education   credit: 4 Hours.

The focus of this course will be a study of programs in teacher education considered in light of historical, social, and policy influences and also related to wider issues in contemporary teacher education efforts and research. We will consider the current context of teacher preparation programs in the U.S., examine the historical factors that have brought U.S. teacher education to this point, assess the influence of public policy on teacher education in the U.S. and globally, and study a variety of exemplary models of teacher education in the U.S. and globally. Students will conduct a study of a particular program and present this in a poster session at the end of the semester.

CI 560   Trends & Issues in Language Arts   credit: 4 Hours.

Advanced seminar in literacy for teachers, researchers, and specialists. Focuses on trends and issues in elementary and secondary language arts. Current theories, relevant research and practical applications are considered in relation to reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

CI 561   Theory & Practice in Children's and Youth's Composition   credit: 4 Hours.

Focuses on theory and practice of children's and youth written composition. Includes development of understanding of texts, pedagogy, motivation and classroom practices that facilitate writing. Students learn about their own writing, participate in peer writing conferences, and produce research or curricular projects for use in classrooms. Prerequisite: CI 475 and CI 476, or course in writing, or consent of instructor.

CI 562   Linguistics and the School Curriculum   credit: 4 Hours.

Analyzes linguistics for the school curriculum including dialect diversities, use of language in social contexts, and variations in oral and written forms of language. Gives attention to classroom discourse in US and international settings, and ethnography of communication. Prerequisite: Admission to a doctoral program.

CI 567   Children's Literature in the School Curriculum   credit: 4 Hours.

Investigates trends and issues related to teaching literature in the school; focuses attention upon the organization and planning of a balanced literature curriculum (fictional and informational). Prerequisite: CI 467 or LIS 404 or consent of instructor.

CI 568   Contemporary Children's Literature   credit: 4 Hours.

Critically examines literature written for children and youth, including books that have received major national and international awards and prizes; gives particular attention to contemporary children's literature publications and their implications for use in the elementary classroom and school curriculum. Credit is not given for CI 568 if credit for CI 467 has been given. Prerequisite: Admission to the elementary education licensure graduate program. This course is intended as a graduate course for master's degree students in the elementary education licensure program only. It is not intended to be taken as part of a non-licensure Ed.M. or other graduate degree program.

CI 570   Issues & Trends in Reading   credit: 4 Hours.

The timing of beginning reading, the influence of certain linguistic findings on methodology and terminology in instructional materials, and the influence of research on methodology are addressed in a way that provides a historical perspective for evaluating the merit of emerging issues and trends. Prerequisite: CI 475 and CI 476 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

CI 573   Early Childhood and Elementary Reading Instruction   credit: 4 Hours.

Planning and evaluating reading instruction and materials in preschool school through Grade Three. Prerequisite: CI 475 or CI 471, or equivalent; or consent of instructor.

CI 575   Assessment in Reading   credit: 4 Hours.

Nature, causes, and diagnosis of reading difficulties; translation of diagnostic information into instructional practice. Prerequisite: CI 475 or CI 471, or equivalent.

CI 576   Assessment-Based Reading Instruction   credit: 4 Hours.

Supervised experiences; special attention to evaluative and interpretative techniques in cases of severe reading disabilities based on the analysis of specific reading needs. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: CI 575.

CI 577   Clinical Practicum in Reading   credit: 4 Hours.

Diagnostic procedures and individual instruction with small groups of children who have reading difficulties. Prerequisite: CI 575 and CI 576.

CI 578   Biliteracy Development of Young Children   credit: 4 Hours.

Helps students understand the language and literacy development of young bilinguals. Students will develop an understanding of the issues in biliteracy research, explore the diversity of research topics and perspectives in biliteracy research, and learn to think and write critically about research on early biliteracy development.

CI 580   Qualitative Research in Language and Literacy Education   credit: 4 Hours.

Focuses on the goals and nature of qualitative, observational study of life in educational settings, with an emphasis on oral and written languages. Adopts interpretive and critical perspectives on research and includes key readings on the ethnography of oral and written communication in schools, given a socioculturally and linguistically diverse society. All students will conduct a small scale study in an education site. Prerequisite: At least one semester of graduate course work.

CI 582   Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum   credit: 4 Hours.

Designed for elementary and middle school educators, this course focuses on theory and practice related to both intradisciplinary integration (across the language arts) and interdisciplinary integration (across the content areas). Specific methods and strategies for fostering effective integrated literacy instruction are explored. Prerequisite: CI 475 and CI 476, or equivalent methods course in reading and language arts.

CI 585   Informational Children's Literature   credit: 4 Hours.

Intended for elementary and middle school teachers, this course is an introduction to informational, or nonfiction children's literature. Students will explore the importance of including informational literature in the curriculum, how to select informational children's literature, and methods for teaching with informational text and for helping children learn from informational text. Prerequisite: CI 467, or equivalent children's literature course; CI 475 and CI 476, or equivalent methods course in reading and language arts.

CI 587   Multicultural Literature K-12   credit: 4 Hours.

This course focuses on the meaning, function, and value of multicultural/multiethnic literature in teaching and learning. Through readings, dialogue, and research, students will focus on rewards of teaching and reading multiculturally that make it worth any effort involved. Blending multicultural theory and research, literary study, and educational practice, this course is appropriate for graduate students in education, library science, and English literature and for any other graduate student interested in the role of literature in our culturally diverse society. Prerequisite: A college literature course taken as part of an approved teacher certification program, college literature course in English literature, or consent of instructor.

CI 590   Seminar for Advanced Study of Education   credit: 0 to 8 Hours.

Seminar for graduate students on specific topics. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours in the same term and a maximum of 12 hours in separate terms, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral study.

CI 591   Field Study & Thesis Seminar   credit: 4 to 8 Hours.

Assists doctoral candidates in planning field studies and thesis problems. Students are expected to present their studies at each of four stages: (1) the inception, delimitation, tentative design stage; (2) the proposed design stage; (3) the revised design stage; and (4) the final design stage. Students are expected to analyze critically all presentations. Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral study.

CI 592   Ed.D. Proseminar   credit: 2 Hours.

Course covers various topics related to research in practice and critical reading of research in the field of curriculum and instruction. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours in separate terms. Prerequisite: Ed.D. students.

CI 593   Digital Environments for Learning Teaching and Agency Graduate Seminar   credit: 2 Hours.

The DELTA graduate seminar will serve as an introduction to the field of Educational Technology and the Learning Sciences. Topics will rotate between lectures from faculty, professional development sessions, work-in-progress presentations and core topics in the field. May be repeated in separate terms up to 10 hours.

CI 595   Independent Study   credit: 2 or 4 Hours.

Offers opportunity and challenge of self-directive, independent study; develops the individual's ability as an independent student, and enables the student to pursue needed study in a field in which appropriate courses are not being offered during a given term. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours with approval. Prerequisite: Approval of study outline by adviser and the department chairperson prior to enrollment.

CI 599   Thesis Research   credit: 0 to 16 Hours.

Individual direction of research and thesis writing. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same term or in separate terms.