ARTF - Art--Foundation

ARTF Class Schedule


ARTF 101   Contemporary Issues in Art   credit: 2 Hours.

Exposes the first year student in an interactive lecture/discussion format to contemporary issues and disciplines in the visual arts. Course requirements include attendance of course lectures, field trips, visiting artist presentations, keeping of a journal and the writing of a paper. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule.

ARTF 102   Observational Drawing   credit: 3 Hours.

[IAI Code: ART904] Theory and practice in observational drawing with emphasis on fundamental principles such as mark/line, shape/form, space/composition, linear/perspective, scale/proportion, value/tonal range, and pattern/texture. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: For art and design majors only.

ARTF 103   Design I   credit: 3 Hours.

Theory and practice in the elements, processes and principles of design. Course content is organized under three headings: COLOR, a study of the visual, material and psychological nature of color; COMMUNICATION, an introduction to the fundamentals of visual communication using primarily digital media; and 3D CRAFT, a survey of fabrication techniques using three-dimensional media. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: Restricted to Art and Design Majors.

ARTF 104   Expressive Drawing   credit: 3 Hours.

One of a suite of three drawing courses, this class includes the following drawing concepts: narrative, conceptual, applied, non-objective, format, process, seriality and collage. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: For art and design majors only.

ARTF 105   Design II   credit: 3 Hours.

Theory and practice in the elements, processes and principles of design. Course content is organized under three headings: RESEARCH, an introduction to methods used in research-driven project; TIME, an examination of the formal and technical aspects of temporal media such as sound, video or animation; and 3D EXPLORATION, a process-driven exploration of three-dimensional space and form. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule.

ARTF 106   Visualization Drawing   credit: 3 Hours.

This studio course introduces students to the graphic representation techniques of visualization utilized within the fields of design and arts, as well as teaches drawing as a tool for thinking. Lectures and studio projects examine the language of three-dimensional form and deal with a wide range of analysis and representation of form, including mechanical drawing, freehand sketching and various means of rendering. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Prerequisite: For Art+Design majors only.

ARTF 199   Undergraduate Open Seminar   credit: 1 to 5 Hours.

Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule.

ARTF 201   Issues in Visual Communication   credit: 2 Hours.

Survey ideas and movements that have had important impact on visual culture over the last century. Readings, discussions, presentations, and research projects, will introduce significant modern and contemporary theories, and the artists and designers who have exemplified and furthered those ideas. Students will gain an understanding of issues that have influenced visual art and design in recent history, improve their ability to analyze images, expand their concepts of how meaning gets attached to images and objects, and increase their ability to engage in debate and discussion about art and design practices.

ARTF 301   Art + Design Matters   credit: 3 Hours.

Students attend a weekly lecture series featuring well-known artists, designers, art historians, and art educators. Provides an opportunity to hear leading contemporary practitioners talk about the ideas, concepts, and agendas behind their work. Lectures are supplemented by weekly online directed writing assignments that further explore issues and ideas raised in the lectures. As a final project, students research and write about a contemporary artist or designer of their choosing. Prerequisite: Junior standing.