ALEC - Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications Program
ALEC 110 Introduction to Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications credit: 3 Hours.
Provides an introduction to basic leadership, communications, and educational theory. Covers the practical application of theories in professional, educational, and community contexts. Designed as the foundational course underlying the ALEC undergraduate curriculum. No credit given if already completed AGCM 110 or AGED 100.
ALEC 115 Let’s Talk about Food, Agriculture, and the Environment credit: 3 Hours.
Food, agriculture, and the environment are shaped by communications. Students investigate a wide variety of current topics and controversies and how to educate, evaluate, and persuade on these issues. The course emphasizes the foundations of public speaking, with emphasis on organizing, researching, crafting, and presenting material. Students deliver five speeches throughout the semester and regularly analyze and evaluate speeches and other mediated messages about food, agriculture, and the environment. Credit is not given toward graduation for ALEC 115 and CMN 101 or CMN 111/112.
ALEC 123 ALEC Orientation to Illinois credit: 1 Hour.
Introductory course for students in the ALEC program. Students will enhance their understanding of skills and practices to aid in learning, explore the academic environment at Illinois, and build community inside and outside of the classroom. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the ALEC Program.
ALEC 293 Communications Internship credit: 1 to 3 Hours.
Supervised experience in a field directly pertaining to agricultural leadership, education, or communications. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated up to 12 hours, if topics vary. Credit is not given for more than a total of 12 hours of Independent Study (IND) courses applying to a degree in ACES. Prerequisite: ALEC Program approval required.
ALEC 294 Research Internship credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Supervised, on-campus, learning experience with faculty engaged in research. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated up to 12 hours, if topics vary. Credit is not given for more than a total of 12 hours of Independent Study (IND) courses applying to a degree in ACES. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
ALEC 295 Independent Study or Research credit: 1 to 3 Hours.
Individual research, special problems, thesis, development and/or design work under the supervision of an appropriate member of the faculty. May be repeated up to 12 hours, if topics vary. Credit is not given for more than a total of 12 hours of Independent Study (IND) courses applying to a degree in ACES. Prerequisite: ALEC Program and instructor approval required.
ALEC 393 Internship in Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications credit: 3 or 6 Hours.
Provides an opportunity to apply principles and theories related to Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications within the field through meaningful work experiences. Upon completion of the internship experience, the student will be able to incorporate principles and theories from classroom knowledge to real-life work situations that benefit the supporting organization both qualitatively and quantitatively while enhancing the problem-solving abilities of the student. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated up to 6 hours in separate terms. Prerequisite: ALEC 110. Restricted to majors only.
ALEC 396 Honors Research or Thesis credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Individual research, special problems, thesis, development and/or design work under the direction of the Honors advisor. May be repeated for up to 6 hours in separate terms. Credit is not given for more than a total of 12 hours of Independent Study (IND) courses applying to a degree in ACES. Prerequisite: Junior standing, admission to the ACES Honors Program.
ALEC 451 Professional Development in ALEC credit: 2 Hours.
The purpose of this course is to serve as a professional capstone to the ALEC curriculum. Students will examine their learning over the course of their academic experience and synthesize key components for practical purposes. The main point of the class is to help provide students with practical tools for their professional success. Students will be expected to perform at the highest levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – synthesize, evaluate, and create. 2 undergraduate hours. 2 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with senior standing.
ALEC 490 Foundations of Adult Training and Development credit: 1 Hour.
Covers theory and practice of adult learning applied specifically for training and development contexts within the broad food, agricultural, natural resources, and environmental (FANRE) employment sectors. This course includes theories and concepts related to education, learning, training, and development – and how each are related yet separate from the others. The course covers core adult learning principles applied across professional educational and training environments, and concepts to support "deep learning" and personal transformation in professional settings. Structurally, this course will progress through asynchronous consumption of course content Students will be required to complete a set of readings and watch a set of videos that explain theories and concepts. 1 undergraduate hour. 1 graduate hour. Credit not given towards graduation if AGED 490 credit already earned.
ALEC 491 Getting 110% Effort – Principles of Adult Motivation credit: 1 Hour.
Covers theory and practice of adult motivation designed for optimizing learning specifically for training and development contexts within the broad food, agricultural, natural resources, and environmental (FANRE) employment sectors. This course includes theories and concepts fundamental to understanding: what motivation is, factors that affect human motivation, and how to effectively apply motivational principles within rigorous training and education sessions. This course also explores the roles of emotion, culture, and human socialization principles applied to motivational contexts. 1 undergraduate hour. 1 graduate hour. Credit not given towards graduation if credit already given for AGED 490. Prerequisite: ALEC 490.
ALEC 492 Digitizing Development – Teaching and Training Online credit: 1 Hour.
Online teaching and training has become prevalent throughout the professional world of work and postsecondary education. This class examines what is similar and different about online training compared to in-person experiences, as well as between synchronous and asynchronous learning. It will focus on applying androgogical (adult learning) principles to online contexts, and examine how to optimize engagement among consumers of online training content. It also examines the "digital divide" and covers how to optimize support for learners who are less comfortable or experienced with technology involved in online learning. 1 undergraduate hour. 1 graduate hour. Credit not given towards graduation if credit already given for AGED 490. Prerequisite: ALEC 490.
ALEC 494 Independent Research or Teaching credit: 0 to 4 Hours.
Supervised, on-campus, independent learning experience with faculty mentor engaged in research or teaching activities. 0 TO 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated in separate terms up to 12 hours. Prior approval from course instructor required.
ALEC 499 Seminar credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Special topics in agricultural leadership, education or communications. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated, if topics vary. Prerequisite: ALEC Program approval required.
ALEC 500 Foundations of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications credit: 3 Hours.
Comparative examination of the foundations of knowledge formation in agricultural leadership, education and communication, including extension education. Apply leadership, education and communication principles to trends and developments in food, fiber, agricultural and environmental systems. Examine approaches to teaching and learning throughout the careers associated with agricultural leadership, education and communications.
ALEC 505 Science and Art of Teaching and Learning credit: 3 Hours.
Students will investigate theoretical principles of education and learning; evaluate the roles of emotion and motivation and their impacts on the acquisition and retention of knowledge; and explore psychological and physiological variables that impact learning. Additional topics to examine include: metacognition, fixed and growth mindset, approaches to learning, and specific teaching and learning techniques that predict learner success. Prerequisite: Restricted to Graduate students.
ALEC 510 Program Planning, Implementation and Evaluation credit: 3 Hours.
Compare and contrast theory and practice of educational program planning, delivery and evaluation for youth and adult audiences in community settings. Incorporate the principles of community needs assessment, logic model development, program implementation and program evaluation into agriculture-related programs. Credit not given towards graduation for ALEC 410 and ALEC 510.
ALEC 540 Volunteer Management credit: 3 Hours.
Theory and practice of volunteer management including: volunteer demographics; recruitment; selection; orientation; training and development; retention; supervision; motivation; evaluation; legal issues; and rick management. Students will develop a comprehensive volunteer management strategy based on using volunteers in non-profit organizations. Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate students only.
ALEC 545 Research Methods and Design credit: 3 Hours.
Provides foundations for quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and design principles for investigating problems in social and behavioral sciences. Focuses on language of research and evaluation, purposes, validity threats, data collection methods, and critical evaluation of current literature. Prerequisite: ALEC 505.
ALEC 549 Independent Study credit: 1 to 4 Hours.
Individual investigation and reporting of research on any phase of agricultural leadership, education or communications selected by the student and approved by the advisor and faculty member who will supervise the study. May be repeated in the same or subsequent terms to a maximum of 8 hours.
ALEC 595 Capstone Curriculum Project credit: 3 Hours.
Consists of a curriculum development capstone project that includes a needs assessment, literature review, logic model, proposed budget, program evaluations, and instructional manuals for the facilitator(s) and learner(s). Students will plan and design educational program curriculum for adult, high school or youth learners appropriate for either formal classroom or informal developmental settings. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. Course Information: Prerequisite: ALEC 410 and ALEC 545. Restricted to graduate students only.
ALEC 599 Thesis Research credit: 0 to 8 Hours.
Individual research in the various areas of agricultural leadership, education, or communications under the supervision of faculty members. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in separate terms. Prerequisite: ALEC Program approval required.