Materials Science & Engineering, BS
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Materials Science & Engineering
Materials science and engineering is the basis for all engineering. Improvements in the quality of life require knowledge of the processing and properties of current materials and the design, development and application of new materials. The Materials Science and Engineering (MatSE) curriculum provides an understanding of the underlying principles of synthesis and processing of materials and of the interrelationships between structure, properties, and processing. Students learn how to create advanced materials and systems required, e.g., for flexible electronic displays and photonics that will change communications technologies, for site specific drug delivery, for self-healing materials, for enabling the transition to a hydrogen-based economy, and for more efficient photovoltaics and nuclear systems for energy production. The curriculum uses concepts from both basic physics and chemistry and provides a detailed knowledge of what makes the materials we use every day behave as they do.
Students in the first two years take courses in general areas of science and engineering as well as courses introducing the concepts in MatSE. In the third year, students study the common, central issues related to MatSE. In the senior year, students focus on an area of MatSE of their greatest interest, providing them with the detailed knowledge to be immediately useful to corporations, become entrepreneurs, or to provide the underpinning knowledge for graduate study. Note: students interested in biomaterials take a specific set of courses to provide them with a background in biology and chemistry while maintaining a strong engineering focus.
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Materials Science & Engineering
Graduation Requirements
Minimum hours required for graduation: 128 hours.
Minimum Overall GPA: 2.0
University Requirements
Minimum of 40 hours of upper-division coursework at the 300- and 400-level. from all elements of the degree. These hours can be drawn from all elements of the degree. Students should consult their academic advisor for additional guidance in fulfilling this requirement.
The university and residency requirements can be found in the Student Code (§ 3-801) and in the Academic Catalog.
General Education Requirements
Follows the campus General Education (Gen Ed) requirements. Some Gen Ed requirements may be met by courses required and/or electives in the program.
Code | Title | Hours |
Composition I | 4-6 | |
Advanced Composition | 3 | |
Humanities & the Arts (6 hours) | 6 | |
Natural Sciences & Technology (6 hours) | 6 | |
Social & Behavioral Sciences (6 hours) | 6 | |
Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures (1 course) | 3 | |
Cultural Studies: US Minority Cultures (1 course) | 3 | |
Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures (1 course) | 3 | |
Quantitative Reasoning (2 courses, at least one course must be Quantitative Reasoning I) | 6-10 | |
Language Requirement (Completion of the third semester or equivalent of a language other than English is required) | 0-15 |
Materials Science and Engineering Graduation Requirements
Orientation and Professional Development
Code | Title | Hours |
ENG 100 | Grainger Engineering Orientation Seminar (External transfer students take ENG 300.) | 1 |
Recommended, optional 1 credit course, MSE 183 Introductory MatSE Laboratory. Credit hour counts toward free electives. | ||
Total Hours | 1 |
Foundational Mathematics and Science
Code | Title | Hours |
CHEM 102 | General Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM 103 | General Chemistry Lab I | 1 |
CHEM 104 | General Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM 105 | General Chemistry Lab II | 1 |
MATH 221 | Calculus I (MATH 220 may be substituted. MATH 220 is appropriate for students with no background in calculus. 4 of 5 credit hours count towards degree.) | 4 |
MATH 231 | Calculus II | 3 |
MATH 241 | Calculus III | 4 |
MATH 257 | Linear Algebra with Computational Applications | 3 |
MATH 285 | Intro Differential Equations | 3 |
PHYS 211 | University Physics: Mechanics | 4 |
PHYS 212 | University Physics: Elec & Mag | 4 |
PHYS 214 | Univ Physics: Quantum Physics | 2 |
Total Hours | 35 |
Materials Science and Engineering Technical Core
For All Students
Code | Title | Hours |
CS 101 | Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci | 3 |
ECE 205 | Electrical and Electronic Circuits | 3 |
MSE 182 | Introduction to MatSE | 2 |
MSE 201 | Phases and Phase Relations | 3 |
MSE 206 | Mechanics for MatSE | 4 |
MSE 307 | Materials Laboratory I | 3 |
MSE 308 | Materials Laboratory II | 3 |
MSE 494 | Materials Design Thinking | 1 |
MSE 495 | Materials Design | 2 |
MSE 401 | Thermodynamics of Materials | 3 |
MSE 402 | Kinetic Processes in Materials | 3 |
MSE 406 | Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls | 3 |
Subtotal Hours of Technical Core for All Students | 33 |
For the Biomaterials Area
Code | Title | Hours |
CHEM 232 | Elementary Organic Chemistry I | 3 or 4 |
IE 300 | Analysis of Data (Students in the Biomaterials Area may substitute STAT 400 for IE 300 with permission from the department.) | 3 |
MCB 150 | Molec & Cellular Basis of Life | 4 |
MCB 450 | Introductory Biochemistry | 3 |
MCB 252 | Cells, Tissues & Development | 3 |
MSE 470 | Design and Use of Biomaterials | 3 |
Total Hours for the Biomaterials Area | 52 |
For All Other Areas
Code | Title | Hours |
IE 300 | Analysis of Data (The extra hour of credit for STAT 400 may be used to help meet free elective requirements.) | 3 |
or STAT 400 | Statistics and Probability I | |
MSE 304 | Electronic Properties of Matls | 3 |
MSE 405 | Microstructure Determination | 3 |
Total Hours for All Other Areas | 42 |
Technical Electives
For the Biomaterials Area
Code | Title | Hours |
MSE 404 | Laboratory Studies in Materials Science and Engineering (Each section of MSE 404 is 1.5 hours. Students take 2 unique sections of MSE 404 for 3 hours.) | 3 |
Topical lecture courses in the Biomaterials Area. See Topical Lecture list below. | 5 | |
Topical lecture courses outside of the Biomaterials Area. See Topical Lecture list below. | 6 | |
Total Hours | 14 |
For All Other Areas
Code | Title | Hours |
MSE 404 | Laboratory Studies in Materials Science and Engineering (Each section of MSE 404 is 1.5 hours. Students take 4 unique sections of MSE 404 for 6 hours.) | 6 |
Technical electives selected from the following rubrics: ABE, AE, BIOC, BIOE, BIOP, CHBE, CHEM, CEE, CS, CSE, ECE, IE, MATH, MCB, ME, MSE, NPRE, PHYS, SE, TAM, TE. Technical electives must be 200 level or higher courses---excluding independent study, research, or special topics---that do not currently satisfy another requirement. Other courses may be approved by the department. | 6 | |
Topical lecture courses. See Topical Lecture list below. No more than 6 hours may be from introductory topical lectures. | 12 | |
Total Hours | 24 |
Topical Lectures
Code | Title | Hours |
Introductory - No more than 2 introductory courses can count for Topical Lecture | ||
MSE 420 | Ceramic Materials & Properties | 3 |
MSE 441 | Metals Processing | 3 |
MSE 450 | Polymer Science & Engineering | 3 or 4 |
MSE 470 | Design and Use of Biomaterials | 3 |
ECE 340 | Semiconductor Electronics | 3 |
Biomaterials | ||
MSE 473 | Biomolecular Materials Science | 3 |
MSE 474 | Biomaterials and Nanomedicine | 3 |
ABE 446 | Biological Nanoengineering | 3 or 4 |
BIOE 416 | Biosensors | 3 |
BIOE 461 | Cellular Biomechanics | 4 |
BIOE 476 | Tissue Engineering | 3 |
BIOE 479 | Cancer Nanotechnology | 3 |
BIOE 487 | Stem Cell Bioengineering | 3 or 4 |
CHBE 472 | Techniques in Biomolecular Eng | 3 or 4 |
CHBE 473 | Biomolecular Engineering | 3 or 4 |
CHBE 475 | Tissue Engineering | 3 |
ECE 380 | Biomedical Imaging | 3 |
ECE 414 | Biomedical Instrumentation | 3 |
ECE 415 | Biomedical Instrumentation Lab | 2 |
ECE 472 | Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging | 3 |
ME 482 | Musculoskel Tissue Mechanics | 3 or 4 |
ME 483 | Mechanobiology | 4 |
Biomaterials Science - Can only count one science course for Topical Lecture Biomaterials | ||
BIOC 446 | Physical Biochemistry | 3 |
BIOC 455 | Technqs Biochem & Biotech | 4 |
BIOP 401 | Introduction to Biophysics | 3 |
All Other Areas | ||
MSE 403 | Synthesis of Materials | 3 |
MSE 421 | Ceramic Processing | 3 or 4 |
MSE 422 | Electrical Ceramics | 3 |
MSE 440 | Mechanical Behavior of Metals | 3 |
MSE 443 | Design of Engineering Alloys | 3 |
MSE 453 | Plastics Engineering | 3 |
MSE 455 | Macromolecular Solids | 3 |
MSE 456 | Mechanics of Composites | 3 |
MSE 457 | Polymer Chemistry | 3 or 4 |
MSE 458 | Polymer Physics | 3 or 4 |
MSE 460 | Electronic Materials I | 3 |
MSE 461 | Electronic Materials II | 3 |
MSE 464 | Magnetic Materials and their Applications (Magnetic Materials and their Applications) | 3 or 4 |
MSE 466 | Electrochemical Energy Conversion | 3 |
MSE 480 | Surfaces and Colloids | 3 |
MSE 481 | Electron Microscopy | 3 |
MSE 485 | Atomic Scale Simulations | 3 |
MSE 487 | Materials for Nanotechnology | 3 |
MSE 488 | Optical Materials | 3 or 4 |
MSE 489 | Matl Select for Sustainability | 3 |
MSE 498 | Special Topics (Modern Methods in Materials Characterization, new course SP 2023) | 3 |
ABE 482 | Package Engineering | 3 |
ABE 483 | Engineering Properties of Food Materials | 3 |
CEE 401 | Concrete Materials | 4 |
CEE 460 | Steel Structures I | 3 |
CHBE 458 | Synthetic Nanomaterials | 3 |
ECE 441 | Physcs & Modeling Semicond Dev | 3 |
ECE 443 | LEDs and Solar Cells | 4 |
ECE 444 | IC Device Theory & Fabrication | 4 |
ECE 481 | Nanotechnology | 4 |
ECE 487 | Intro Quantum Electr for EEs | 3 |
ECE 488 | Compound Semicond & Devices | 3 |
ECE 495 | Photonic Device Laboratory | 3 |
IE 431 | Design for Six Sigma | 3 |
ME 431 | Mechanical Component Failure | 3 or 4 |
ME 472 | Introduction to Tribology | 3 or 4 |
ME 487 | MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication | 4 |
NPRE 470 | Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Sources | 3 |
SE 412 | Nondestructive Evaluation | 3 or 4 |
TAM 451 | Intermediate Solid Mechanics | 4 |
TAM 456 | Experimental Stress Analysis | 3 |
Science - Can only count one science course for Topical Lecture | ||
CHEM 436 | Fundamental Organic Chem II | 3 |
CHEM 483 | Solid State Structural Anlys | 4 |
PHYS 485 | Atomic Phys & Quantum Theory | 3 |
PHYS 486 | Quantum Physics I | 4 |
PHYS 487 | Quantum Physics II | 4 |
Free Electives
Code | Title | Hours |
Additional course work, subject to the Grainger College of Engineering restrictions to Free Electives, so that there are at least 128 credit hours earned toward the degree. | 10 | |
Total Hours of Curriculum to Graduate | 128 |
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Materials Science & Engineering
Sample Sequence
This sample sequence is intended to be used only as a guide for degree completion. All students should work individually with their academic advisors to decide the actual course selection and sequence that works best for them based on their academic preparation and goals. Enrichment programming such as study abroad, minors, internships, and so on may impact the structure of this four-year plan. Course availability is not guaranteed during the semester indicated in the sample sequence. The curriculum sequence can also be viewed via dynamic and static curricular maps (Biomaterials and All Other Areas), which include prerequisite sequencing.
Students must fulfill their Language Other Than English requirement by successfully completing a third level of a language other than English. See the corresponding section on the Degree and General Education Requirements. MSE 307 and MSE 308 will satisfy technical core requirements and the Campus General Education Advanced Composition requirement.
Free Electives: Additional course work, subject to the Grainger College of Engineering restrictions to Free Electives, so that there are at least 128 credit hours earned toward the degree.
First Year | |||
First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |
MSE 182 | 2 | MSE 183 (Optional, recommended) | 1 |
MATH 221 (MATH 220 may be substituted) | 4 | MATH 231 | 3 |
CHEM 102 | 3 | CHEM 104 | 3 |
CHEM 103 | 1 | CHEM 105 | 1 |
ENG 100 | 1 | PHYS 211 | 4 |
Composition I or General Education (Choose a Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science course) | 4-3 | General Education (Choose a Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science course) or Composition I course | 3-4 |
CS 101 | 3 | ||
15 | 18 | ||
Second Year | |||
First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |
MSE 201 | 3 | MSE 206 | 4 |
MATH 241 | 4 | MATH 285 | 3 |
MATH 257 | 3 | ECE 205 | 3 |
PHYS 212 | 4 | PHYS 214 | 2 |
General Education course (choose a Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science course with Cultural Studies designation) | 3 | General Education course (choose a Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science course with Cultural Studies designation) | 3 |
17 | 15 | ||
Total Hours 65 |
Biomaterials Area
Third Year | |||
First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |
MSE 307 | 3 | MSE 308 | 3 |
MSE 401 | 3 | MSE 402 | 3 |
MSE 406 | 3 | IE 300 (Students in the Biomaterials Area may substitute STAT 400 for IE 300 with permission from the department.) | 3 |
MCB 150 | 4 | MCB 252 | 3 |
CHEM 232 | 3-4 | General Education course (choose a Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science course with Cultural Studies designation) | 3 |
16 | 15 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |
MSE 494 | 1 | MSE 495 | 2 |
MSE 470 | 3 | Topical Lecture in Biomaterials Area | 3 |
Topical Lecture in Biomaterials Area | 2 | Topical Lecture outside of Biomaterials Area | 3 |
Topical Lecture outside of Biomaterials Area | 3 | MSE 404 (Each section of MSE 404 is 1.5 hours. Students take 2 unique sections of MSE 404 for 3 hours.) | 3 |
MCB 450 | 3 | Free elective course | 2 |
Language Other Than English (3rd level) course | 4 | Free elective course | 3 |
16 | 16 | ||
Total Hours 63 |
All Other Areas
Third Year | |||
First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |
MSE 307 | 3 | MSE 308 | 3 |
MSE 401 | 3 | MSE 304 | 3 |
MSE 406 | 3 | MSE 402 | 3 |
IE 300 (or STAT 400. The extra hour from STAT 400 counts toward free elective.) | 3 | MSE 405 | 3 |
General Education course (choose a Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science course with Cultural Studies designation) | 3 | Topical Lecture (intro level suggested) | 3 |
15 | 15 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
First Semester | Hours | Second Semester | Hours |
MSE 404 (Each section of MSE 404 is 1.5 hours. Students take 2 unique sections of MSE 404 for 3 hours.) | 3 | MSE 404 (Each section of MSE 404 is 1.5 hours. Students take 2 unique sections of MSE 404 for 3 hours.) | 3 |
MSE 494 | 1 | MSE 495 | 2 |
Topical Lecture | 3 | Topical Lecture | 3 |
Topical Lecture | 3 | Technical Elective | 3 |
Technical Elective | 3 | Free elective course | 2 |
Language Other Than English (3rd level) course | 4 | Free elective course | 3 |
17 | 16 | ||
Total Hours 63 |
Code | Title | Hours |
Total Hours all semesters | 128 |
for the degree of Bachelor of Science Major in Materials Science & Engineering
Student learning outcomes are based on learning outcomes in line with the ABET accreditation process.
Materials Science & Engineering graduates will have:
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
- An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
- An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
- An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Materials Science & Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering Website
Materials Science & Engineering Faculty
The Grainger College of Engineering Admissions
The Grainger College of Engineering