
Geology website
Geology Faculty

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
LAS College website

Geology advising

Liberal Arts & Sciences Admissions & Requirements
University of Illinois Undergrad Admissions

Students interested in majoring in geology may choose the Specialized Curriculum in Geology, leading to the Bachelor of Science Major in Geology, or the Geology Major, leading to the Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences.

The Specialized Curriculum in Geology is designed for students who plan to pursue graduate study in geology or geophysics or who wish to work professionally in the environmental field upon obtaining the bachelor's degree. It consists of geology, geophysics, and environmental geology areas, and offers more training in geology and related science than is required of students who make geology their major in the Sciences and Letters Curriculum.

The Geology Major in the Science and Letters Curriculum is designed for students who want a more flexible course of study than is provided by the Specialized Curriculum in Geology and Geophysics. It may be used by those wishing to obtain a more liberal education and/or background in geology for use in fields such as anthropology, business, mineral economics, regional planning, journalism, law, sales, or library and information science. It is not intended to prepare a student for graduate work in the geological sciences unless the student selects additional courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics comparable to those required in the Specialized Curriculum in Geology.