Architecture, MARCH & Civil Engineering, MS
for the Joint Degrees in Civil Engineering, MS and Architecture, MARCH
Civil Engineering, MS and Architecture, MARCH
This joint degree program offers qualified applicants the opportunity to develop competence in a career that combines the disciplines of architecture and civil engineering, focusing either on construction management or on structural engineering. For entry into these programs, applicants must satisfy the admission and performance requirements of each academic unit. Application for admission should be made to the School of Architecture. Admission to the other unit may be sought after the first semester of graduate study in architecture.
for the Joint Degrees in Civil Engineering, MS and Architecture, MARCH
Candidates entering the program with a four-year baccalaureate in architectural studies must complete at least 78 (32 in Civil Engineering and 46 in Architecture) hours of graduate work and, if admitted with full status, may complete the program in five semesters. Candidates entering the program with a five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree must complete 64 (32 in Civil Engineering and 32 in Architecture) hours of graduate work and, if admitted with full status, may complete the program in four semesters.
for the Joint Degrees in Civil Engineering, MS and Architecture, MARCH
Graduate College Admissions & Requirements
Architecture Admissions & Requirements
Civil & Environmental Engineering Admissions & Requirements
School of Architecture
School of Architecture
117 Temple Hoyne Buell Hall, 611 Taft Drive, Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-7720
Architecture email
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
1108 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab, 205 N Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 265-4496
Civil & Environmental Engineering email