SLCL - Literatures Cultures Linguistics
SLCL 110 Introduction to Intercultural Competence credit: 3 Hours.
Introductory overview aiming to define and practice intercultural competence by examining how to use it in educational, professional, and social settings. Explores cultural communications by studying how identities and cultures are formed and expressed, drawing on examples from literature, cinema, and other forms of cultural productions.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Humanities - Lit & Arts
Cultural Studies - Western
SLCL 200 Topics in Global Culture credit: 3 Hours.
Explores the regional and global dimensions of a cultural theme or practice; topics vary and could include Global Languages and Cultures, Global Memory Studies, Global Cinema, Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean, and Islands and Oceans. See Class Schedule for current topics. May be repeated in separate terms up to 9 hours if topics vary.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Humanities - Hist & Phil
Cultural Studies - Western
SLCL 520 SLCL Practice credit: 0 Hours.
Internship course for international graduate students in the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics who are completing curricular practical training (CPT), either full-time or part-time, that is related to their major field of study and forms an important part of their program of study. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in separate terms.