NUTR - Nutritional Sciences
NUTR 440 Applied Statistical Methods I credit: 4 Hours.
Same as ANSC 440, CPSC 440, FSHN 440, and NRES 440. See CPSC 440.
NUTR 500 Nutritional Sciences Seminar credit: 1 Hour.
Discussions of current problems in nutritional sciences. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Required of all graduate students in the nutritional sciences program.
NUTR 510 Topics in Nutrition Research credit: 1 to 3 Hours.
Current topics in nutritional sciences research. Same as ANSC 525 and FSHN 510. May be repeated in the same term to a maximum of 3 hours and in separate terms to a maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: Advanced Biochemistry.
NUTR 511 Regulation of Metabolism credit: 4 Hours.
Biochemical and molecular regulatory mechanisms of macronutrient metabolism under various physiological conditions in mammalian species, including humans. Same as ANSC 521, FSHN 511, and HK 510. Prerequisite: MCB 450, MCB 244, MCB 246 and FSHN 426/ANSC 520 (or equivalent courses in biochemistry, physiology and nutrition). Second year graduate standing or above, or consent of instructor.
NUTR 550 Grantsmanship and Ethics credit: 3 Hours.
Design and implementation of experimental protocols in nutrition. Examines the scientific, regulatory, and ethical context for conducting research in nutrition. The focus of the course will be the writing and evaluation of a simulated peer-reviewed grant proposal. Same as FSHN 550. Prerequisite: Advanced nutritional biochemistry and statistics.
NUTR 561 Advanced Clinical Nutrition credit: 2 Hours.
Basic pathophysiological changes associated with major organ system failure and appropriate nutritional support and treatment. Provides medical orientation needed for participating in medical nutritional rounds. Same as FSHN 520. May be repeated in the same term up to 4 hours and separate terms up to 8 hours. Prerequisite: Upper division course in physiology and a course in clinical nutrition.
NUTR 581 US Food Regulations credit: 4 Hours.
Throughout the semester, students will learn the principles of US food regulations and how these regulations influence the US food industry. The course will explore the main US food regulations, enforcement actions, trade associations, and the Codex Alimentarius. Students will apply their learning by completing individual assignments and participating in optional group exercises and will integrate and apply graduate level knowledge of food regulations by working throughout the semester on a capstone project. Credit is not given toward graduation for NUTR 581 and Intro to Food Regulations (NUTR 510, section B; or ANSC 525 section B; or FSHN 510 section B). Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate students.
NUTR 582 Personalized Nutrition credit: 4 Hours.
A “one size fits all” approach to nutrition may not work for everyone. We each have unique variations in our genome, epigenome and microbiome, which interact with our external environment to affect how our bodies respond to dietary intake. Students will learn how our unique biological make-up can be a way to establish more personalized approaches to diet, new approaches to analyzing personalized nutrition data, and what direct-to-consumer personalize nutrition products and services are available. Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate students.
NUTR 583 Nutrition Policy credit: 4 Hours.
Throughout the semester students will learn about the policy making process and the evidence-base at the interface of nutrition policy. Students will explore complex questions about how government has responded to diet-related health problems and will examine the role for government in efforts to facilitate healthy eating. In addition, information on how to develop and evaluate policy approaches to improve diet quality and reduce the burden of diet-related disease among all people will be presented. Credit is not given toward graduation for NUTR 583 and NUTR 510 Nutrition Policy (NUTR 510, section A; or ANSC 525, section A; or FSHN 510, section A). Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate students.
NUTR 590 Disciplinary Seminar credit: 0 to 2 Hours.
Discussions of current research, literature and careers pertaining to disciplinary specializations within the Division of Nutritional Sciences. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in the same or different terms, to a maximum of 2 hours for Masters students and 4 hours for PhD students.
NUTR 593 Individual Topics in Nutrition credit: 1 or 2 Hours.
For students majoring in nutritional sciences who wish to undertake individual studies of a nonthesis nature in problems or topics not covered in other courses; may be taken under the direction of any member of the nutritional sciences faculty, with the exception of the student's own thesis adviser. May be repeated within the same or different terms to a maximum of 2 hours per degree program. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
NUTR 599 Thesis Research credit: 0 to 12 Hours.
Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated.