MIP - Moleculr & Integrative Physiology

MIP Class Schedule


MIP 590   Individual Topics   credit: 1 to 16 Hours.

For graduate students wishing to study individual problems or topics not assigned in other courses. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Approval of department.

MIP 595   Seminars in Physiology   credit: 0 to 1 Hours.

Advanced seminars on current topics of interest in physiology. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

MIP 599   Thesis Research   credit: 0 to 16 Hours.

Research may be conducted under supervision of the thesis advisor in the following areas: (a) cellular and molecular physiology; (b) comparative physiology; (c) mammalian physiology; (d) human physiology; (e) endocrinology; (f) neurophysiology; (g) radiobiology; and (h) environmental and stress physiology. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same term or in separate terms.