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KOR - Korean

KOR Class Schedule


KOR 201   Elementary Korean I   credit: 5 Hours.

First semester of Korean for students without any background of the Korean language, starting from the Korean alphabet (Hangul) and learning basic grammar, vocabulary, and commonly used expressions, to achieve beginning level of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and basic grammar skills in Korean. Credit is not given for KOR 201 if credit for KOR 221 has been earned.

KOR 202   Elementary Korean II   credit: 5 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 201, and second semester of first year Korean. Students learn basic grammar, vocabulary, and commonly used expressions by practicing conversations and reading conversation based texts, to achieve beginning-intermediate levels of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the Korean language. Credit is not given for KOR 202 if credit in KOR 222 has been earned. Prerequisite: KOR 201 or as determined by placement test and instructor. Students must have taken KOR 201 at this University. Otherwise, they must take the placement test given in January. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 203   Intermediate Korean I   credit: 5 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 202 and first semester of the second year Korean. Students practice conversations, study grammar based on conversational materials with variety of styles and levels of discourse and usage, and learn about Korean culture, to achieve intermediate-level fluency. Credit is not given for KOR 203 if credit for KOR 222 has been earned; determination is based on the placement test. Prerequisite: KOR 202 or as determined by a placement exam and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 202 at this University. Otherwise, they should take the placement exam in August. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 204   Intermediate Korean II   credit: 5 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 203 and second semester of the second year Korean. Students practice conversations and study grammar based on conversational materials with variety of styles and levels of discourse and usage, to achieve intermediate-level fluency in speaking, listening, reading and writing in the Korean language. Credit is not given for KOR 204 if credit for KOR 241 has been earned. Prerequisite: KOR 203 or as determined by a placement exam and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 203 at this University. Otherwise, they should take the placement exam in January. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244- 2725).

KOR 221   Korean Reading and Writing I   credit: 4 Hours.

First semester of spoken and written Korean for students with background in spoken Korean. Starting from the Korean alphabet (Hangul) students learn basic grammar, vocabulary, and commonly used expressions, to achieve the beginning level proficiency in reading and writing as well as in speaking. Credit is not given for KOR 221 if credit for KOR 202 has been earned. Prerequisite: Ability to speak and understand spoken Korean as determined by a placement test and an instructor. Students with prior knowledge of Korean must take the placement test in August. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 222   Korean Reading and Writing II   credit: 4 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 221 and second semester of spoken and written Korean for the students with background in Korean. Students learn basic grammar, vocabulary, and commonly used expressions, to achieve the beginning-intermediate level proficiency in reading and writing as well as in speaking of Korean. Credit is not given for KOR 222 if credit for KOR 202 has been earned; determination is based on the placement test. Prerequisite: KOR 221 or as determined by a placement test and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 221 at this University. Otherwise, those with prior knowledge of Korean must take placement test in January. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 241   Korean Reading and Writing III   credit: 4 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 222 and first semester of the second year of spoken and written Korean. Students learn grammar and vocabulary to achieve intermediate-level speaking, listening, reading and writing in Korean. Credit is not given for KOR 241 if credit for KOR 204 has been earned; determination is based on the placement exam. Prerequisite: KOR 222 or as determined by a placement exam and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 222 at this University. Otherwise, those with prior knowledge of Korean must take the placement exam in August. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 242   Korean Reading and Writing IV   credit: 4 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 241 and second semester of the second year of spoken and written Korean. Students are exposed to theme-related passages and dialogues, practicing speaking, listening, reading, and writing, in order to achieve advanced-intermediate level proficiency in Korean. Credit is not given for KOR 242 if credit for KOR 306 has been earned. Prerequisite: KOR 241 or as determined by a placement exam and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 241 at this University. Otherwise, those with prior knowledge of Korean must take the placement test in January. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 305   Advanced Korean I   credit: 5 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 204 and first semester of third year Korean. Concentrates on enhancing the level of fluency in speaking, listening, reading and writing of Korean. Students learn more advanced-level vocabulary and expressions and read more authentic texts in Korean. Credit is not given for KOR 305 if credit for KOR 241 has been earned; determination is based on placement test. Prerequisite: KOR 204 or as determined by a placement exam and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 204 at this University. Otherwise, they should take the placement test in August. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 306   Advanced Korean II   credit: 5 Hours.

Continuation of KOR 305 and second semester of third year Korean. Concentrates on enhancing the level of fluency in speaking, listening, reading and writing of Korean. Students will learn about more advanced-level vocabulary and everyday expressions and read texts in Korean where Korean culture is introduced and discussed. Credit is not given for KOR 306 if credit for KOR 242 has been earned. Prerequisite: KOR 305 or as determined by a placement test and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 305 at this University. Otherwise, they should take the placement text in January. Sign up for the exam in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 440   Fourth Year Korean I   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Develop the ability to engage in fluent discourse, to understand authentic texts through the acquisition of advanced-level vocabulary and expressions, and to refine and improve their writing in Korean. Students are expected to engage in class discussions on various topics of Korean culture and society. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: KOR 306 or KOR 242 or as determined by a placement test and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 306 or KOR 242 at this University. Otherwise, those with prior knowledge of Korean should take the placement exam in August. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Department (244-2725).

KOR 441   Fourth Year Korean II   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Allows advanced students to further develop their reading comprehension of authentic texts through the acquisition of advanced-level vocabulary and expressions, and to discuss and write on various topics and issues related to contemporary Korea. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: KOR 440 or as determined by a placement test and an instructor. Students must have taken KOR 440 at this University. Otherwise, those with prior knowledge of Korean should take the placement test in January. Sign up for the test in the office of the EALC Office (244-2725).