BDI - Business Data & Innovation
BDI 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar credit: 1 to 5 Hours.
Individual investigations or research projects selected by the students, subject to approval by the selected faculty member and the executive officer of the Department. May be repeated in the same or separate terms to a maximum of 5 hours, if topics vary.
BDI 367 Data Visualization and Communication credit: 3 Hours.
Once a researcher or a practitioner has completed the analyses of their data, they may assume that it is a simple process to communicate their findings to relevant stakeholders, but this is almost always an incorrect assumption. Proper data communication and storytelling begins even before data is analyzed and there are proven strategies to better connect the story behind and from the data to relevant stakeholders, especially within the context of business practice. This course will focus on helping students better position themselves to successfully tell the persuasive story flowing from their data. We will use tools such as Tableau, Flourish, and the Social Media Macroscope to assist our data storytelling journey. Prerequisite: Restricted to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.
BDI 411 Blockchain, Tokens, and Their Application in Business credit: 3 or 4 Hours.
A Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, public ledger that contains transactions grouped together into blocks that are chained together by using cryptography. Since the introduction of Bitcoin, blockchain technology has continued to evolve, leading to an explosion of applications in areas as diverse as accounting, finance, information systems, marketing, and supply chains. As a result, blockchains are profoundly impacting business and governments around the world. This course introduces blockchain technologies including new constructs such as digital currencies, distributed ledgers, smart contracts, tokens, and decentralized autonomous organizations, and explores their application in business and society. This course has no pre-requisites and is open to students from any college. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
BDI 475 Introduction to Data Analytics Applications in Business credit: 3 Hours.
Introduces the role, methods, and implications of data analytics in business. Building on prior coursework on the fundamentals of analytics and related statistical analyses, this course provides students the opportunity to apply related theoretical and practical principles to a variety of business scenarios. After completing this course, students should (1) have a foundational understanding of the role of data analytics in business and (2) be able to apply this knowledge to real-world clients, business decisions, etc. This course will provide you the opportunity to develop and improve (1) written and oral communication skills in the form of interpersonal interaction, discussion, reports/presentations, etc., (2) knowledge of the use of spreadsheets, Python, and other analytics tools in performing common business analytics and decision-modeling, and (3) knowledge of data visualization software used for analytics-related exploration, hypothesis testing, and results-based organization and communication. Cases, class discussion, and other projects emphasize the importance of independent thinking, group processes, and communication for professional business practice. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit.
With the explosive growth of new technologies, seemingly every profession is facing potential disruption. In fact, some claim that artificial intelligence alone will displace millions of jobs; while others claim that this same technology will also create even more jobs. In this course we explore how to peer through the fog of disruption in order to make informed strategic decisions. Specifically, in this course you will learn about strategic framing to understand the global landscape, we will discuss probability and risk to quantify the opportunities and challenges, and we will examine different technologies at a high-level and discuss how they may impact, positively and negatively, both society and business. This course has no pre-requisites and is open to students from any college. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
BDI 513 Data Storytelling credit: 4 Hours.
Once a researcher or a practitioner has completed the analyses of their data, they may assume that it is a simple process to communicate their findings to relevant stakeholders, but this is almost always an incorrect assumption. Proper data communication and storytelling begins even before data are analyzed and there are proven strategies to better connect the story behind and from the data to relevant stakeholders, especially within the context of business practice. This course will focus on helping students better position themselves to successfully tell the persuasive story flowing from their data. Prerequisite: Enrollment in a graduate degree program or consent of the department.
BDI 577 Disruption and Emerging Technologies credit: 4 Hours.
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, it is crucial for individuals to develop a comprehensive understanding of emerging technologies and their potential impact on various sectors. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to critically analyze emerging technologies, assess their development, explore current applications, and identify challenges that may hinder their future impact. Credit is not given toward graduation for both BDI 477 and BDI 577. Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the online Master of Business Administration (iMBA) program or the online Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA) program.
BDI 593 Special Research Problems credit: 1 to 8 Hours.
Individual investigations or research projects selected by the students, subject to approval by the graduate adviser and the executive officer of the Department. May be repeated in the same or separate terms to a maximum of 8 hours, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Enrollment in graduate degree program.