ADV - Advertising

ADV Class Schedule


ADV 120   Consumer Data and Society   credit: 3 Hours.

Data are everywhere! In our phones, our homes, our cars, the media, the shops, and more. But what do we know or think about that data and how data are being used in our everyday lives? This introductory course explores the intersection of consumer data and society, equipping students with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate, analyze, and interpret data in everyday life. This is not a math course, but you will gain numeracy and understanding of data and statistics as you consider concepts, questions, and ways of thinking about data through the lens of advertising, media, politics, consumer behavior, and life. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical applications, students will develop a critical understanding of how data shapes our world and how to use data responsibly and effectively to solve consumer and business problems.

ADV 150   Introduction to Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduction to the practice and profession of advertising. Course material covers various functional areas of advertising and integrated brand promotion, including account planning, creative, media, research, consumer behavior, sales promotion and interactive advertising. Topics also include how advertising relates to society in cultural, social, ethical and regulatory contexts. Open to all undergraduate majors.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci

ADV 175   Introduction to Multicultural Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines the multifaceted role diversity (including racial, gender, orientation, ability status) plays in the delivery and reception of advertising. Additionally, it examines the development of diversity as a marketplace practice and on the development of the advertising industry. We'll analyze advertising using a historical, cultural, and social perspective and address issues of diversity in the industry. We will also critically review current issues of multicultural, transcultural and multidimensional advertising and marketing. In the process we’ll grapple with current theories on race and implicit /explicit bias and prejudice and their impact upon the production of advertising and consumer communications.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Cultural Studies - US Minority

ADV 199   Undergraduate Seminar   credit: 1 to 5 Hours.

May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours in separate semesters, if topics vary.

ADV 200   Data Literacy   credit: 3 Hours.

No matter what your major, or the job you plan to get, becoming fluent at working with data is a sought-after skill. Through lectures and guided workshops, this course provides hands-on- training on fundamentals of data exploration (asking the right questions), data gathering and data analysis (understanding and describing the situation) as well as communicating with data (telling a compelling story through data visualizations). Students learn how to find datasets in online archives and repositories, and are introduced to the commonly used software packages and techniques (spreadsheets, text analytics, social computing). We also focus on critical issues such as data ethics and privacy. We also learn basic computer programming aimed at data analysis. No prior knowledge of research methods, statistics or programming is required.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Quantitative Reasoning I

ADV 201   Social Media and Personal Branding   credit: 3 Hours.

Creating a personal brand is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s expected and vital to social media influencers, student athletes and online celebrities. This course focuses on practical strategies for building and maintaining a strong personal brand on social media for career advancement and social influence. Students will develop advanced social media strategy skills and identify risks involved in online reputation management. This course will help you create an authentic personal brand and amplify your career.

ADV 212   Advertising History   credit: 3 Hours.

In this course, you will develop a rich knowledge base of advertising and the advertising industry as it has evolved in the United States over the last two centuries. Included will be an analysis of the key events, forces, people and technology. Credit is not given for ADV 212 if credit has been earned in ADV 312.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Humanities - Hist & Phil

ADV 214   Sports Advertising & Branding   credit: 3 Hours.

Explores sports advertising and branding. Students will learn about relationships between advertising, media, integrated communications, sports, athletes, events, experiences, and brand partners across amateur, collegiate, and professional sports. Students develop insights and skills related to research, segmenting audiences, consumer behavior, brand strategy, creative messaging, and media in the sports industry. Topics such as e-sports, gaming, Name-Image- Likeness, personal branding, and endorsements are discussed. Students explore historical, ethical and cultural considerations in sports advertising.

ADV 222   Copywriting   credit: 3 Hours.

For students considering a career in persuasive writing or just striving to become better creative thinkers and communicators, this course explores advertising copywriting concepts, processes and best practices. We'll craft headlines, body copy and scripts for a variety of media, all in the context of audience, strategy, design and the Big Idea. Writing-intensive and portfolio-building, with consideration for cultural trends and artificial intelligence. Credit is not given for this course and ADV 400: Copywriting. This course will use the Packback plug-in app on Canvas, which comes with a small usage fee (up to $25). Prerequisite: ADV 150. Restricted to Advertising majors or instructor approval.

ADV 250   Advertising and Brand Strategy   credit: 3 Hours.

Designed to help students acquire brand decision-making skills. Advertising and marketing theories, practical problems and traditional cases will be studied as they learn to build a strong brand strategy that will lead to a strong brand advertising strategy. This encompasses every facet of making advertising decisions for a brand. This involves understanding the content a consumer requires, how the consumer will come in contact with the brand, and what is the goal of the connection between consumer and content/contact. Credit is not given toward graduation for ADV 250 and ADV 283.

ADV 270   Principles of Sales   credit: 3 Hours.

This course focuses on the development of the sales process and the role of sales and sales people within organizations. It will also consider consultative and persuasive selling and interpersonal relationship building. It will include sales proposals, and simulation exercises that will reinforce concepts learned within the classroom. It will also feature exposure to sales experts from different areas of business.

ADV 280   Introduction to Advertising Media   credit: 3 Hours.

Students will be introduced to advertising in media, including an understanding of the contemporary media landscape and the ways in audiences use media. We will primarily discuss media concepts and media tools that are commonly used by advertising professionals to collect and interpret media insights for advertising.

ADV 281   Advertising Research Methods   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces students to the wide spectrum of qualitative and quantitative research techniques that are commonly used in the advertising industry. In addition to examining the principles, methods and techniques of advertising research, the course will address issues such as when research should and should not be conducted, analyzing data sets, forming meaningful research questions, figuring out how to answer the questions, and presenting the answers to these questions in a clear and compelling manner. Prerequisite: STAT 100 or equivalent or ADV 200.

ADV 284   Consumer Insight   credit: 3 Hours.

Course focuses on methods of eliciting consumer insight. In particular, this class introduces the process and applied outcomes of consumer insight in terms of building brand strategy. Techniques for persuasive presentation of insight will also be introduced.

ADV 290   Special Topics in Advertising   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Designed to offer freshmen and sophomores opportunity to take courses in advertising's most recent developments. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours in separate terms, if topics vary.

ADV 301   Becoming an Influencer   credit: 3 Hours.

Explores the everyday impact the influencer economy has on our purchasing decisions, political engagement, and social activism. This new celebrity class illustrates the critical importance that public relations, advertising, marketing, and communications management has on influencer marketing and influencer relations. The course will identify the evolving strategies, tactics, and techniques that drive the influencer ecosystem, evaluate the social and cultural impact of influencer marketing and engagement on organizations and audiences, and assess the racial and gender dynamics that are created and recreated within this quickly evolving marketing and creative arena. Finally, students will focus on the development of influencer generated branded content across for-profit, nonprofit, and human rights organizations. Eligible for the PR Minor: Credit is not given towards graduation for both ADV 301 and ADV 290.

ADV 305   Advertising Technology and the Digital World   credit: 3 Hours.

Digital communication and information technologies have profoundly changed nearly every aspect of our day-to-day lives. Advertising stands as the central funding model for many of these technologies, including search engines, social networks, news media, and a host of other platforms and services. This course systematically examines the role of these technologies in shaping our lives—and the role of the advertising industry in shaping these technologies. It is designed to prepare students to live and work in our increasingly digital world, and to understand the impact of digital communication and information technologies in their lives.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci

ADV 310   Intro to Public Relations   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces the student to the practice and profession of public relations. Course material covers topics such as the history of public relations, the role of law and ethics in public relations, and theories that guide public relations research and practice. The course will also introduce roles played by public relations practitioners within organizations, such as media relations, consumer relations, employee relations, community relations, and investor relations.

ADV 311   Classic Campaigns   credit: 3 Hours.

Analyzes the most recognized and successful direct mail, print, radio, television and digital advertising campaigns of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Includes particular attention to their strategy and development as well as their social, cultural, and economic impact.

ADV 314   Sports Public Relations   credit: 3 Hours.

Sports public relations is designed to show the management function of developing and sustaining two-way lines of communication, understanding, acceptance, and cooperation between a sports organization and all the other stakeholders, including team, athlete, league, organization, company and brand and its respective publics. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class standing. Eligible for PR minor.

ADV 320   Sales Management   credit: 3 Hours.

This course addresses conceptual and methodological issues related to the management of sales within organizations. Responsibilities, function and skills necessary to be an effective sales manager are covered, including an evaluation of sales organization structures, recruiting, selecting, testing, and training of salespeople. Related topics include compensation plans, controlling expenses, sales forecasting/projections, routing, quotas, ethics and motivation. It will consist of lectures, role playing exercises, and also may include guest lectures from industry leaders/alumni with experience in sales management.

ADV 333   Agency Experience   credit: 3 Hours.

This is the class that runs like an agency: a fast-paced, hands-on environment where students plan, develop and execute innovative advertising campaigns and materials for real clients. Students take on specialized roles related to research, strategy, creative, media and account direction, and will apply creative problem solving, design thinking, data literacy and professionalism to address client goals and develop impactful work. Clients include the Department of Advertising, as well as other educational and nonprofit organizations. Credit is not given toward graduation for ADV 333 and ADV 400 or ADV 490 Sandage Studios. Prerequisite: ADV 250, ADV 284, or instructor approval. Restricted to Advertising or CS + Advertising majors.

ADV 350   Writing for Public Relations   credit: 3 Hours.

Focuses on the strategy of crafting and delivering PR messages to various audiences with special emphasis on pre-writing, preparation, revision and presentation. Prerequisite: ADV 310.

ADV 360   Innovations in Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Intended to improve creative and critical thinking skill in advertising planning by understanding the core technology and perspective of digital and other innovative media in the context of integrated communication. This will allow students to understand how consumers perceive and process digital advertising messages; to research critical questions in digital consumer behavior; to learn how to utilize digital and non-digital media in the context of integrated communication; to apply knowledge of digital communication technology to the real-world advertising cases. Credit is not given toward graduation for ADV 360 and ADV 460. Prerequisite: ADV 250 or ADV 283; ADV 284. Restricted to Advertising or Agricultural Communications or Computer Science & Advertising or Ag Communications-Advertising major(s) or minor(s). Restricted to students with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior.

ADV 370   Sales and the Consumer   credit: 3 Hours.

This course focuses on different topics related to consumer behavior management, and the consumer's relationships to the sales process. It will include case studies and exercises that will facilitate application of effective sales techniques.

ADV 376   Global Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Explores culture, brands, and advertising. Through advertising analysis, case studies and an applied culture and advertising project, students will develop strategies for advertising and communicating messages to local and global audiences. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior status.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci
Cultural Studies - Western

ADV 378   Psychology of Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Designed to familiarize students with theory and research at the intersection of advertising and psychology. Explores issues pertaining to advertising psychology, including: understanding how and why people think, how & why advertising persuades, basic research methods, the emergence of trends, attitudes and persuasion, human and brand personality, cross-cultural advertising, implicit consumer cognition and behavior, emotions, and more. Prerequisite: ADV 281 or equivalent. Restricted to students with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci

ADV 390   Content Creation   credit: 3 Hours.

Explores theories of creativity; situates creativity and creative practices within the social structure of organizations that develop creative content; examines the relationship between creative strategy, creative concepts and creative executions; exposes students to the practice of creating content for traditional and non-traditional media vehicles.

ADV 391   Creative Advertising for Non-Majors   credit: 3 Hours.

Explore the creative side of advertising – writing and art, ideation through execution, for traditional and non-traditional media. This course also provides non-majors with some fundamentals of the field such as research, brand strategy, consumer insights, and media. Prerequisite: Not intended for Advertising or CS+Advertising majors.

ADV 392   Advertising Immersion and Experiential Learning   credit: 1 to 6 Hours.

Covers a variety of topics designed to help students learn more about, and be better prepared to enter, the advertising industry as professionals. Course content will include an overview of careers in the advertising industry while paying particular attention to areas of future career growth. This course is centered on experiential learning where students will participate in interactive discussions and create advertising strategies with industry professionals at media related agencies and other industry businesses. Credit hour(s) are determined by the instructor and approved by the department head. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Approved for both Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours, if topics vary.

ADV 393   Advertising and Society   credit: 3 Hours.

Provides a critical understanding of advertising's role in modern society. Advertising will be studied as a cultural force and social institution. Its role will be examined in relation to communications, economics, and political and legal systems. Credit is not given for ADV 393 if credit for ADV 493 has been earned. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class standing.
This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:
Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci

ADV 396   Research Experience in Advertising   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Supervised participation in research and scholarly activities, usually as an assistant to an investigator. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: ADV 150, ADV 281, or written consent of instructor.

ADV 399   Advertising Study Abroad   credit: 1 to 5 Hours.

Provides credit toward undergraduate degree for undertaking study and/or a research project through faculty led programs or from an accredited foreign institution or approved overseas program. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in the same or separate terms to a maximum of 18 hours. Final determination of appropriate credit will be made upon completion of the work done abroad and/or on campus. Prerequisite: One academic year (or one semester in the case of transfer students) in residence at UIUC, good academic standing, completion of at least thirty semester hours toward the bachelor's degree, and prior approval of the Department of Advertising. Some programs have additional requirements.

ADV 400   Special Problems   credit: 0 to 3 Hours.

Special projects, research, and independent reading in advertising for students capable of individual work under the guidance of a faculty adviser. 0 to 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated in the same or in multiple semesters, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Written research proposal and consent of department.

ADV 409   Media Entrepreneurship   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces students to the foundations of entrepreneurship and evolving business models for media. Students are introduced to the foundation and context of entrepreneurship. The course will cover the skills and practices necessary for new entrepreneurial ventures, as well as the processes of evaluating an idea, assessing the market, and implementing a new venture. Finally, students will examine business case studies for both successful and unsuccessful media start-ups. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing in the College of Media.

ADV 410   Public Relations Strategies   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines the intersection of public relations strategies and communication tactics used by organizations to meet reputation and relationship management objectives with relevant publics and stakeholder groups, such as journalists, consumers, employees, investors, government officials and agencies and community members. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: ADV 310.

ADV 452   Creative Concepts I   credit: 3 or 4 Hours.

Planning and execution of advertising across media, with emphasis on the creation of campaigns 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ADV 390 and consent of instructor (required).

ADV 454   Creative Concepts II   credit: 3 Hours.

This portfolio-oriented course builds upon the core competencies acquired in ADV 452 and applies them to solving real-world advertising problems with integrated creative consumer communications efforts than span traditional and new media. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ADV 452.

ADV 461   Computational Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Explores the emerging landscape of computational advertising and provides students with a thorough understanding of digital advertising mechanisms, including topics like programmatic advertising, auctions, (behavioral) targeting, and attribution. Students also discuss the role of the digital traces left by consumers and how they can be used to generate insights to improve communication efforts. An emphasis is placed on privacy and ethical issues. Legal issues entrenched in digital advertising are also discussed. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: ADV 284. Restricted to Juniors or Seniors.

ADV 475   Multicultural Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Examines the role of multicultural issues upon advertising both as a practice and as an industry. Incorporates historical perspectives to understand the foundational role race, age, and sexual orientation has played in advertising and marketing and will address current issues of racial imagery in advertising, racial diversity in the industry, and a variety of topics related involving multicultural advertising and marketing. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours.

ADV 480   Social Media Analytics   credit: 3 Hours.

Social media analytics is the art and science of extracting valuable hidden insights from vast amounts of semi-structured and unstructured social media data to enable informed and insightful decision making. ADV 480 is an advanced course designed to provide the students with (1) well-grounded understanding of social media analytics, (2) techniques of extracting and analyzing Twitter analytics, and (3) skills of interpreting and aligning insights gained with organizational goals and objectives. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Credit is not given towards graduation for ADV 480 if credit for ADV 490 SMA Social Media Analytics has been earned. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with Junior, Senior, or Graduate class standing.

ADV 482   Qualitative Research Methods in Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Provides students with knowledge and experience conducting qualitative methods used in advertising and consumer research (e.g., focus groups, interviews, netnography). 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit.

ADV 483   Audience Analysis   credit: 3 Hours.

Analyzes audiences and matches consumer insights with strategic ideas for brand communication, contact, and connection. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ADV 250 or ADV 283 and ADV 284. Restricted to students with Senior OR Graduate class standing.

ADV 484   Quantitative Research Methods   credit: 3 Hours.

Advanced undergraduate course on quantitative research methods in advertising and consumer behavior. In-depth coverage of descriptive research, experimental research, descriptive and inferential statistics, and computer analysis and interpretation of actual data. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: ADV 281.

ADV 490   Advanced Special Topics in Advertising   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Covers current issues in various advertising areas not studied extensively in other courses. 1 to 3 undergraduate hours. 1 to 3 graduate hours. May be repeated in the same or separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Announced separately for each topic. Restricted to students with Junior, Senior, or Graduate class standing.

ADV 491   Digital Content and Social Media Management   credit: 3 Hours.

Application of analytical planning concepts to advertising planning, decision making, and managing social media accounts. Covers all of the decision making areas of advertising and social media management. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with Junior, Senior, or Graduate class standing.

ADV 492   Tech and Advertising Campaigns   credit: 3 Hours.

With the maturation of the internet as an advertising and media channel, advertising, journalism, and communications students need to know more about technology and how that impacts their messages and designs. Likewise, computer scientists could benefit from knowledge of what the end user is looking for when designing web content, applications and other web-based media. Students in this course will gain design knowledge as well as a hands-on experience in completing a technology-driven advertising campaign. Students will participate in engineering, advertising and project management activities with individual as well as team responsibilities. Same as CS 468. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Credit is not given for ADV 492 and ADV 498. Prerequisite: CS 225 or consent of instructors. Junior or senior standing in Advertising or Computer Science.

ADV 494   Persuasion Consumer Response   credit: 3 Hours.

Addresses what makes a mass-mediated message persuasive by reviewing theories of mass communication and persuasion, consumer information-processing, and advertising effectiveness measures. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: ADV 281.

ADV 495   Internship Seminar   credit: 1 Hour.

Seminar based on internship experience. Offered for College of Media students who complete an approved professional, industry related internship. 1 undergraduate hour. 1 graduate hour. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same term to a maximum of 2 undergraduate hours or 2 graduate hours. May be repeated in subsequent terms to a maximum of 3 undergraduate hours or 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

ADV 496   UG Research Project   credit: 1 to 3 Hours.

Supervised investigation of student-driven research on special topics related to advertising in individual or collaborative format. Topic and nature of research may vary. Capstone paper required. Type of course: Lecture-discussion 1 to 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated up to 3 hours in the same term or 6 hours in separate terms, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Evidence of adequate preparation for such study; consent of faculty member supervising the work; and approval of the department head. Restricted to majors only. Not available to freshman.

ADV 497   Colloquium in Advertising   credit: 1 Hour.

Current topics, cases, and research in advertising are presented in a forum that fosters critical thinking and engagement. Weekly presentation and discussion of current research and cases by faculty, undergraduate/graduate students, visiting scholars and visiting professionals. 1 undergraduate hour. No graduate credit. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated up to 2 hours in separate terms, if topics vary. Prerequisite: ADV 281 and consent of instructor.

ADV 498   The Sandage Project   credit: 3 Hours.

This course is named after the founder of the Advertising Department, Charles H. Sandage (known as the "father of advertising education"). His vision of educating the future of the industry was grounded in theoretical and foundational courses emphasizing the "why of advertising" - not just the "how." In this course, students will integrate the concepts, experiences, and skills that have been learned in the curriculum with a service-learning project. 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: ADV 250 or ADV 283, ADV 360 or ADV 460, and ADV 390.

ADV 509   Media Entrepreneurship   credit: 3 Hours.

Introduces students to the foundations of entrepreneurship and evolving business models for media. Students are introduced to the foundation and context of entrepreneurship. The course will cover the skills and practices necessary for new entrepreneurial ventures, as well as the processes of evaluation an idea, assessing the market, and implementing a new venture. Finally, students will examine business case studies for both successful and unsuccessful media start-ups. Credit is not given for both ADV 409 and ADV 509. Prerequisite: Limited to MS Advertising students.

ADV 550   Foundations of Advertising   credit: 3 Hours.

Explores the development of American advertising through the 20th and into the early 21st century. Analyzes and evaluates American advertising through these primary areas: ethics, advertising philosophies, advertising structure, advertising education, its broader social impact, the role of media and technologies, and its place within a global framework. Prerequisite: Consent of department.

ADV 580   Advertising Theory   credit: 3 Hours.

Reviews classic and contemporary theories used in advertising research and practice with multidisciplinary emphasis. Through reading, discussion and independent research, students will understand how basic social science and humanities research and advertising scholarship are related; how theories and concepts are applied, adapted, constrained and combined when applied to advertising and other communication issues; and how research evolves over time.

ADV 581   Quanti Research Methods in Adv   credit: 3 Hours.

Provides students with an overview of quantitative research methodology in advertising and consumer behavior. Students will learn appropriate uses and techniques for conducting exploratory (e.g., focus groups, literature searches), descriptive (e.g., observational techniques, surveys), and casual (randomized- and quasi-experiments) research. Ethical considerations in research, and limitations of quantitative research will play an important role throughout the course. Students will learn basic descriptive and inferential statistical analyses to help analyze, and make sense of quantitative data. Prerequisite: Basic statistics course.

ADV 582   Qualitative Rsrch in Advert   credit: 3 Hours.

Treatment of basic research concepts and procedures in the social sciences with emphasis on advertising. Prerequisite: Consent of the department.

ADV 587   Graduate Seminar I   credit: 3 Hours.

Provides advertising students and faculty the opportunity to interact on significant topics. It draws on a wide range of perspectives to explore not only foundational theories and research in advertising, but also current issues, contemporary analytical approaches, and emerging trends in advertising scholarship and practice. Prerequisite: Consent of department.

ADV 588   Graduate Seminar II   credit: 3 Hours.

Students write research proposals in this course. Prerequisite: The grade of B or better in ADV 587.

ADV 590   Special Topics in Advertising   credit: 1 to 4 Hours.

May be repeated in the same or in multiple semesters if topics vary. Prerequisite: Consent of department.

ADV 594   Advanced Topics in Advertising   credit: 4 Hours.

This seminar explores topics associated with advertising theory and research. Topics will vary across different course offerings. They will include classic elements of advertising theory (e.g. persuasion, attitudes, cognition, emotion, motivation), as well as current research frontiers (e.g. decision-making, computational advertising, psychophysiology, gaming, social media). May be repeated up to 12 hours, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Ph.D. student or instructor approval.

ADV 597   Proseminar in Advertising   credit: 1 Hour.

Current topics, cases, and research in advertising are presented in a forum that fosters critical thinking and engagement. Weekly presentation and discussion of current research and cases by faculty, undergraduate/graduate students, visiting scholars and visiting professionals. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated up to 4 graduate hours in separate terms.

ADV 598   Professional Project   credit: 0 to 6 Hours.

This is a capstone course – where individuals will complete their final project for the MS Advertising degree. The project showcases the student’s mastery of knowledge in the primary areas of advertising. Students can enroll in 0, 3, or 6 graduate credits – for a maximum of 6 credits during their degree program. Approved for S/U grading only. Course Description: May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: A grade of B or better in ADV 588.

ADV 599   Thesis Research   credit: 0 to 6 Hours.

Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in separate terms. Prerequisite: ADV 588 and consent of the department.